Songs and ritual texts: Table of contents

David Bar-Tzur

Created 4 June 2004, links updated monthly with the help of LinkAlarmKing David playing a harp

(From [Religion - Ms. Templeton], which is no longer extant.)

I have translated over a thousand songs throughout my career and post them here as I continue to do so. I have added some explanation after each songs to help you understand what I am trying to express by my glossing. For further help, see Glossing system used for songs and ritual texts. One feature that comes up often in the glossing of these songs is the HONORIFIC-INDEX, that is when the upturned [B^] points the FT at the person or persons (also God) that is being referred to and descends slightly. I have indicated this by underlining the pronoun: ME, YOU, HE, etc., with (2h)YOU, being used for the plural form of "you". English lyrics have been included for most songs. If a title is followed by this icon: signing hands, there is a link to a video of that song in ASL on that page.

ALTERNATIVE: LGBTIQ and Feminist CHRISTIAN: Ordinary time (non-holiday) CHRISTIAN: Advent & Christmas CHRISTIAN: Lent, Easter & Pentecost
MUSLIM JEWISH: Chanukah JEWISH: Full services JEWISH: Individual songs and texts

Alternative (LGBTIQ and Feminist)

Stained glass bullet

Best friend (The unicorn song).

Stained glass bulletBrothers, sing on! - Edvard Grieg.

Stained glass bulletCome out singing.

Stained glass bulletDon't I have the right? - Woody.

Stained glass bulletFamily.

Stained glass bulletGood thing he can't read my mind - Christine Lavin.

Stained glass bulletSeasons of love - Jonathan Larson.

Stained glass bulletSomewhere over the rainbow - Harold Arlen & E.Y. Harburg.

Stained glass bulletThe boy from... - Stephen Sondheim & Mary Rogers.

Stained glass bulletThere is nothing like a queen.

Stained glass bulletTogether!.

Stained glass bulletTo our friends.

Stained glass bulletWe are a gentle, angry people - Holly Near.

Stained glass bulletWe are brothers, we are sisters.

Stained glass bulletWe are the light of the world - Jean Anthony Greif.

CHRISTIAN: Ordinary time (non-holiday)


Stained glass bullet

40 - U2.

Illuminated letter A

Stained glass bullet

A mighty fortress is our God - Martin Luther, alt. text Arvella Schuller.

Stained glass bulletAbba! Father! - Carey Landry.

Stained glass bulletAbide with me - Henry F. Lyte & William H. Monk.signing hands

Stained glass bulletAbide with me tis eventide.signing hands

Stained glass bulletAbundant life - Ruth Duck & Marty Haugen.

Stained glass bulletAffirmation of Faith - United Church of Canada, A New Creed.

Stained glass bulletAgainst the grain - writers?.

Stained glass bulletAge to age - Janet Vogt.

Stained glass bulletAll are welcome - Marty Haugen.

Stained glass bulletAll beautiful the march of days - Ralph Vaughan Williams & Frances W. Wile.

Stained glass bulletAll creatures of our God and King - Francis of Assisi (trans. William H. Draper) & Anonymous.signing hands

Stained glass bulletAll the earth - Lucien Deiss.

Stained glass bulletAll glory, laud and honor - Theodulph of Orleans.

Stained glass bulletAll good gifts - Matthias Claudius (trans. Jane M. Campbell) & Kevin Keil.

Stained glass bulletAll hail, adored Trinity - Anglo-Saxon, (trans.) J. D. Chambers; Sharon Illsley & Mont Richard.

Stained glass bulletAll hail, blessed Trinity - Old hundredth.

Stained glass bulletAll hail the power of Jesus' name - Edward Perronet & Oliver Holden.

Stained glass bulletAll I ask of you - Gregory Norbet.

Stained glass bulletAll I want - David Haas.

Stained glass bulletAll I want to do is love you.

Stained glass bulletAll my life - David Haas.

Stained glass bulletAll the ends of the earth - David Haas & Marty Haugen.

Stained glass bulletAlleluia! Alleluia! - Christopher Wordsworth.

Stained glass bulletAlleluia! Alleluia! Let the holy anthem rise - Edward Caswall & St. Basil's hymnal, 1889.

Stained glass bulletAlleluia! Give the glory - Ken Canedo & Bob Hurd.

Stained glass bulletAlleluia! Let us rejoice! - David Haas.

Stained glass bulletAlleluia! Raise the gospel - Owen Alstott & Bernadette Farrell

Stained glass bulletAlleluia sing! - David Haas.

Stained glass bulletAlleluia! sing to Jesus! - William C. Dix & Rowland H. Pritchard.

Stained glass bulletAmazing grace - John Newton.

Stained glass bulletAmerica the beautiful - Katharine Lee Bates & Samuel Ward.signing hands

Stained glass bulletAmén. El Cuerpo de Cristo - John Schiavone.

Stained glass bulletAnthem - Tom Conry.

Stained glass bulletAre you washed in the blood? - Elisha A. Hoffman.

Stained glass bulletArise, shine out! - David Haas.

Stained glass bulletAs a little child - Joseph M. Martin.

Stained glass bulletAs I search the Holy Scriptures.signing hands

Stained glass bulletAs morning breaks/My soul is thirsting (Psalm 63) - Steve Angrisano.

Stained glass bulletAs sisters in Zion.signing hands

Stained glass bulletAs the deer longs (Psalm 42) - Dana Harkin.

Stained glass bulletAs water to the thirsty - Timothy Dudley-Smith & David Haas.

Stained glass bulletAs Zion's youth in latter days.signing hands

Stained glass bulletAt evening - Fred Pratt Green & David Haas.

Stained glass bulletAttende Domine - 10th century, Melvin Farrell (trans.).

Stained glass bulletAttende Domine - 10th century, Ralph Wright (trans.).

Stained glass bulletAve Maria.

Stained glass bulletAwake, arise - [author?].

Stained glass bulletAwake My Soul - Caedmon's Call.

Stained glass bulletAwake, O sleeper - Marty Haugen.

Stained glass bulletAwesome - William Murphy.

Stained glass bulletAwesome God - Rich Mullins.

Illuminated letter B

Stained glass bullet

Baptized in water - Michael Saward & Irish folk tune.

Stained glass bulletBattle hymn of the Republic - Julia W. Howe.

Stained glass bulletBe not afraid - Bob Dufford.

Stained glass bulletBe thou humble.signing hands

Stained glass bulletBe Thou my vision - Dallan Forgaill (attrib.), Mary E. Byrne (trans.), Eleanor H. Hull (versed), & Margaret Oberst (music).

Stained glass bulletBe with me - Marty Haugen.

Stained glass bulletBearers of peace - Bernadette Farrell.

Stained glass bulletBeautiful One - Tim Hughes.

Stained glass bulletBecause Of Your Love.signing hands

Stained glass bulletBefore I was born - David Haas.

Stained glass bulletBehold! A royal army.signing hands

Stained glass bulletBehold the Cross - Bob Hurd.

Stained glass bulletBehold the glory of God - Roc O'Connor.

Stained glass bulletBehold the great Redeemer die.signing hands

Stained glass bulletBehold the Lamb - Martin Willett.

Stained glass bulletBehold the Lamb of God - Bob Dufford.

Stained glass bulletBetelehemu (Nigeria) - arr. Barrington Brook.

Stained glass bulletBeyond the moon and stars - Dan Schutte.

Stained glass bulletBless our fast, we pray.signing hands

Stained glass bulletBless the Lord - Dan Brennan, Kevin M. Roth, Marc Cavallero, & Ken Canedo.

Stained glass bulletBless the Lord - Taizé.

Stained glass bulletBless the Lord, my soul (Psalm 146) - Marty Haugen.

Stained glass bulletBless the Lord, my soul (Psalm 147) - Marty Haugen.

Stained glass bulletBlessed are those who mourn - David Haas.

Stained glass bulletBlessed are you - Marty Haugen.

Stained glass bulletBlessed assurance - Fanny Crosby & Phoebe Knapp.

Stained glass bulletBlessed Be Your Name in the land that is plentiful - Beth Redman & Matt Redman.

Stained glass bulletBlessed by your sacrifice - Owen Alstott & Jeanne Frolick.

Stained glass bulletBlest are they - David Haas.

Stained glass bulletBlest are those who love you - Marty Haugen.

Stained glass bulletBlest be the Lord - Daniel L. Schutte.

Stained glass bulletBread of life - Bobby Fisher.

Stained glass bulletBread to share - Marty Haugen.

Stained glass bulletBring forth the kingdom - Marty Haugen.

Stained glass bulletBy name I have called you - John Angiotti.

Stained glass bulletBy the waking of our hearts - Ricky Manalo.

Illuminated letter C

Stained glass bullet

Called to serve.signing hands

Stained glass bulletCan't get out of the kingdom - Kirby Shaw.

Stained glass bulletCanticle of the Sun - Marty Haugen.signing hands

Stained glass bulletCarriers of the Light - Jerry Estes.

Stained glass bulletCatholic mass.

Stained glass bulletCeltic Alleluia: Easter / Sending forth - Fintan O'Carroll & Christopher Walker.

Stained glass bulletCenter of my life - Paul Inwood.

Stained glass bulletChange our hearts - Rory Cooney.

Stained glass bulletChantez à Dieu - Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck.

Stained glass bulletChild of our dreams - Marty Haugen.

Stained glass bulletChild of the poor - Scott Soper.

Stained glass bulletChoose the right.signing hands

Stained glass bulletChrist, be our light - Bernadette Farrell.

Stained glass bulletChrist, circle round us - Dan Schutte.

Stained glass bulletChrist is alive! Let Christians sing - Brian Wren & Dunedin Truro.

Stained glass bulletChrist, the Lord, is risen today - Charles Wesley & Robert Williams.signing hands

Stained glass bulletCity of God - Dan Schutte.

Stained glass bulletCome all you people (Uyai mose) - Zimbabwe folksong, Alexander Gondo.

Stained glass bulletCome and follow me - Tom Franzak.

Stained glass bulletCome, come, ye saints.signing hands

Stained glass bulletCome, follow me.signing hands

Stained glass bulletCome, Holy Ghost, Creator blest - (attr.) Rabanus Maurus, (trans.) Edward Caswall.

Stained glass bulletCome, listen to a prophet's voice.signing hands

Stained glass bulletCome, Lord Jesus, come - Mark Friedman.

Stained glass bulletCome, now, almighty King - Felice de Giardini.

Stained glass bulletCome now is the time to worship - Brian Doerkson.

Stained glass bulletCome, O Holy Spirit - Owen Alstott & Ludwig Beethoven.

Stained glass bulletCome, O Lord - Marty Haugen.

Stained glass bulletCome, o thou King of Kings.signing hands

Stained glass bulletCome, rejoice.signing hands

Stained glass bulletCome, Thou font of every blessing - Robert Robinson & John Wyeth.

Stained glass bulletCome thou long-expected Jesus - Charles Wesley & (1) Rowland Prichard, (2) John Stainer, (3) William Boyce, (4) Christian F. Witt or (5) Felix Mendelssohn.

Stained glass bulletCome to me - Weston Priory.

Stained glass bulletCome to the river - Bob Hurd.

Stained glass bulletCome to the water - John Foley.

Stained glass bulletCome unto Jesus.signing hands

Stained glass bulletCome unto me - Bob Hurd.

Stained glass bulletCome, we that love the Lord.signing hands

Stained glass bulletCome with Me into the Fields - Dan Schutte.

Stained glass bulletCome, worship the Lord - John Michael Talbot.

Stained glass bulletCome, ye children of the Lord.signing hands

Stained glass bulletCome, ye disconsolate.signing hands

Stained glass bulletCome, ye sinners, poor and needy - Joseph Hart & William Walker.

Stained glass bulletCome, ye thankful people, come - Henry Alford & George J. Elvey.signing hands

Stained glass bulletCompanions on the journey - Carey Landry.

Stained glass bulletCount your blessings.signing hands

Stained glass bulletCovenant hymn - Rory Cooney & Gary Daigle.

Stained glass bulletCreate in me - Bob Hurd.

Illuminated letter D

Stained glass bullet

"Day by day" from Godspell - Stephen Schwartz.

Stained glass bulletDays of Elijah - Robin Mark.

Stained glass bulletDearest children, God is near you.signing hands

Stained glass bulletDeep within - David Haas.

Stained glass bulletDid you think to pray.signing hands

Stained glass bulletDisciples in Mission prayer for evangelization.

Stained glass bulletDo what is right.signing hands

Stained glass bulletDona nobis pacem - Audrey Snyder.

Stained glass bulletDon't be worried - Grayson Warren Brown.

Stained glass bulletDwelling place - John Foley.

Illuminated letter E

Stained glass bullet

Each life that touches ours for good.signing hands

Stained glass bulletEagle's wings - Reuben Morgan.

Stained glass bulletEarth and all stars - David Johnson & Herbert F. Brokering.

Stained glass bulletEarthen vessels - John Foley

Stained glass bullet

Eat this bread - Jacques Berthier.

Stained glass bulletE'en So Lord Jesus Quickly Come - Paul Manz.

Stained glass bulletEmmanuel - Steve Angrisano.

Stained glass bulletEnough - Chris Tomlin.

Stained glass bulletEnvía tu Espíritu - Bob Hurd.

Stained glass bulletEvery time I feel the spirit - African American spiritual.

Stained glass bulletExult you just ones - Roc O'Connor.

Stained glass bulletEye has not seen - Marty Haugen.

Illuminated letter F

Stained glass bullet

Faith of our fathers - Frederick W. Faber and James G. Walton.

Stained glass bulletFaithful is our God - Hezekiah Walker.

Stained glass bulletFar, far away in Judea's plains.signing hands

Stained glass bulletFlow river flow - Bob Hurd.

Stained glass bulletFly like a bird - Ken CanedoStained glass bulletFollow the drinking gourd - African American spiritual.

Stained glass bulletFor all the saints - William W. How and Ralph Vaughan Williams.

Stained glass bulletFor the beauty of the earth - Folliot Sandford Pierpoint & St. Hugh.signing hands

Stained glass bulletFor the fruits of this creation - Fred Pratt Green, traditional Welsh tune.

Stained glass bulletFor the healing of the nations - Fred Kaan, various musical settings.

Stained glass bulletFor you are my God - John Foley.

Stained glass bulletForever - Chris Tomlin.

Stained glass bulletForever I will sing - Marty Haugen.

Stained glass bullet40 - U2.

Stained glass bulletFreedom is coming - African American Spiritual.

Illuminated letter G

Stained glass bullet

Gather the people - Dan Schutte.

Stained glass bulletGather us in - Marty Haugen.

Stained glass bulletGently raise the sacred strain.signing hands

Stained glass bulletGift of finest wheat - Robert E. Kreutz.

Stained glass bulletGift of love - Robert C. Trupia.

Stained glass bulletGive God the glory - Joseph Hill.

Stained glass bulletGive me Jesus - African American Spiritual.

Stained glass bulletGloria - Paul Schwarz.

Stained glass bulletGlory and praise to our God - Dan Schutte.

Stained glass bulletGlory be to the Father - "Gloria" from the Catholic mass.

Stained glass bulletGlory to God - David Haas.

Stained glass bulletGlory to God on high.signing hands

Stained glass bulletGo forth with faith.signing hands

Stained glass bulletGo light your world - Kathy Troccoli.

Stained glass bulletGo make a difference - Steve Angrisano & Thomas N. Tomaszek.

Stained glass bulletGo, tell it on the mountain - John W. Work, Jr.

Stained glass bulletGod be with you till we meet again.signing hands

Stained glass bulletGod beyond all names - Bernadette Farrell.

Stained glass bulletGod has chosen me - Bernadette Farrell.

Stained glass bulletGod has done great things for us - Psalm 126, Marty Haugen.

Stained glass bulletGod is alive! - David Haas.

Stained glass bulletGod is love - David Haas.

Stained glass bulletGod is love.signing hands

Stained glass bulletGod loved us, so he sent his Son.signing hands

Stained glass bulletGod of all people - David Haas.

Stained glass bulletGod of day & God of darkness - Beach Spring.

Stained glass bulletGod of our fathers, whose almighty hands.signing hands

Stained glass bulletGod of power, God of right.signing hands

Stained glass bulletGod of the hungry - Scott Soper.

Stained glass bulletGod, our Father, hear us pray.signing hands

Stained glass bulletGod rejoices - Marty Haugen.

Stained glass bulletGod we praise you - Te Deum laudamus, Christopher Idle (trans.), & John Wyeth.

Stained glass bulletGreat and mighty is He - Todd Pettygrove.

Stained glass bulletGreat day!.

Stained glass bulletGreat is Thy faithfulness - Thomas Chisholm & William Runyan.

Stained glass bulletGuide me, O Thou great Jehovah - William Williams, (trans. Peter Williams), John Hughes.signing hands

Illuminated letter H

Stained glass bullet

Hail, holy Queen enthroned above - (trans.) M. Owen Lee & Salve Regina coelitum.

Stained glass bulletHail Mary.

Stained glass bulletHail Mary: Gentle woman - Carey Landry.

Stained glass bulletHalle, halle - Traditional Caribbean.

Stained glass bulletHallelujah pelo tsa rona (South Africa) - arr. Anders Nyberg.

Stained glass bulletHappy are they - David Haas.

Stained glass bulletHark, all ye nations!.signing hands

Stained glass bulletHave I Done Any Good.signing hands

Stained glass bulletHave mercy on us, Lord - 10th century, Melvin Farrell (trans.).

Stained glass bulletHe comes to us as one unknown - Timothy Dudley-Smith.

Stained glass bulletHe gives me a song (He brought me out) - Henry Gilmour.

Stained glass bulletHe has anointed me - Mike Balhoff, Gary Daile & Darryl Ducote.

Stained glass bulletHe hideth my soul - Fanny Crosby & William Kirkpatrick.

Stained glass bulletHe is risen!.signing hands

Stained glass bulletHe lives - Alfred H. Ackley.

Stained glass bulletHealer of every ill - Marty Haugen.

Stained glass bulletHealing river of the Spirit - Ruth C. Duck & Beach Spring.

Stained glass bulletHear us, almighty Lord (Attende Domine) - 10th century, Ralph Wright (trans.).

Stained glass bulletHelp me teach with inspiration.signing hands

Stained glass bulletHere am I, O God - Marty Haugen.

Stained glass bulletHere I am, Lord - Dan Schutte.

Stained glass bulletHere I am, Lord - Michael Ward.

Stained glass bulletHigh on the mountain top.signing hands

Stained glass bulletHoly - Bernadette Farrell.

Stained glass bulletHoly darkness - Dan Schutte.

Stained glass bulletHoly God, we praise Thy name - Ignaz Franz (Clarence A. Walworth, trans.) & "Te Deum," Katholisches Gesangbuch (Vienna: circa 1774).

Stained glass bulletHoly, holy, holy - Reginald Heber & John Dykes.

Stained glass bulletHoly wisdom, lamp of learning - Ruth C. Duck

Stained glass bullet

Home can be Heaven on Earth.signing hands

Stained glass bulletHonduran Alleluia.

Stained glass bulletHope of Israel.signing hands

Stained glass bulletHosanna - David Haas.

Stained glass bulletHosea - Weston Priory.

Stained glass bulletHow beautiful - Consiglio.

Stained glass bulletHow beautiful - Twila Paris.

Stained glass bulletHow firm a foundation - John Rippon & Joseph Funk.signing hands

Stained glass bulletHow gentle God's Commands.signing hands

Stained glass bulletHow great is our God - Chris Tomlin.signing hands

Stained glass bulletHow great the wisdom and the love.signing hands

Stained glass bulletHow great Thou art - Stuart K. Hine.

Stained glass bulletHow lovely is your dwelling place - Randall DeBruyn.

Stained glass bulletHow sweet the Name of Jesus sounds - John Newton.

Stained glass bulletHow wondrous and great.signing hands

Stained glass bulletHumbly, Lord, we worship you - Jeanne Frolick, Paris Processionale.

Stained glass bulletHymn of promise - Sleeth.

Stained glass bulletHymn to the Theotokos (Epi si Heri).

Illuminated letter I

Stained glass bullet

I am a poor wayfaring stranger - Traditional.

Stained glass bulletI am standing waiting - Shirley Erena Murray & Tony Alonso.

Stained glass bulletI am the Bread of Life (Yo soy el pan de vida) - S. Suzanne Toolan.

Stained glass bulletI believe in Christ.signing hands

Stained glass bulletI boast no more - Caedmon's Call

Stained glass bullet

I can only imagine - Mercyme.signing hands

Stained glass bulletI come to the garden alone (In the garden) - C. Austin Miles.

Stained glass bulletI don't feel no ways tired - James Cleveland.

Stained glass bulletI give you my heart - Michael W. Smith.

Stained glass bulletI have loved you - Michael Joncas.

Stained glass bulletI have seen the Lord - Bob Hurd.

Stained glass bulletI heard the voice of Jesus - Horatius Bonar & traditional English melody, adapt. by Ralph Vaughn Williams.

Stained glass bulletI know that my redeemer lives - composer?.

Stained glass bulletI know that my redeemer lives.signing hands

Stained glass bulletI love you, Lord, my strength - Jeffrey Honoré.

Stained glass bulletI put my life in your hands - Marty Haugen.

Stained glass bulletI say "Yes," Lord / Digo "Sí," Señor - Donna Peña.

Stained glass bulletI sing the mighty power of God - Isaac Watts & Jacob Grimm.

Stained glass bulletI stand all amazed.signing hands

Stained glass bulletI want to call you - David Haas.

Stained glass bulletI want to praise your name - Bob Hurd.

Stained glass bulletI want to walk as a child - Kathleen Thomerson.

Stained glass bulletI will be your hands - Mary Van Houten.

Stained glass bulletI will lift up mine eyes.

Stained glass bulletI will lift up my eyes - Tom Conry.

Stained glass bulletI will never leave You - David Haas.

Stained glass bulletI will not bow down - Mars Hill Fellowship.

Stained glass bulletI will praise you, Lord - David Haas.

Stained glass bulletI will praise you, Lord - Julie & Tim Smith.

Stained glass bulletI will praise your name - David Haas.

Stained glass bulletI will praise your name / The hand of the Lord (Psalm 145) - Timothy R. Smith.

Stained glass bulletIf it wasn't for Your grace - Kurt Carr.

Stained glass bulletIf today you hear his voice - David Haas.

Stained glass bulletI'll go where you want me to go.signing hands

Stained glass bulletI'll tell it wherever I go.

Stained glass bulletImmaculate Mary - Jeremiah Cummings, Brian Foley, & Lourdes hymn.

Stained glass bulletImmanuel - Michael Card

Stained glass bullet

In every age - Janet Whitaker.

Stained glass bulletIn Him we live.

Stained glass bulletIn humility, our Savior.signing hands

Stained glass bulletIn the breaking of the bread - Michael Ward.

Stained glass bulletIn the day of the Lord - M. D. Ridge.

Stained glass bulletIn the garden (I come to the garden alone) - C. Austin Miles.

Stained glass bulletIn this place - Trevor Thomson & Victoria Thomson.

Stained glass bulletIrish blessing - Traditional & Carolee R. Curtright.

Stained glass bulletIrish blessing (Blessing prayer) - Traditional & Robert Fabing.

Stained glass bulletIsaiah 49 - Carey Landry.

Stained glass bulletIsrael, Israel, God is calling.signing hands

Stained glass bulletI've been 'buked - African American Spiritual.

Stained glass bulletI've got peace like a river - African American Spiritual.

Illuminated letter J

Stained glass bullet

Jerusalem, My Destiny - Rory Cooney.

Stained glass bulletJesus Christ is risen today - Stanzas 1-3: 14th Century Bohemian Latin carol, John Walsh (trans.); Stanza 4: Charles Wesley. Music: "Llanfair" - Robert Williams.

Stained glass bulletJesus Christ, yesterday, today and forever - Suzanne Toolan.

Stained glass bulletJesus, come to us - David Haas.

Stained glass bulletJesus, heal us - David Haas.

Stained glass bulletJesus is alive.

Stained glass bulletJesus is risen - Laßt uns erfreuen.

Stained glass bulletJesus, Lord - Randall DeBruyn

Stained glass bullet

Jesus of Nazareth, Savior and King.signing hands

Stained glass bulletJesus, once of humble birth.signing hands

Stained glass bulletJesus, Savior, pilot me.signing hands

Stained glass bulletJesus the Lord - Robert F. O'Connor.

Stained glass bulletJesus, the very thought of Thee.signing hands

Stained glass bulletJesus, wine of peace - David Haas

Stained glass bullet

Joseph Smith's first prayer.signing hands

Stained glass bulletJoyful, joyful, we adore thee - Henry van Dyke, Ludwig Beethoven.

Stained glass bulletJust like you - Matt Maher.

Illuminated letter K

Stained glass bullet

Kontakion (Ti Ipermaho).

Stained glass bulletKyrie - Maher.

Stained glass bullet"Kyrie elesion" (Setting two) from Mass of remembrance - Marty Haugen.

Illuminated letter L

Stained glass bullet

Lamb of God (Your only Son) - Twila Paris.

Stained glass bulletLead, kindly light.signing hands

Stained glass bulletLead me into life eternal.signing hands

Stained glass bulletLead me, Lord - John D. Becker.

Stained glass bulletLet all the earth - Marty Haugen.

Stained glass bulletLet all things now living - Katherine K. Davis, Traditional Welsh melody.

Stained glass bulletLet my tongue be silenced - Jeanne Cotter.

Stained glass bulletLet the fire fall - George Misulia.

Stained glass bulletLet the Holy Spirit guide.signing hands

Stained glass bulletLet the King of glory come! - Michael Joncas.

Stained glass bulletLet the Lord enter / Lord, this is the people (Psalm 24) - Timothy R. Smith.

Stained glass bulletLet the rain of Your presence - Danny Chambers.

Stained glass bulletLet the valleys be raised - Dan Schutte.

Stained glass bulletLet there be peace on Earth - Sy Miller & Jill Jackson.

Stained glass bulletLet us all press on.signing hands

Stained glass bulletLet us go rejoicing (Pslam 122) - Steve Angrisan.

Stained glass bulletLet us go rejoicing - Marty Haugen.

Stained glass bulletLet us go rejoicing (Psalm 122) - Bob Hurd.

Stained glass bulletLet us go rejoicing to the house of the Lord (Psalm 122) - Michael Joncas.

Stained glass bulletLet us oft speak kind words.signing hands

Stained glass bulletLet us rejoice - Marty Haugen.

Stained glass bulletLet us talents and tongues employ - Fred Kaan & Doreen Potter.

Stained glass bulletLet your mercy be on us - Marty Haugen.

Stained glass bulletLift every voice and sing - James W. Johnson & John R. Johnson.

Stained glass bulletLift high the cross - George William Kitchin (rev. by Michael Robert Newbolt) & Sydney H. Nicholson.

Stained glass bulletLift up your hearts - Roc O'Connor.

Stained glass bulletLike a little child - composer & lyricist?.

Stained glass bulletLike a shepherd - Bob Dufford.

Stained glass bulletLook what the Lord has done - Mark David Hanby.

Stained glass bulletLook where he brought me from - Tye Tribbett.

Stained glass bulletLord, accept our true devotion.signing hands

Stained glass bulletLord, by your cross and resurrection - John Foley.

Stained glass bulletLord, I lift Your name on high - Rick Founds.

Stained glass bulletLord, I would follow thee.signing hands

Stained glass bulletLord make us turn to you - Marty Haugen.

Stained glass bulletLord of all hopefulness - Jan Struther.

Stained glass bulletLord of Glory - Tim Manion.

Stained glass bulletLord of the Dance - Sydney B. Carter & 19th Century Shaker tune.

Stained glass bulletLord send out your spirit - David Haas.

Stained glass bulletLord, this is the people / Let the Lord enter (Psalm 24) - Timothy R. Smith.

Stained glass bulletLord, we ask thee ere we part.signing hands

Stained glass bulletLord, we come before thee now.signing hands

Stained glass bulletLord, Who at Thy First Eucharist - William H. Turton & William H. Monk.

Stained glass bulletLord, whose love in humble service - Albert F. Bayly & B.F. White (attr.).

Stained glass bulletLord, you give the great commission - Jeffery Rowthorn & Cyril V. Taylor.

Stained glass bulletLord, You have come [to the lakeshore] - Cesáreo Gabaráin.

Stained glass bulletLord, you have the words - David Haas.

Stained glass bulletLove at home.signing hands

Stained glass bulletLove divine, all loves excelling - Charles Wesley & Rowland H. Pritchard.

Stained glass bulletLove has come - Matt Maher.

Stained glass bulletLove is never ending (Psalm 136) - Marty Haugen.

Stained glass bulletLove lifted me - James Rowe & Howard E. Smith.

Stained glass bulletLove never fails - David Haas.

Stained glass bulletLove one another - Bob Dufford.

Stained glass bulletLove the Lord.signing hands

Stained glass bulletLoving and forgiving (Psalm 103) - Scott Soper.

Illuminated letter M

Stained glass bullet

Made to Worship.signing hands

Stained glass bulletMagnificat - David Haas.

Stained glass bulletMagnificat - John Michael Talbot.

Stained glass bulletMalo! Malo! Thanks be to God (From Misa del Mundo - Jesse Manibusan).

Stained glass bulletMaranatha - G. Westphal.

Stained glass bulletMass, Roman Catholic.

Stained glass bulletMatthew 28 - Donald Lawrence.

Stained glass bulletMeet with me - Lamont Hiebert.

Stained glass bulletMemorare.

Stained glass bulletMemorial acclamations.

Stained glass bulletMore holiness give me.signing hands

Stained glass bulletMorning has broken - Eleanor Farjeon.

Stained glass bulletMy God and my all - Rufino Zaragoza.

Stained glass bulletMy hope is built - Edward Mote & William B. Bradbury.

Stained glass bulletMy life flows on (How can I keep from singing?) - Robert Lowry.

Stained glass bulletMy Lord will come again - David Haas.

Stained glass bulletMy Redeemer lives - Reuben Morgan.

Stained glass bulletMy song will be for you forever - David Haas.

Stained glass bulletMy soul gives glory to my God.

Stained glass bulletMy soul in stillness waits - "O" Antiphons, Marty Haugen.

Stained glass bulletMy soul is still - David Haas.

Stained glass bulletMy soul is thirsting/As morning breaks (Psalm 63) - Steve Angrisano.

Stained glass bulletMy soul is thirsting - Bob Hurd.

Illuminated letter N

Stained glass bullet

"Natufurahi siku ya leo" (Kenya) from Missa Luba - arr. Boniface Mganga.

Stained glass bulletNearer, my God, to thee.signing hands

Stained glass bulletNight prayer (opening lines of Compline).

Stained glass bulletNow behold the Lamb - Kirk Franklin.

Stained glass bulletNow in this banquet - Marty Haugen.

Stained glass bulletNow let us rejoice.signing hands

Stained glass bulletNow thank we all our God - Martin Rinkart (trans. Catherine Winkworth) & Johann Crüger.

Stained glass bulletNow we remain - David Haas.

Stained glass bulletNunc dimittis - from Compline (L. Complin).

Illuminated letter O

Stained glass bullet

O Antiphons - M. Balhoff, G. Daigle, & D. Ducote.

Stained glass bulletO bless the Lord - John Michaels.

Stained glass bulletO breathe on me, O Breath of God - Edwin Hatch & ST. COLUMBA.

Stained glass bulletO come, o come, Emmanuel - Latin hymn, 12th century, tr. John Neale.

Stained glass bulletO day of light and gladness - Frederick L. Hosmer & Henry T. Smart.

Stained glass bulletO food of exiles lowly - O esca viatorum; Mainz Gesangbuch; tr. by M.O. Lee.

Stained glass bulletO God, hear us - Bob Hurd.

Stained glass bulletO God, the eternal Father.signing hands

Stained glass bulletO holy Mary - Owen Alstott.

Stained glass bulletO Lord, how shall I meet You? - Paul Gerhardt, Christoph Runge, Catherine Winkworth (trans.).

Stained glass bulletO my Father.signing hands

Stained glass bulletO sacred head, surrounded (salve caput cruentatum) - Bernard of Clairvaux (ascr.), Henry Baker (tr.); Hans Leo Hassler.

Stained glass bulletO sons and daughters - Jean Tisserand, John M. Neale (trans.).

Stained glass bulletO young and fearless prophet - John B. Dykes & S. Ralph Harlow.

Stained glass bulletOh how wondrous - John P. Kee.

Stained glass bulletOn eagle's wings - Michael Joncas.

Stained glass bulletOn Jordan's bank - Charles Coffin & John Chandler (trans.).

Stained glass bulletOne bread, one body (Un pan, un cuerpo) - John Foley, S.J.

Stained glass bulletOne in body, heart and mind - Christopher Walker, traditional Gaelic melody.

Stained glass bulletOne Lord - Scott Soper.

Stained glass bulletOne name - AnonymousStained glass bulletOnly a look at Jesus - Thomas Whitfield.

Stained glass bulletOnly a shadow - Carey Landry.

Stained glass bulletOnly in God - John Michael Talbot.

Stained glass bulletOnward, Christian Soldiers - Sabine Baring-Gould & Arthur S. Sullivan.signing hands

Stained glass bulletOnward to the Kingdom - David Haas.

Stained glass bulletOpen my eyes - Jesse Manibusan.

Stained glass bulletOpen the eyes of my heart - Paul Baloche.

Stained glass bulletOrdained of God.

Stained glass bulletOrdo missae cum populo (Order of the Catholic Mass for the people).

Stained glass bulletOur blessing cup - Bob Hurd.

Stained glass bullet"Our Father" or "The Lord's prayer".

Stained glass bulletOur help comes from the Lord (Psalm 121) - Michael Joncas.

Stained glass bulletOur Savior's love.signing hands

Illuminated letter P

Stained glass bullet

Pan de Vida - Bob Hurd.

Stained glass bulletPass it on - Kurt Kaiser.

Stained glass bulletPater cum essem - John 17: 12-13, 15.

Stained glass bulletPath of life - Trevor Thomson.

Stained glass bulletPatience, people, till the Lord is come - John Foley.

Stained glass bulletPeace is flowing like a river - Carey Landry.

Stained glass bulletPeace, my friends - Ray Repp.

Stained glass bulletPeace prayer - St. Francis of Assisi & John Foley.

Stained glass bulletPeople of God / Alleluia (Acclamation / Song for Mystagogia) - David Haas.

Stained glass bulletPescador de hombres - Cesáreo Gabaráin.

Stained glass bulletPower of love - Bob Hurd.

Stained glass bulletPraise God from whom all blessings flow - Thomas Ken (v. 1), Isaac Watts (vv. 2 & 3), music attrib. Louis Bourgeouis.signing hands

Stained glass bulletPraise the Lord, my soul (Psalm 146) - M.D. Ridge.

Stained glass bulletPraise, my soul, the King of Heaven - Henry F. Lyte & John Goss (Alternate tunes: Franz J. Haydn or Henry T. Smart).

Stained glass bulletPraise the Lord ye Heavens [adore Him] - Words: Thomas Coram & Edward Osler; Different musical settings: (1) John H. Wilcox, (2) "Austria" arr. by Franz J. Haydn, (3) Rowland H. Prichard, and (4) Richard Redhead.

Stained glass bulletPraise to the Lord, the Almighty.signing hands

Stained glass bulletPraise to the Man.signing hands

Stained glass bulletPraise to you, O Christ, our Savior - Bernadette Farrell.

Stained glass bulletPrayer for peace - David Haas.

Stained glass bulletPrayer is the soul's sincere desire.signing hands

Stained glass bulletPrayer of St. Francis - Sebastian Temple.

Stained glass bulletPrayer of thanksgiving.signing hands

Stained glass bulletPrecious Lord, take my hand - Thomas A. Dorsey.

Stained glass bulletPreparation of the gifts.

Stained glass bulletPresbyterian affirmation of faith (Romans 8).

Stained glass bulletPress forward, saints.signing hands

Stained glass bulletProfession of faith (Catholic).

Stained glass bulletPsalm 18: I love you, Lord, my strength - Jeffrey Honoré.

Stained glass bulletPsalm 23: My shepherd is the Lord - Joseph Gelineau.

Stained glass bulletPsalm 24: Lord, this is the people / Let the Lord enter - Timothy R. Smith.

Stained glass bulletPsalm 25: To you, O Lord - Scott Soper.

Stained glass bulletPsalm 27: The goodness of the Lord - Scott Soper

Stained glass bullet

Psalm 27: The Lord is my light - David Haas.

Stained glass bulletPsalm 33: Lord, let your mercy - Bob Dufford

Stained glass bullet

Psalm 42 (As the deer longs) - Dana Harkin.

Stained glass bulletPsalm 51: Be merciful, O Lord - Steve Angrisano.

Stained glass bulletPsalm 63: My soul is thirsting/As morning breaks - Steve Angrisano.

Stained glass bulletPsalm 69: Turn to God in your need - Rory Cooney.

Stained glass bulletPsalm 80: Lord make us turn to you - Kevin Keil.

Stained glass bulletPsalm 80: The vineyard of the Lord - Kevin Keil.

Stained glass bulletPsalm 85: Lord, let us see your kindness - Scott Soper

Stained glass bullet

Psalm 89 (Forever will I sing) - John Michael Talbot

Stained glass bulletPsalm 97: The Lord is King - Rory Cooney.

Stained glass bulletPsalm 98: The Lord has revealed - Timothy R. Smith.

Stained glass bulletPsalm 103: Loving and forgiving - Scott Soper.

Stained glass bulletPsalm 118: The stone rejected - Michel Guimont.

Stained glass bulletPsalm 118: This is the day - Scott Soper.

Stained glass bulletPsalm 121: Our help comes from the Lord - Michael Joncas.

Stained glass bulletPsalm 122: Let us go rejoicing - Bob Hurd.

Stained glass bulletPsalm 122: Let Us Go Rejoicing to the house of the Lord - Michael Joncas.

Stained glass bulletPsalm 126: The Lord has done great things - Jaime Cortez.

Stained glass bulletPsalm 128: O blessed are those - Paul Inwood.

Stained glass bulletPsalm 136: Love is never ending - Marty Haugen.

Stained glass bulletPsalm 145: I will praise your name / The hand of the Lord - Timothy R. Smith.

Stained glass bulletPsalm 146: Praise the Lord, my soul - M.D. Ridge.

Stained glass bulletPsalm 146: Praise the Lord, O my soul - Timothy R. Smith.

Stained glass bulletPut your shoulder to the wheel.signing hands

Illuminated letter R

Stained glass bullet

Rain down - Jaime Cortez.

Stained glass bulletReady the way - Bob Hurd.

Stained glass bullet Redeemer - Nicole C. Mullins, Part 1., Redeemer - Nicole C. Mullins, Part 2.signing hands

Stained glass bulletRedeemer of Israel.signing hands

Stained glass bulletRejoice, the Lord is King!.signing hands

Stained glass bulletRemember your love - Mike Balhoff, Darryl Ducote & Gary Daigle.

Stained glass bulletRemember your mercies - David Haas.

Stained glass bulletResponsorial Psalms for the Catholic Mass. Only some Sundays available (under construction).

Stained glass bulletRide on, Jesus, ride - African American Spiritual.

Stained glass bulletRise up, my love - Eleanor Daly.

Stained glass bulletRise up, O men of God! - William Pierson Merrill.

Stained glass bulletRiver of glory - Daniel L. Schutte.

Stained glass bulletRock of Ages, let our song - Traditional Jewish song; Marcus Jastrow & Gustav Gottheil (trans.).

Stained glass bulletRoman Catholic Mass.

Illuminated letter S

Stained glass bullet

Sacred silence - Tom Booth, Jenny Pixler, & Anthony Kuner.

Stained glass bulletSafety harbor - Rory Cooney.

Stained glass bulletSalve, Regína - Hermanus Contractus.

Stained glass bulletSave us, O Lord - Bob Dufford.

Stained glass bulletSay the word - Rory Cooney.

Stained glass bulletSecret prayer.signing hands

Stained glass bulletSeed, scattered and sown - Dan Feiten

Stained glass bullet

Seek the Lord - Roc O'Connor.

Stained glass bulletSeek ye first the kingdom of God - Karen Lafferty.

Stained glass bulletSend down the fire - Marty Haugen.

Stained glass bulletSend us your Spirit - David Haas.

Stained glass bulletSent forth by God's blessing - Omer Westendorf & Welsh folk melody.

Stained glass bulletServant song (Will you let me be your servant?) - Richard Gillard.

Stained glass bulletServant song - Donna Marie McGargill.

Stained glass bulletShelter me, O God - Bob Hurd.

Stained glass bulletShepherd me, O God - Marty Haugen.

Stained glass bulletShepherds and kings - Weston Priory & Gregory Norbet.

Stained glass bulletShine, Jesus, shine - Graham Kendrick.

Stained glass bulletShout to the Lord - Darlene Zschech.

Stained glass bulletShout to the North - Martin Smith.

Stained glass bulletSing a new church - Sr. Delores Dufner, OSB/ Nettleton.

Stained glass bulletSing a new song - Dan Schutte.

Stained glass bulletSing all the Earth - Roc O'Connor.

Stained glass bulletSing of Mary - Roland F. Palmer.

Stained glass bulletSing of the Lord's goodness - Ernest Sands.

Stained glass bulletSing out, earth and skies - Marty Haugen.

Stained glass bulletSing to the mountains - Bob Dufford, SJ.

Stained glass bulletSing we now at parting.signing hands

Stained glass bulletSing with all the saints in glory - William J. Irons & Ludwig van Beethoven.

Stained glass bulletSoftly and tenderly Jesus is calling - Will L. Thompson.

Stained glass bulletSomebody's knockin' at your door - Spiritual.

Stained glass bulletSong of Moses - Scott Soper.

Stained glass bulletSong of the body of Christ - David Haas.

Stained glass bulletSong of the transfiguration - Sylvia Dunstan, PICARDY (adapted by David Haas).

Stained glass bulletSong over the waters - Marty Haugen.

Stained glass bulletSoon and very soon - Andrae Crouch.

Stained glass bulletSpeak, Lord - Marienne Uszler & Tim Schoenbachler.

Stained glass bulletSpeak, O Lord - Marty Haugen.

Stained glass bulletStand up friends - Brian Wren & David Haas.

Stained glass bulletSteal away to Jesus! - African American Spiritual.

Stained glass bulletStep by Step - David "Beaker" Strasser.

Stained glass bulletStrength for the journey - Michael John Poirier.

Stained glass bulletSweet hour of prayer.signing hands

Stained glass bulletSweet is the peace the Gospel brings.signing hands

Stained glass bulletSweet is the work.signing hands

Stained glass bulletSwing low, sweet chariot - African American Spiritual.

Illuminated letter T

Stained glass bullet

Table of plenty - Dan Schutte.

Stained glass bulletTake, Lord, receive - John Foley.

Stained glass bulletTake my hands - Sebastian Temple.

Stained glass bulletTake, O take me as I am - John L. Bell.

Stained glass bulletTake the word of God with you - Christopher Walker.

Stained glass bulletTake time to be holy - William D. Long & George C. Stebbins.

Stained glass bulletTake up your cross - Charles Everest & William Gardiner.

Stained glass bulletTake up your cross - David Haas.

Stained glass bulletTake up your cross - Marty Haugen.

Stained glass bulletTaste and see - Marty Haugen.

Stained glass bulletTaste and see - James Moore.

Stained glass bulletTestimony.signing hands

Stained glass bulletThat there may be bread - Weston Priory.

Stained glass bulletThe blood will never lose its power - Andraé Crouch.

Stained glass bulletThe cry of the poor - John B. Foley.

Stained glass bulletThe day dawn is breaking.signing hands

Stained glass bulletThe fragrance of Christ - David Haas.

Stained glass bulletThe Good Shepherd - James J. Chepponis.

Stained glass bulletThe Guardian's farewell - John Henry Newman & David Haas.

Stained glass bulletThe hand of the Lord / I will praise your name (Psalm 145) - Timothy R. Smith.

Stained glass bulletThe happy song - Martin Smith.

Stained glass bulletThe iron rod.signing hands

Stained glass bulletThe King of glory - Traditional Israeli folk song.

Stained glass bulletThe King of Kings, Christ Jesus reigns - Melvin Farrell.

Stained glass bulletThe King of love my Shepherd is - Henry W. Baker, ST. COLUMBIA, 8 7 8 7.

Stained glass bulletThe light of that city - John & Anne Barbour.

Stained glass bulletThe light shines on - Carey Landry.

Stained glass bulletThe Lord has done great things (Psalm 126) - Jaime Cortez.

Stained glass bulletThe Lord has revealed (Psalm 98) - Timothy R. Smith.

Stained glass bulletThe Lord is kind and merciful - Marty Haugen.

Stained glass bulletThe Lord is King (Psalm 97) - Rory Cooney.

Stained glass bulletThe Lord Is My Hope - M.D. Ridge.

Stained glass bulletThe Lord is my light (Psalm 27) - David Haas.

Stained glass bulletThe Lord is my light - Christopher Walker.

Stained glass bulletThe Lord is my shepherd - Joe Wise.

Stained glass bulletThe Lord is my shepherd - Owen Alstott.

Stained glass bulletThe Lord is my shepherd.signing hands

Stained glass bulletThe Lord is near - Michael Joncas.

Stained glass bulletThe Lord upholds my life - David Haas.

Stained glass bulletThe Lord's prayer.

Stained glass bulletThe Love of the Lord - Michael Joncas.

Stained glass bulletThe morning breaks.signing hands

Stained glass bulletThe name of God - David Haas.

Stained glass bulletThe peace of God - David Haas.

Stained glass bulletThe solid rock - Edward Mote & William B. Bradbury.

Stained glass bulletThe Song of Mary - John Michael Talbot.

Stained glass bulletThe spirit is a-movin' - Carey Landry.

Stained glass bulletThe Spirit of God.signing hands

Stained glass bulletThe Spirit of the Lord - John Michael Talbot.

Stained glass bulletThe Spirit sends us forth - Azmon & Delores Dufner.

Stained glass bulletThe stone rejected (Psalm 118) - Michel Guimont.

Stained glass bulletThe strife is o'er - Symphonia Sirenum Selectarum, 1695; trans. Francis Pott.

Stained glass bulletThe summons - KELVINGROVE.

Stained glass bulletThe Supper of the Lord - Laurence Rosania.

Stained glass bulletThe word of God became man - John Michael Talbot.

Stained glass bulletThere is a balm in Gilead - African-American spiritualStained glass bulletThere is sunshine in my soul today.signing hands

Stained glass bulletThere is a green hill far away.signing hands

Stained glass bulletThere will be a light - Ben Harper.

Stained glass bulletThey'll know we are Christians - Peter Schultes.

Stained glass bulletThis child of yours - David Haas.

Stained glass bulletThis day God give me - St. Patrick (attrib.) & James D. Quinn.

Stained glass bulletThis day was made by the Lord - Christopher Walker.

Stained glass bulletThis is the day (Psalm 118)- Scott Soper.

Stained glass bulletThis little light of mine - African American Spiritual.

Stained glass bulletThose who see light - Nancy Elze & E. Donald Osuna.

Stained glass bulletThose who trust - Don Chaffer.

Stained glass bulletThough deepening trials.signing hands

Stained glass bulletThough the mountains may fall - Daniel L. Schutte.

Stained glass bullet'Tis sweet to sing the matchless love.signing hands

Stained glass bulletTo be a servant - David Haas.

Stained glass bulletTo be your bread - David Haas.

Stained glass bulletTo Jesus Christ, our sovereign King - Martin B. Hellriegel & Irene C. Mueller.

Stained glass bulletTo you, O Lord (Psalm 25)- Scott Soper.

Stained glass bulletTo You, O Lord, I lift up my soul - Marty Haugen.

Stained glass bulletTrading my sorrows - Darrell Evans.

Stained glass bulletTree of life - (authors?).

Stained glass bulletTrilingual intercessions.

Stained glass bulletTroparion of St. John of Climakos.

Stained glass bulletTrue to the faith.signing hands

Stained glass bulletTú has venido a la orilla - Cesáreo Gabaráin.

Stained glass bulletTurn to Me - John Foley.

Illuminated letter U

Stained glass bullet

Ubi caritas - Bob Hurd.

Stained glass bulletUbi caritas et amor.

Stained glass bulletUnto the hills around do I lift up.

Stained glass bulletUnto the House of the Lord - John Bagniewski.

Stained glass bulletUp from the waters (Sprinkling song) - Marty Haugen.

Stained glass bulletUyai mose - Zimbabwe folksong, Alexander Gondo.

Illuminated letter V

Stained glass bullet

Veni, Sancte Spiritus - Latin (13th c., Edward Caswall, trans.).

Stained glass bulletViri Galilaei - Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina.

Illuminated letter W

Stained glass bullet

Wade in the water - African American spiritual (Hayes version).

Stained glass bulletWalking hand in hand - Kathy Sherman.

Stained glass bulletWe are all enlisted.signing hands

Stained glass bulletWe are called - David Haas.

Stained glass bulletWe are his people - David Haas.

Stained glass bulletWe are many parts - Marty Haugen.

Stained glass bulletWe are one body - Dana Scallon.

Stained glass bulletWe are the light of the world - Jean Anthony Greif.

Stained glass bulletWe come to your feast - Michael Joncas.

Stained glass bulletWe ever pray for thee.signing hands

Stained glass bulletWe fall down - Chris Tomlin.

Stained glass bulletWe gather together - Adrianus Valerius.

Stained glass bulletWe have been told - David Haas.

Stained glass bulletWe listen to a prophet's voice.signing hands

Stained glass bulletWe remember - Marty Haugen.

Stained glass bulletWe shall overcome - Zilphia Horton, Frank Hamilton, Guy Carawan & Pete Seeger.

Stained glass bulletWe thank thee, o God, for a prophet.signing hands

Stained glass bulletWe walk by faith - Marty Haugen.

Stained glass bulletWe want to see Jesus lifted high - Doug Horley.

Stained glass bulletWe will rise again - David Haas.

Stained glass bulletWe will take what you offer - John L. Bell.

Stained glass bulletWe will worship the Lamb of Glory - Dennis Jernigan.

Stained glass bulletWe'll sing all hail to Jesus' name.signing hands

Stained glass bulletWere you there? - African American Spiritual.

Stained glass bulletWhatsoever you do - Willard F. Jabusch.

Stained glass bulletWhen faith endures.signing hands

Stained glass bulletWhen I survey the wondrous cross - Isaac Watts & Lowell Mason (alt. tunes: Isaac B. Woodbury, Edward Miller).

Stained glass bulletWhen in our music - Fred Pratt Green & Charles Villiers Stanford.

Stained glass bulletWhen Jesus looked from Olivet.

Stained glass bulletWhere can I turn for peace?.signing hands

Stained glass bulletWhere charity and love prevail - Paul Benoit.

Stained glass bulletWhere is your mercy? (from Tales of wonder) - Marty Haugen.

Stained glass bulletWhere there is love - David HaasStained glass bulletWhere your treasure is - Marty Haugen.

Stained glass bulletWhile of these emblems we partake.signing hands

Stained glass bulletWho calls you by name - David Haas.

Stained glass bulletWho needs help?.

Stained glass bulletWill you let me be your servant (Servant song) - Richard Gillard.

Stained glass bulletWind upon the waters - Marty Haugen.

Stained glass bulletWisdom has built herself a house - Lucien Deiss.

Stained glass bulletWith drums and dancing - Dan Schutte.

Stained glass bulletWith joy you shall draw water - Marty Haugen.

Stained glass bulletWith one voice - Ricky Manalo.

Stained glass bulletWith the Lord - Michael Joncas.

Stained glass bulletWith the Lord, there is mercy - Marty Haugen.

Stained glass bulletWoke up this morning - Kim & Reggie Harris.

Stained glass bulletWonder of wonders - Brian Wren & David Haas.

Illuminated letter Y

Stained glass bullet

Yahweh (is the God of my salvation) - Weston Priory.

Stained glass bulletYahweh, the faithful one - Daniel L. Shutte.

Stained glass bulletYe elders of Israel.signing hands

Stained glass bulletYou alone know our hunger - David Haas.

Stained glass bulletYe watchers and ye holy ones - John A. L. Riley.

Stained glass bulletYou are child - Daniel Consiglio.

Stained glass bulletYou are mine - David Haas.

Stained glass bulletYou Are My All in All - Dennis Jernigan.

Stained glass bulletYou are near - Reuben Morgan.

Stained glass bulletYou are near - Dan Schutte.

Stained glass bulletYou are the healing - Scott Soper.

Stained glass bulletYou are the voice - David HaasStained glass bulletYou will show me the path of life - Marty Haugen.

Stained glass bulletYour grace is enough - Matt Maher.

Stained glass bulletYour love is finer than life - Psalm 63, Marty Haugen.

Stained glass bulletYour name is holy - Brian Doerksen.

Stained glass bulletYour words are spirit and life - Bernadette Farrell.

Stained glass bulletYou've searched me - David Haas.

CHRISTIAN: Advent & Christmas


Illuminated letter A

Stained glass bullet

A child is born - Gregory Norbet.

Stained glass bulletA Christmas carol - Christina Rossetti & Harold Darke.

Stained glass bulletA cycle of three mystical songs - Alec Rowley.

Stained glass bulletAdam lay ybounden - Traditional English 15th Century.

Stained glass bulletAdvent/Christmas gospel acclamation - David Haas.

Stained glass bulletAngel's Advent carol - Patrick M. Liebergen (arr.).

Stained glass bulletAngels' carol - John Rutter.

Stained glass bulletAngels from the realms of glory - James Montgomery (1-5), Salisbury Humn Book (6) & Henry T. Smart

Stained glass bulletAngels we have heard on high - Traditional French carol, James Chadwick (trans.).

Stained glass bulletAs with gladness, men of old - William C. Dix & Konrad Kocher.

Stained glass bulletAway in a manger - Martin Luther (?) & John T. Mc Farland.signing hands

Illuminated letter B

Stained glass bullet

Be born in us today - David Haas.

Stained glass bulletBe it done unto me - Bob Hurd.

Stained glass bulletBefore the marvel of this night - Carl Schalk & Jaroslav J. Vajda.

Stained glass bulletBirthday of a King - William H. Neidlinger.

Stained glass bulletBreath of Heaven - Chris Eaton and Amy Grant.

Stained glass bulletBring a torch - AnonymousIlluminated letter C

Stained glass bullet

Carol at the manger - Marty Haugen.

Stained glass bulletCarol of the Bells (Ukrainian Bell Carol) - Mykola Dmytrovychsigning hands

Stained glass bulletChild of our dreams - Marty Haugen.

Stained glass bulletChild of the poor - Scott Soper.

Stained glass bulletChristmas lullaby - Amy Grant & Chris Eaton.

Stained glass bulletChristmas waltz - Sammy Cahn & Jule Styne.

Illuminated letter D

Stained glass bullet

Deck the halls - Traditional.

Stained glass bulletDing dong merrily on high - 16th century French traditional.

Stained glass bulletDo you hear what I hear? - Noel Regney & Shayne.

Stained glass bulletDormi, dormi ("Sweetly slumber" or "Sleep, O sleep, my lovely child") - Italian carol, Mary Goetze (arr.).

Stained glass bulletDown from the heav'ns on high/Tu scendi dalle stelle - Pope Pius 9 & Tommaso Capocci, H.C. Martens (trans.).

Illuminated letter E

Stained glass bullet

Every nation on Earth will adore you - Marty Haugen.

Illuminated letter F

Illuminated letter G

Stained glass bullet

Gabriel's message - S. Baring-Gould.

Stained glass bulletGesu bambino - Frederick H. Martens & Pietro A. Yon.

Stained glass bulletGo, tell it on the mountain - John W. Work, Jr.

Stained glass bulletGood Christian friends, rejoice - In dulci jubilo, John Mason Neale (trans.).

Illuminated letter H

Stained glass bullet

Hark the herald angels sing - Charles Wesley & Felix Mendelssohn.signing hands

Stained glass bulletHave yourself a merry little Christmas - Hugh Martin & Ralph Blane.

Stained glass bulletHolly jolly Christmas - Johnny Marks.

Stained glass bulletHoly is his name - John Michael Talbot.

Stained glass bulletHosanna in the highest.

Stained glass bulletHow great our joy! - Traditional German carol, Theodore Baker (trans.).

Illuminated letter I

Stained glass bullet

I saw three ships - Traditional English.

Stained glass bulletI sing the body electric - Michael Gore & Dean Pitchford.

Stained glass bulletI will lead you home - Amy Grant & Chris Eaton.

Stained glass bulletI wonder as I wander - Traditional Appalachian carol, adapted or re-written by John Jacob Niles.

Stained glass bulletI'll be home for Christmas - Walter Kent & James "Kim" Gannon.

Stained glass bulletIn night's deep silence (Wsrod Nocnej Ciszy) - Msgr. John E. Ronan (trans.).

Stained glass bulletIn the bleak midwinter - Christina Rosseti & Harold Darke.

Stained glass bulletInfant holy, Infant lowly - Traditional Polish carol, Edith M. Reed (trans.).

Stained glass bulletIt came upon a midnight clear - Edmund H. Sears & Richard S. Willis.

Stained glass bulletIt's beginning to look a lot like Christmas - Meredith Wilson.

Illuminated letter J

Stained glass bullet

Jesus, once of humble birth.signing hands

Stained glass bulletJingle bells - John Pierpont.

Stained glass bulletJolly old St. Nicholas - Anonymous.

Stained glass bulletJoseph, dearest Joseph mine - Traditional German.

Stained glass bulletJoy to the world - Isaac Watts & Lowell Mason (arr.).signing hands

Illuminated letter L

Stained glass bullet

Let Christmas come.

Stained glass bulletLittle toy trains (Old toy trains) - Roger Miller.

Stained glass bulletLo, how a rose e'er blooming - Traditional German carol: Verses 1-2, 15th Century carol (Es ist ein Ros entsprungen), Theodore Baker, (trans.); verses 3-4, Friedrich Layritz, translated by Harriet Reynolds Krauth ; verse 5, written or translated by John C. Mattes.

Illuminated letter M

Stained glass bullet

Magnificat - David Haas.

Stained glass bulletMagnificat - John Michael Talbot.

Stained glass bulletMary, did you know? - Mark Lowry & Buddy Greene.

Illuminated letter N

Stained glass bullet

Newborn Prince of Peace - Doug Eckert.

Stained glass bulletNight of silence - Daniel Kantor.

Stained glass bulletNothing but a child - Steve Earle.

Illuminated letter O

Stained glass bullet

O come, all ye faithful - John Francis Wade, translated by William T. Brooke.signing hands

Stained glass bulletO come, o come, Emmanuel - anonymous, translated by John M. Neale.

Stained glass bulletO holy night! - Placide Clappeau, translated by John S. Dwight, Adolphe C. Adam.

Stained glass bulletO little town of Bethlehem - Phillips Brooks & Lewis H. Redner.signing hands

Stained glass bulletO mother of Jesus - Timothy R. Smith.

Stained glass bulletOld toy trains - Roger Miller.

Stained glass bulletOn this day Earth shall ring - Piae Cantiones, Jane M. Joseph (trans.).

Stained glass bulletOnce in royal David's city.

Illuminated letter P

Stained glass bullet

Pastorale - Pope Pius 9 & Tommaso Capocci, H.C. Martens (trans.).

Stained glass bulletPatapan - Traditional Burgundian carol.

Stained glass bulletPolish lullaby - Grundahl (arr.)

Stained glass bulletPrepare a manger - Edith Shaw Butler & Carl Wiltse.

Illuminated letter R

Stained glass bullet

Rejoice! Rejoice, believers - Swedish folk tune, Sharon Elery Rogers (arr.)

Illuminated letter S

Stained glass bullet

Silent night - Josef Mohr, translated by John F. Young, Franz X. Gruber.signing hands

Stained glass bulletStill, still, still - Traditional Austrian carol.

Illuminated letter T

Stained glass bullet

The angel's song - John Leavitt.

Stained glass bulletThe Christmas song (Chestnuts roasting on an open fire) - Mel Torme & Robert Wells.

Stained glass bulletThe first Noël - Traditional.signing hands

Stained glass bulletThe flower of Jesse - John Awdlay.

Stained glass bulletThe friendly beasts - Traditional.

Stained glass bulletThe infant Jesus - Frederick H. Martens & Pietro A. Yon.

Stained glass bulletThe little drummer boy - Katherine K. Davis, Henry Onorati and Harry Simeone.

Stained glass bullet"The Proclamation of the Birth of Christ" from The Roman martyrology..

Stained glass bulletThe song of Mary - John Michael Talbot.

Stained glass bulletThe whole world is waiting for Love - Marianne Misetich.

Stained glass bulletToday is born our Savior - Marty Haugen.

Stained glass bulletTomorrow shall be my dancing day - John Gardner.

Stained glass bullet'Twas in the moon of wintertime - Jean de Brebeuf, translated (from Huron) by J. Edgar Middleton, Jesous Ahatonhia.

Stained glass bulletTwelve days of Christmas.signing hands

Illuminated letter W

Stained glass bullet

We three kings - John H. Hopkins, Jr.

Stained glass bulletWhat child is this? - William C. Dix, Traditional melody.

Stained glass bulletWhen blossoms flowered 'mid the snows - Frederick H. Martens & Pietro A. Yon.

Stained glass bulletWhence that goodly fragrance flowing? - Traditional French carol, A. B. Ramsay (trans.).

Stained glass bulletWhite Christmas - Irving Berlin.

Stained glass bulletWinter fantasy - Jill Gallina.

CHRISTIAN: Lent, Easter & Pentecost


Illuminated letter A

Stained glass bullet

Alleluia! Alleluia! - Christopher Wordsworth.

Stained glass bulletAlleluia! Alleluia! Let the holy anthem rise - Edward Caswall & St. Basil's hymnal, 1889.

Stained glass bulletAlleluia! Give the glory - Ken Canedo & Bob Hurd.

Stained glass bulletAshes - Tom Conry.

Stained glass bulletAttende Domine - 10th century, Ralph Wright (trans.).

Stained glass bulletAwake, arise - [author?].

Illuminated letter B

Stained glass bullet

Baptized in water - Michael Saward & Irish folk tune (possible sprinkling song).

Stained glass bulletBe with me - Marty Haugen.

Stained glass bulletBehold the Cross - Bob Hurd.

Stained glass bulletBehold the glory of God - Roc O'Connor.

Stained glass bulletBehold the great Redeemer die.signing hands

Stained glass bulletBehold the Lamb - Martin Willett.

Stained glass bulletBeyond the days - Rocky Manalo.

Stained glass bulletBlessing and distribution of ashes.

Stained glass bulletBurn bright - Marty Haugen.

Illuminated letter C

Stained glass bullet

Celtic Alleluia: Easter / Sending forth - Fintan O'Carroll & Christopher Walker.

Stained glass bulletChrist, be our light (Easter Vigil text) - Bernadette Farrell.

Stained glass bulletChrist is alive! Let Christians sing - Brian Wren & Dunedin Truro.

Stained glass bulletChrist Is the World's Light - Fred Pratt Green & K. Lee Scott.

Stained glass bulletChrist, the Lord, is risen today - Charles Wesley & Robert Williams.signing hands

Stained glass bulletChristians to the Paschal Victim (Victimae Paschali Laudes).

Stained glass bulletCome, ye faithful, raise the strain - John of Damascus, John M. Neale (trans.), Arthur S. Sullivan.

Illuminated letter D

Stained glass bullet

Daylight fades - Peter J. Scagnelli & Ludwig Beethoven.

Stained glass bulletDo not let your hearts be troubled - David Haas.

Stained glass bulletDust and ashes - Brian Wren & David Haas.

Illuminated letter E

Stained glass bullet

Easter Exultet (Praeconium).

Illuminated letter F

Stained glass bullet

Forty Days and Forty Nights - George H. Smyttan & Martin Herbst.

Illuminated letter G

Stained glass bullet

God is alive! - David Haas.

Illuminated letter H

Stained glass bullet

Hail the day that sees him rise - Charles Wesley & Robert Williams.

Stained glass bullet"Hallelujah chorus" from Messiah - George Frederic Handel.

Stained glass bulletHe lives! - Allen Pote.

Stained glass bulletHear us, almighty Lord - 10th century, Ralph Wright (trans.).

Stained glass bulletHosanna - David Haas.

Stained glass bulletHymn to joy - Jane Parker Huber & Ludwig Beethoven.

Illuminated letter I

Stained glass bullet

I am the resurrection - David Haas.

Stained glass bullet"I know that my Redeemer liveth" from Messiah - George Frederick Handel.

Stained glass bulletI know that my Redeemer liveth - Jessie B. Pounds & James H. Fillmore, Sr.

Stained glass bulletI put my life in your hands (Psalm 31, for Good Friday) - Marty Haugen.

Stained glass bulletIn these days of Lenten journey - Fr. Ricky Manalo.

Illuminated letter J

Stained glass bullet

Jesus Christ is risen today - Stanzas 1-3: 14th Century Bohemian Latin carol, John Walsh (trans.); Stanza 4: Charles Wesley. Music: "Llanfair" - Robert Williams.

Stained glass bulletJesus is risen - Laßt uns erfreuen.

Stained glass bulletJustice shall flourish / Lord, every nation (Psalm 72) - Rory Cooney.

Illuminated letter L

Stained glass bullet

Led by the Spirit - Bob Hurd & Kingshold.

Stained glass bulletLenten gospel acclamation - David Haas.

Stained glass bulletLenten Gospel acclamation (Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ) - Roc O'Connor.

Stained glass bulletLet the powers of heaven exult (An Easter Exultet) - Roc O'Connor.

Stained glass bulletLift high the cross - George William Kitchin (rev. by Michael Robert Newbolt) & Sydney H. Nicholson.

Stained glass bulletLitany of the saints - John D. Becker.

Stained glass bulletLord, by your cross and resurrection.

Stained glass bulletLord, every nation / Justice shall flourish (Psalm 72) - Rory Cooney.

Stained glass bulletLove has come - Matt Maher.

Stained glass bulletLord, I lift Your name on high - Rick Founds.

Stained glass bulletLord, who throughout these forty days - Claudia F. Hernaman, ST. FLAVIAN.

Illuminated letter M

Stained glass bullet

My God, my God - Mark Friedman.

Stained glass bulletMy God, my God - Tim Manion.

Illuminated letter O

Stained glass bullet

O Christians on this first of days (Easter Antiphon).

Stained glass bulletO day of light and gladness - Frederick L. Hosmer & Henry T. Smart.

Stained glass bulletO filii et filiae - Jean Tisserand, Edward Caswell (trans.).

Stained glass bulletO sacred head, surrounded (salve caput cruentatum) - Bernard of Clairvaux (ascr.), Henry Baker (tr.); Hans Leo Hassler.

Stained glass bulletOne Spirit, One Church - Kevin Keil & Maryanne Quinlivan.

Illuminated letter P

Stained glass bullet

Pange Lingua Gloriosi - Thomas Aquinas.

Stained glass bulletPeople of God / Alleluia (Acclamation / Song for Mystagogia) - David Haas.

Stained glass bulletPraise to you, Lord Jesus Christ (Lenten Gospel acclamation) - Roc O'Connor.

Stained glass bulletPsalm 22: My God, my God - Tim Manion.

Stained glass bulletPsalm 72: Justice shall flourish / Lord, every nation - Rory Cooney.

Stained glass bulletPsalm 118: The stone rejected - Michel Guimont.

Stained glass bulletPsalm 118: This is the day - Scott Soper.

Illuminated letter S

Stained glass bullet

Sign us with ashes - Mark Friedman & Janet Vogt.

Stained glass bulletSigned by ashes - Kevin Keil.

Stained glass bulletSo you must do (Footwashing/Holy Thursday) - Marty Haugen.

Stained glass bulletSong of Moses - Scott Soper.

Stained glass bulletSong of the risen one - David Haas.

Stained glass bulletSpirit blowing through creation - Marty Haugen.

Stained glass bulletStay with me - Taize.

Illuminated letter T

Stained glass bullet

Take up your cross - David Haas.

Stained glass bulletTake up your cross - Marty Haugen.

Stained glass bulletThe day of resurrection - John of Damascus (v. 1, 2, 4), John Mason Neale (trans), John Dunn (v. 3) & Ellacombe.

Stained glass bulletThe glory of these forty days - St. Gregory the Great, (tr. Maurice F. Bell), J. Klug (adapt. Johann Sebastian Bach).

Stained glass bulletThe Lord upholds my life - David Haas.

Stained glass bulletThe Spirit is a-movin’ - Carey Landry.

Stained glass bulletThe stone rejected - Michel Guimont.

Stained glass bulletThe strife is o'er - Latin, 12th century, trans. Francis Pott, Giovanni P. da Palestrina.

Stained glass bulletThe word of God became man - John Michael Talbot.

Stained glass bulletThree days - Thaxted.

Stained glass bulletTree of life - (authors?).

Stained glass bulletTwo were bound for Emmaus - Bob Hurd.

Illuminated letter U

Stained glass bullet

Up from the waters (Sprinkling song) - Marty Haugen

Illuminated letter V

Stained glass bullet

Victimae Paschali Laudes (Christians to the Paschal Victim).

Illuminated letter W

Stained glass bullet

Were you there? - African American spiritual.

Illuminated letter Y

Stained glass bullet

Ye sons and daughters (O filii et filiae) - Jean Tisserand, Edward Caswell (trans.).


Stained glass bullet

Adhaan - The Islamic call to prayer.signing hands

Stained glass bulletSûrah Yâ Sîn 33-35.

JEWISH: Chanukah

Stained glass bullet

Al hanisim - Traditional.

Stained glass bulletChanukah candle blessings - Traditional.

Stained glass bulletChanukah/Solstice - Linda Hirschhorn.

Stained glass bulletHaneyrot halalu - Traditional.

Stained glass bulletHanukkah, Hanukkah - Traditional.

Stained glass bulletI have a little dreidel - Sam Goldfarb.

Stained glass bulletLeft to Right - William Levin & Michelle Citrin.signing hands

Stained glass bulletLight one candle - Peter Yarrow.signing hands

Stained glass bulletMaoz Tzur - Traditional.

Stained glass bulletMi yimalel (Who can retell) - Menashe Rabina & Folk tune.

Stained glass bulletOcho kandelikas - Flory Jagoda.

Stained glass bulletOh Chanukah, oh Chanukah - M. Rivesman & traditional niggun.

Stained glass bulletSevivon, sov, sov, sov - Traditional.

JEWISH: Full services

Star of David bullet

Bar/Bat Mitzvah.

Star of David bulletBirkat haMazon.

Star of David bulletBrit Milah (The circumcision ritual).

Star of David bulletChanukah.

Star of David bulletChatunah & Shevah Brachot (Marriage ceremony).

Star of David bulletConversion.

Star of David bulletFuneral.

Star of David bulletInterpreting for Hebrew as a second language.

Star of David bulletPesach (Passover).

Star of David bulletPurim megillah.

Star of David bulletRosh haShannah (Jewish New Year).

Star of David bulletShabbat (The Sabbath).

Star of David bulletShavuot.

Star of David bulletSukkot.

Star of David bulletYom Kippur (Day of Atonement).

JEWISH: Individual songs and texts

Stained glass bullet

Adon Olam.signing hands

Stained glass bulletAl shlosha d'varim - Allan E. Naplan.

Stained glass bulletBirkat haKohanim (The priestly blessing).

Stained glass bulletHaTiqvah (Israeli national anthem).

Stained glass bulletHevenu shalom aleichem - Traditional folk song.

Stained glass bulletHinei mah tov.

Stained glass bulletKaddish (d'rabbanan, mourner's, full-, and half-).

Stained glass bulletKah Ribon.

Stained glass bulletMaster of all things - Craig Taubman.

Stained glass bulletMi chamocha - Traditional.

Stained glass bulletMi shebeairach - Debbie Friedman and Drorah Setel.

Stained glass bulletOd yavo shalom aleinu (Salaam, Peace will come to us) - Sheva.

Stained glass bulletOr Zarua - Traditional.

Stained glass bulletOseh shalom bimromav.

Stained glass bulletPeace will come to us (Od yavo shalom aleinu, Salaam) - Sheva.

Stained glass bulletSalaam (Od yavo shalom aleinu, Peace will come to us) - Sheva.

Stained glass bulletShalom aleichem (Shabbat z'mir).signing hands

Stained glass bulletShalom rav.

Stained glass bulletVidui (A to Z story).

Stained glass bulletV'shamru v'nei yisrael.

Stained glass bulletYehi l'ratzon.

Stained glass bulletYerushalayim shel Zahav (Jerusalem of Gold) - Naomi Shemer.signing hands

Stained glass bulletYigdal.


Note: Also check

Unitarian Universalist., whose hymns would be considered secular by some.


Illuminated letter A

Stained glass bullet

A declaration of unity - Alcoholic Anonymous.

Stained glass bulletAlma Mater, Nazareth College (Rochester, NY) - Sr. Kathleen Riley.

Stained glass bulletAlma mater, St. John Fischer (Rochester, NY) - Edward C. Currie.

Stained glass bulletAmerica the beautiful - Katharine Lee Bates & Samuel Ward.signing hands

Stained glass bulletLas Amarillas - traditional, (arr.) Stephen Hatfield.

Stained glass bulletAngel in eternal flight - Valerie Webdell.

Stained glass bulletAnother spring - Howard Helvey.

Illuminated letter B

Stained glass bullet

Bad day - Daniel Powter.

Stained glass bulletBattle hymn of the Republic - Julia W. Howe.

Stained glass bulletBo ree baht - Korean traditional.

Stained glass bulletBridge over troubled water - Paul Simon.

Illuminated letter C

Stained glass bullet

Carriers of the Light - Jerry Estes.

Stained glass bulletCelebrate Kwanzaa - Marti Lunn Lantz & Lois Browney.

Stained glass bullet"Cheer up, Charlie" from Willie Wonka and the chocolate factory - Leslie Bricusse & Anthony Newley.

Stained glass bulletCivil marriage ceremony.

Stained glass bulletCome go with me - Del Vikings.

Stained glass bulletCome, ye sons of art - Henry Purcell.

Illuminated letter D

Stained glass bullet

Dansi na kuimba - Folk song, Dave Perry (arr.).

Stained glass bulletDo not walk behind me - Albert Camus.

Stained glass bulletDon't worry, be happy - Bobby McFerrin.

Illuminated letter E

Stained glass bullet

Eastridge High Alma Mater (Rochester, NY).

Stained glass bulletEcco la primavera - Francesco Landini.

Stained glass bulletEvery moment - Jesse Butterworth, Regie Hamm and Joy Williams.

Illuminated letter F

Stained glass bullet

Follow the drinking gourd - African American spiritual.

Stained glass bulletFor good - Steven Schwartz.

Illuminated letter G

Stained glass bullet

Girls just wanna have fun - Cyndi Lauper.

Stained glass bulletGoin' to Ghana, Two Ghana folk songs - Mary Donnelly & George L. O. Strid.

Stained glass bulletGott will ich lassen ratthen - Georg Niege & Dieterich Buxtehude. This is a religious theme, but it is more likely to be performed in the concert hall, than in a church service nowadays.

Illuminated letter H

Stained glass bullet

Hymn to joy - Jane Parker Huber & Ludwig Beethoven.

Illuminated letter I

Stained glass bullet

"I go on" from Mass: A theatre piece for singers, players and dancers - Stephen Schwartz & Leonard Berstein.

Stained glass bulletI have ere this time heard - Whythorn.

Stained glass bulletI hope you dance - Sanders & Sillers.

Stained glass bullet"I want it now" from Willie Wonka and the chocolate factory - Leslie Bricusse & Anthony Newley.

Stained glass bulletI will remember you - Sarah McLachlan.

Stained glass bulletI will seize the day - Mark Brymer.

Stained glass bulletIn my life - John Lennon.

Stained glass bulletIn praise of music - Jerry Estes.

Stained glass bulletIn virtute tua - Grzegorz Gorczycki.

Stained glass bulletIrish blessing - Traditional & Carolee R. Curtright.

Stained glass bulletIrish blessing (Blessing prayer) - Traditional & Robert Fabing.

Stained glass bulletIrish blessing - Version 3.

Stained glass bulletIt's time for movin' on - Don Besig.

Stained glass bullet"I've got a golden ticket" from Willy Wonka and the chocolate factory - Leslie Bricusse & Anthony Newley.

Illuminated letter J

Stained glass bullet

Jaded (These years) - Mest.

Stained glass bulletJust for today - Narcotics Anonymous.

Illuminated letter K

Stained glass bullet

Kumbaya (Traditional).

Illuminated letter L

Stained glass bullet

Las Amarillas - traditional, (arr.) Stephen Hatfield.

Stained glass bulletLet there be peace on Earth - Sy Miller & Jill Jackson.

Stained glass bulletLet's call the whole thing off - A Deaf parody of Ira Gershwin's song by David Bar-Tzur.

Illuminated letter M

Stained glass bullet

May the music never end - Artie Butler.

Stained glass bulletMorning has broken - Eleanor Farjeon.

Stained glass bullet"Music for a while" from Oedipus and Man - Henry Purcell.

Stained glass bulletMusica Dei donum - Lassus.

Stained glass bulletMy country 'tis of thee - Samuel F. Smith & Thesaurus Musicus.

Illuminated letter N

Stained glass bullet

Now is the month of Maying - Anonymous & Thomas Morley.

Illuminated letter O

Stained glass bullet

O Canada! - Calixa Lavallée & Sir Adolphe-Basile Routhier (French); Justice Robert Stanley Wei (English).

Stained glass bulletObwisana (Oboo asi me nsa - "[Oh Grandma,] the rock crushed my hand") - Mary Donnelly & George L. O. Strid.

Stained glass bulletOd yavo shalom aleinu (Salaam, Peace will come to us) - Sheva.

Stained glass bulletOne voice - Barry Manilow.

Stained glass bullet"Oompa-loompa doompadee-doo" from Willie Wonka and the chocolate factory - Leslie Bricusse & Anthony Newley.

Illuminated letter P

Stained glass bullet

Peace will come to us (Od yavo shalom aleinu, Salaam) - Sheva.

Stained glass bulletPledge of allegiance - Francis Bellamy (modified by the National Flag Conference and the U.S. Congress).

Stained glass bullet"Pure imagination" from Willie Wonka and the chocolate factory - Leslie Bricusse & Anthony Newley.

Illuminated letter R

Stained glass bullet

Riu chiu - 16th century Spanish villancico. Although the lyrics are very pious, this would probably not be sung in a religious setting.

Illuminated letter S

Stained glass bullet


Stained glass bulletSalaam (Od yavo shalom aleinu, Peace will come to us) - Sheva.

Stained glass bulletSeasons of love - Jonathan Larson.

Stained glass bulletSeeds grow to plants - David Grant & John Rutter.

Stained glass bulletSelections from Romancero Gitano - Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco: La Guitarra (The Guitar), Procesión (Procession), Paso (Passage), and Saeta (Devotional Song). Although two of the songs have religious content, this is more a concert piece.

Stained glass bullet(Simply) The best - Mike Chapman and Holly Knight.

Stained glass bulletSmall world - Richard M. Sherman & Robert B. Sherman.

Stained glass bulletSomewhere over the rainbow - Harold Arlen & E.Y. Harburg.

Stained glass bulletSound the trumpet - Henry Purcell.

Stained glass bulletStand by me - Ben E. King.

Stained glass bulletStar-spangled banner - Francis Scott Key.

Stained glass bulletSteps of AA.

Stained glass bulletSumer is icumen in - John of Fornsete.

Illuminated letter T

Stained glass bullet

Tears in Heaven - Eric Clapton & Will Jennings.

Stained glass bullet(Simply) The best - Mike Chapman and Holly Knight.

Stained glass bullet"The candy man" from Willie Wonka and the chocolate factory - Leslie Bricusse & Anthony Newley.

Stained glass bulletThe Genesee (Alma Mater of the University of Rochester) - Thomas T. Swinburne.

Stained glass bulletThe girl from Ipanema - Antonio Carlos Jobim & Vinícius de Moraes (trans.) Norman Gimbel.

Stained glass bulletThe serenity prayer.

Stained glass bulletThe twelve steps of Alcoholics Anonymous.

Stained glass bulletThe traditions of Alcoholics Anonymous.

Stained glass bulletThe wind beneath my wings - Jeff Silbar & Larry Henley.

Stained glass bulletThere is sweet music here - Alfred Tennyson & Clements.

Stained glass bulletThis is my song - Lloyd Stone.

Stained glass bulletTribute - JoJo David & Jim Meyers.

Stained glass bulletTrue colors - Tom Kelly & Billy Steinberg.

Stained glass bulletTune thy music to thy heart - Thomas Campion.

Illuminated letter U

Stained glass bullet

Under the sea - Alan Menken & Howard Ashman.

Stained glass bulletUnforgettable - Nat King Cole.

Illuminated letter W

Stained glass bullet

We are climbing Jacob's ladder - traditional, additional lyrics by Pete Seeger.

Stained glass bulletWe will rock you - Brian May.

Stained glass bulletWhat a wonderful world - George Weiss & Bob Thiele.

Stained glass bulletWie Melodien zieht es mir - Klaus Groth & Johannes Brahms.

Stained glass bulletWillie Wonka and the chocolate factory - Leslie Bricusse & Anthony Newley

Stained glass bulletWith verdure clad - Franz Joseph Haydn.

Illuminated letter Y

Stained glass bullet

You raise me up - Josh Groban.

Stained glass bulletYou're a mean one, Mr. Grinch - Dr. Seuss & Albert Hague.

Illuminated letter Z

Stained glass bullet

Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah - Ray Gilbert & Allie Wrubel.


Note: I have interpreted all these songs for UU services. Some of them originate elsewhere.


Illuminated letter A

Stained glass bullet

All beautiful the march of days - Ralph Vaughan Williams & Frances W. Wile.

Stained glass bulletAmazing grace - John Newton.

Stained glass bulletAnother spring - Howard Helvey.

Illuminated letter B

Stained glass bullet

Be here now - Ram Dass.

Stained glass bulletBo ree baht - Korean traditional.

Illuminated letter C

Stained glass bullet

Come, Thou font of every blessing (Unitarian version).

Illuminated letter D

Stained glass bullet

Don't walk behind me - Albert Camus.

Illuminated letter E

Stained glass bullet

Enter, rejoice and come in - Louise Ruspini.

Stained glass bulletEternal truth.

Illuminated letter F

Stained glass bullet

For all the saints - William W. How and Ralph Vaughan Williams.

Illuminated letter S

Stained glass bullet

Gabi, Gabi.

Stained glass bulletGather the spirit - Jim Scott.

Stained glass bulletGo now in peace - Nancy Price & Don Besig.

Illuminated letter H

Stained glass bullet

Hail the glorious golden city - Felix Adler & John B. Dykes.

Stained glass bulletHere we have gathered - Shelley Jackson Denham.

Illuminated letter I

Stained glass bullet

"I go on" from Mass: A theatre piece for singers, players and dancers - Stephen Schwartz & Leonard Berstein.

Stained glass bulletI have ere this time heard - Whythorn.

Stained glass bulletI sat down under His shadow - Edward Bairstow.

Stained glass bulletI wish I knew how it would feel to be free - Billy Taylor & Dick Dallas.

Stained glass bulletIn this hallowed place - Richard Gilbert.

Stained glass bulletIn virtute tua - Grzegorz Gorczycki.

Stained glass bulletIt sounds along the ages - William Channing Gannett.

Stained glass bulletI've got peace like a river - African American Spiritual.

Illuminated letter L

Stained glass bullet

Lift every voice and sing - James W. Johnson & John R. Johnson.

Stained glass bulletLighting and extinguishing the chalice. This is not a song but a ritual text that is recited at the opening and the closing of the service.

Stained glass bulletLo, the Earth awakes again.

Illuminated letter M

Stained glass bullet

Make channels for the streams of love - Richard C. Trench.

Stained glass bulletMay nothing evil cross this door - Louis Untermeyer.

Stained glass bulletMay peace dwell within our hearts - Rev. Arthur Foote II.

Stained glass bulletMorning has broken - Eleanor Farjeon.

Stained glass bulletMorning, so fair to see - Vincent Silliman.

Stained glass bullet"Music for a while" from Oedipus and Man - Henry Purcell.

Stained glass bulletMusica Dei donum - Lassus.

Illuminated letter O

Stained glass bullet

O come, you longing thirsty souls.

Stained glass bulletO day of light and gladness - Frederick L. Hosmer & Henry T. Smart.

Stained glass bulletO life that makest all things new - Samuel Longfellow & Samuel Stanley.

Stained glass bulletO Lord, how shall I meet You? - Paul Gerhardt, Christoph Runge, Catherine Winkworth (trans.).

Stained glass bulletO young and fearless prophet - John B. Dykes & S. Ralph Harlow (Unitarian-Universalist version).

Illuminated letter R

Stained glass bullet

Rise up, my love - Eleanor Daly.

Stained glass bulletRock of Ages, let our song - Traditional Jewish song; Marcus Jastrow & Gustav Gottheil (trans.).

Illuminated letter S

Stained glass bullet

Seasons of love - Jonathan Larson.

Stained glass bulletSeeds grow to plants - David Grant & John Rutter.

Stained glass bulletSpirit of life - Carol McDade.

Illuminated letter T

Stained glass bullet

Thanks be for these - Richard Seward Gilbert.

Stained glass bulletThe circle of love and justice - Donna DiSciullo.

Stained glass bulletThe cry of the poor - John B. Foley.

Stained glass bulletThe simple path - Mother Teresa.

Stained glass bulletThere is sweet music here - Alfred Tennyson & Clements.

Stained glass bulletThis is my song - Lloyd Stone.

Stained glass bulletThis little light of mine - African American Spiritual.

Stained glass bullet'Tis a gift to be simple - Traditional Shaker hymn.

Stained glass bulletTune thy music to thy heart - Thomas Campion.

Illuminated letter V

Stained glass bullet

Velvet shoes - Elinor Wylie.

Stained glass bulletVoice still and small - John Corrado.

Illuminated letter W

Stained glass bullet

Wake, now, my senses - Thomas Mikelson & Trad. Irish melody.

Stained glass bulletWe are dancing Sarah's circle - Pete Seeger & Carole Eagleheart.

Stained glass bulletWe laugh, we cry - Shelley Jackson Denham.

Stained glass bulletWe'll build a land - Barbara Zanotti.

Stained glass bulletWhen in our music - Fred Pratt Green & Charles Villiers Stanford.

Stained glass bulletWho calls you by name - David Haas.

Stained glass bulletWho is at my window, who? - Anonymous.

Stained glass bulletWie Melodien zieht es mir - Klaus Groth & Johannes Brahms.

Stained glass bulletWinds be still.

Stained glass bulletWith verdure clad - Franz Joseph Haydn.

Illuminated letter Y

Stained glass bullet

Years are coming - Adin Ballou.
