CDs, DVDs, and videotapes
Deaf events
Mailing lists, user groups & chat rooms
Online teaching and learning
Outside assessment and certification
Periodicals and articles
Workshops and conferences
Note: A flag next to a link shows what language the website is in. If it is followed by this icon: (), it is a video in that spoken language. If it is followed by this icon: , it is in the sign language of that country, except for ASL which is most frequent here and is shown thusly:. If a globe is followed by this hands icon, there is an animated text in International Gesture.
Captioning sucks! Not enough of it! They don't listen! It's hard to read! Deaf people settle for crumbs! The wrong kind! The fox is watching the henhouse! There *are* no standards!
Herrod, L. Deafness and the User Experience. An interesting thing has happened on the web in the last 18 months—the web community has become more aware of deafness and how it influences accessible design practices. First, Joe Clark launched The Open & Closed Project (OCP) in November, 2006. Second, in early April, The OCP launched the Captioning Sucks! site.
Navigadget. (2008, March 21). GPS Ranger now with sign language. GPS Ranger, a multimedia GPS touring device with a four-inch LCD screen and amplified audio system from BarZ made their virtual tours more accessible to both deaf and hard of hearing people, by first adding a captioning option to the device. And now for the first time, they have created a tour available completely in American Sign Language (ASL), a tour of Austin, Texas.
The Open & Closed Project is a new research project headquartered in Toronto. Our main goal is to improve quality by setting standards for the four fields of accessible media – captioning, audio description, subtitling, and dubbing. We’ll develop those standards through research and evidence-gathering. Where research or evidence is missing on a certain topic, we’ll carry it out ourselves. We’ll test the finished standards for a year in the real world, then publish them. (You’ll be able to download them for free or buy them in several formats.) Then we’ll develop training and certification programs for practitioners. It will finally be possible to become a certified captioner (or audio describer or subtitler or dubbing artist). We’ll also develop and test improved fonts for captioning and subtitling (already underway). We’ll develop a universal file format.
ADA - Americans with Disabilities Act. Resources and Organizations.
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Homepage / U.S. Department of Justice.
Commonly asked questions about the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and law enforcement / U.S. Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division, Disability Rights Section.
Disability discrimination in the workplace.
Ensuring linguistic access in health care settings: Legal rights and responsibilities. In order to ensure access to care for limited English proficient residents, there are a number of federal and state laws and policies that compel publicly funded health care programs and activities to provide language access. This issue brief focuses on the language access responsibilities of health care and coverage providers pursuant to federal civil rights laws. (This is a downloadable pdf file.)
Legal issues for physicians: The Americans with Disabilities Act and Hearing Interpreters. The AMA's position on the provision of interpreters to patients "who are hearing disabled."
Rights of Deaf and Hard of Hearing under the ADA.
Supreme Court cases involving the ADA. This is a search engine that is already titled for your convenience. (2008, August 7). 911 Enable Partners with Snap!VRS to Provide Enhanced 911 Video Calling: Deaf, Hard of Hearing, and Speech Impaired Customers Able to Access 911 Through Video Relay Service. 911 Enable (News - Alert), an industry leading 911 service provider, announced today that it will provide E911 call routing services for Snap!VRS, the video relay service provider that distributes the Ojo video phone. As a result, 911 emergency video calls can now be placed using Snap!VRS by individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing, or speech impaired.
U.S. Department of Justice.
Americans with Disabilities Act: FAQ (Frequently asked questions).
About American Sign Language, Karen Nakamura.
American Sign Language: A language of USA.
American Sign Language browser.
American Sign Language Linguistic Research Project.
American Sign Language videos.
ASL Access gives you access to ASL stories and ASL lessons for all ages and stages - and more. How? Easy! You let your library, school, college, agency, or other organization know about ASL Access, and we help the staff to find and buy great ASL videos for you to borrow. Tell everyone you know about ASL Access. Get your hands on ASL!
Bar-Tzur, D.
Interpreting with the whole body: Expanding the concept of non-manual behavior - One day workshop. See resources list for websites on non-manual behavior in ASL as well as in English.
Belka, R. W. Is American Sign Language a "foreign" language?
Berke, J. Sign names.
Boutcher, J. (14 July 1994). Noam Chomsky and Deafness.
Coltrane, B. CAL Resource Guides Online. Introduction, Digests, Dictionaries, Web Sites, Organizations, Videos and Software, Journals, Books, ERIC Documents.
Contreras, R. (Fall 2002). Sociolinguistic Variation of ASL Sociolinguistics: The study of language and linguistic behavior as influenced by social and cultural factors.
Create rubrics for your project-based learning activities: Storytelling. This page allows you to create a great rubric for ASL storytelling with some slight modifications.
David, D. Photography in the language development of Deaf children.
DiGi, B. (2007, May 9). The Sweet Smell of Victory for ASL!The Rush-Henrietta School District made a proposal to phase out ASL class as a foreign language credit that the 8th graders have been earning a credit that is equivalent to high school level. The fight was presented by the deaf community members to confront the board in a town meeting where many spoke out to preserve ASL in middle school. It led to convince the board to unanimously vote to keep ASL classes in middle school. See how this model has set up an example of unity to make the outcome desirable by the deaf community.
Dufoe, S. (1993). Review of American Sign Language: Linguistic and applied dimensions, by Wilbur, Ronnie B.
ERIC Clearinghouse on Language and Linguistics.
Erting, L. & Pfau, J. (24 July 1997) Becoming bilingual.
Frequently used ASL idioms and expressions. Uses glosses and only helps if you already know the sign.
Gallaudet University Library.
HandSpeak is a paid site, but has many interesting features on ASL. Not only does it have a dictionary, but has articles on Deaf culture and some poetry.
I is muck. Try clicking on "Photography"; it became a dead link within the website but may be reinstated.
Inspiration in language arts. Improve language arts outcomes for grades 6-12 with Inspiration and these 30+ standards-based lesson plans covering analysis, persuasion, narration, and expression.
International ASL meet-up day.
Lesson tutor American Sign Language home page. ASL lessons and articles. ASL University. First 100 Signs, Bibliography, Bookstore, Checklist, Contact, Course Advisor, Course Catalog, Dictionary, Fingerspelling Tool, Fingerspelling explanation, Fingerspelling Quizzes, Fingerspelling Wallpaper: ABC's, Font Download, Frequently Asked Questions, Glossary, Dr. Bill "quick bio", Longer Bio, Interpreting, Jokes, Lessons, Letter to the Student, Library, Newsletter, Numbers, Permission, Reflections of an ASL Student (Peer Advice), Registration (You do NOT need to register), Resources, Safari Bill, Schedule, Translate using bablefish, Syllabi, Teaching ASL (Advice and resources for teachers), Terminology, Testing (under construction), Why study ASL?, Workbook download (under constant development), Archives, Accreditation.
MacFarlane, J. (n.d.) The Grammaticization of WRONG in American Sign Language.
Mahshie, S. (14 July 1997) A first language: Whose choice is it?
Markowicz, H. (1978). American Sign Language: Fact and fancy. Foreword, Introduction, Myth: Sign Language is universal, Myth: Reality must be word-based, Myth: Sign Language is iconic, Myth: Signs are glorified gestures, Myth: ASL is concrete, Myth: ASL is ungrammatical, Myth: ASL is ideographic, Language and community (Variation: A product of language use, ASL in the Deaf community), Afterword: Beyond Signs, For further reading, Acknowledgements.
Matt's world: What is ASL?
Parkhurst, S. J. & Parkhurst, D. (1995). Language and the Deaf.
Santiago, R.
Pronouns in English and ASL.
Tense in English and ASL.
Schroeder, C.kalalau52's Videos. Almost 400 videos about ASL from a historical and linguistic perspective. Extremely informative and scholarly.
sign can you. You can buy the book, but you don't need to. You can read it all right here. That's right, you can read the entire book for free, but there are benifits to buying it. The book is 5 1/2 x 8 1/2 inches so it's easy to carry for easy reference. The book has plastic comb binding so it lies flat on a table, leaving both hands free for easy practice. The book includes the DVD, your essential tool. Using advanced Internet technology and effective teaching methodologies, is designed to teach you American Sign Language from home, school, work, a library, an airport terminal, an Internet cafe, or anywhere you may be with an Internet connection, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Sign Language facts.
Sound and fury - Deaf culture - Intro to Sign Language.
States that recognize ASL as a foreign language.
Talking Hands ASL. We are committed to innovating the best American Sign Language (ASL) products available. At Talking Hands ASL we are continually looking ahead to the next-generation of products: additional book series, exciting sign language games, unique deaf gifts, and ASL clothing with identity.
The American Sign Language (ASL) alphabet.
The Linguist list: Topic-oriented sites.
Tiny fingers. Sign language classes for babies and their parents.
Tuggy, D. (1996). Report on 1995 LSA Summer Institute.
Wallace Memorial Library - NTID/Deaf studies.
Welch, T.deafpcatoby's Videos. 75 videos on many aspects of Deaf culture, language, and history.
Wilcox, S. (n.d.) A short history of ASL.
YouTube - Everyday ASL's channel. Sign Language glossary. A comprehensive sign language glossary based on several online sign language dictionaries. Not a bad idea to start here so that you can have one-stop shopping instead of searching from site to site. But remember there are many other on-line dictionaries that are not included here, so if you fail, try the others below.
ASL browser.QuickTime movies with a very expressive sign model.
ASL Pro. A free ASL educational website featuring over 6,000 signs. Main dictionary: Over 4000 signs; religious dictionary: Over 1200 interdenominational signs; Conversational Dictionary: Over 2000 common phrases. Quizzes.
Bar-Tzur, D.
Signs for technical/specialized vocabulary. Written in gloss.
Born2sign. Basic sign vocabulary for children.
Cislunar Aerospace, Inc. Sign Language Dictionary. Avatar illustrations. Small, but has some very interesting entries. Principally aeronautics and some science.
COMETS - Technical Signs. Many professionals have contacted us over the years in search of a field-specific or "technical" sign for a term used in mathematics or science. This web-based Science/Mathematics Sign Lexicon identifies published sources (books, CDs) where a sign may be found for a term. If an X appears next to the term, this means we have not yet identified a published source that includes a sign.
Deaf Missions. Animated dictionary of religious signs. Clear animation with many entries. American Sign Language. Many entries. Some useful vocabulary not often seen in other dictionaries of this type.
Digital Video Dictionary, Laurent Clerc National Deaf Education Center. In 2000, a class of 3rd, 4th and 5th graders at the Laurent Clerc National Deaf Education Center found a way that was successful for them. The class took a bilingual approach to literacy by creating their own digital video dictionary. The digital video dictionary helped them to build their vocabulary and improve their reading and writing skills. The Digital Video Dictionary is an electronic collection of pictures, English words, signs, fingerspelling, ASL sentences and English sentences.
Everyday ASL's channel (You Tube).
gnarlydork. (2007, May 2). ASL signs. Most are "slangs" (best word I can say at this moment) which you won't find in your typical ASL textbooks. Those signs are my most common words used among my HS friends and myself. ANSWERS for you to CHEAT. Try and rew the video before you go ahead and read this first. You need to practice your comprehension first-- how else will you fully grasp a language if you don't TRY? All of them are written in ASL-- so do YOUR RESEARCH and figure out what is the English equivalent. "Sick me" "Yeah" nose "Drool" "Hot-neck" "Snot-throw" "Gullible" "Think Me Nothing?" "Puh-PLease" "Scoff" "Finish Immature" "Scam"
HandSpeak is a paid site, but has many interesting features. Short movie files show many interesting sign entries, not only of ASL but Gestuno and some foreign signs. ASL University. ASL - American Sign Language. A living language evolves to meet the ever changing needs of the people who use it. Lexicography, (the making of dictionaries), is like painting sunsets. By the time the paint dries the subject has changed. American Sign Language is constantly adapting to the needs of Deaf people, our families, and our associates. As time goes on, this dictionary will become more sophisticated and include advanced features. For now, it serves its purpose of providing a quick and easy reference for my students. --Dr. Bill Vicars
Needs Outreach. American Sign Language library. Auto mechanics, biology, countries, geography, government, mathematics, physics, and US history.
Schneider, E. E. American Sign Language (ASL) and Signed English (SE) dictionary. Line drawings of signs on group together on pages. Somewhat difficult to read and bested by others represented here.
Sign Language index page.Dictionary with frame by frame stills of signs.
SignWriting online dictionaries.
Valley Bible Church. ASL dictionary of religious words.
This group is an offshoot from Sign4Him [Webmaster's note: see below], in order to keep our glossed songs easily accessible. Basically, this is a gloss bank. It is a forum where people can find and post glosses to their favorite songs, religious or otherwise. All gloss ideas welcome.
ASL Music - An Oxymoron?I have been watching several people using ASL to translate lyrical songs sung by famous singers or lyrics from well known songs. The idea of translating lyrical songs with American Sign Language is a bit strange to me.
ASL Shakespeare Project. This project will be available for purchase in the future, but not through this web site. I hope to post it when I am informed.
Nykateen. (2008, June 16). ASL teacher signing Alicia Keys.
Bar-Tzur, D.
Resources for religious interpreting: Christianity - Hymns in ASL.
Creative Access: Accessible Broadway.
Crevis4. (2006, April 25). Beat it in Sign Language.
DeepCityG. (2007, April 4). G the STAR doing 2 songs.1. Dance Song "I want to be the man for you!" 2. Singing Song "Day by Day Song"
Deaf Connection Orange County. (24 October 2006). Deaf choir.
DeMayo, R. (25 October 2006). Robert DeMayo signing to "Celebrate" song ASL.Robert DeMayo, well-known Deaf Actor, came to UCONN to perform for us with Letter Stories and his final one is the song "Celebrate" I believe thats the name of the song via ASL. [Webmaster's note: Here is an example of how a Deaf person interprets a song. Notice how he is willing to add dance steps and other movements some interpreter might feel were "adding" to the song.]
D-PAN ASL Music Videos.
Half-n-Half: Musically inspired ASL storytelling workshops.
Hands On interpreter education, technical assistance and consultations.
Hands On Sign interpreted performances.
Interpreted shows in Portland, Oregon.
iPod Shuffle commercial with Sign Language.
ipplady. (2007, November 15). ASL music.Baby Got Back in ASL.
Jacobson, J. (2004). Sign Language for Singers. You will learn over 160 beautiful movements most commonly used by singers. The gestures are alphabetized for ease of use, with easy-to-follow definitions and demonstration photos for further visual reference. Also included are 10 featured songs: Hearts Around the World, I See with My Heart, I'll Care, We Remember, Child of the World, Like a Mighty Stream, We Live the Dream (with “Dona Nobis Pacem”), Silent Night, Kumbaya, America the Beautiful.
Klusza, M. (2004). Early Mornin' - Britney Spears.This was at Gallaudet University's Fashion Show in 2004. Performed by Megan Klusza.
Krajnak, M.
(2007, August 27). "The Rose" ASL Version.
kz543g. (2008, May 10). "I'm Movin' On" music with asl.,
(2006, February 3). Danny's group song final. Webmaster: Some clever choreography while interpreting the songs as a group. A good place to go when you know the name of the song you have to interpret, but you don't have the words.
Mayo, J. (2008, August 8). Sign a song. Unlike most members of music groups, Shirley Childress doesn't play an instrument or sing. In fact, when she performs with her ensemble - hometown favorites Sweet Honey in the Rock - she remains cloaked in silence. Miss Childress delivers her part of the harmony using only her hands, her body, her face - and yet, the impact of her storytelling is no less profound than that of her louder counterparts. To some people, her performances are the sun around which everything else onstage circles.
meekakitty. (2008, July 23). Daft Hands-SIGN LANGUAGE!-Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger.
MirPwns. (5 July 2006). Keith Wannis a hilarious CODA comedian. I took a few of his classes at a silent weekend in Tampa.
Mullane, M. (2002, November 12). Julliard interpreter training.
(2008, February 23). ASL, Music, and freedom of expression. This is on older (recently acessed) vlog I did discussing my two favorite things and my hypothesis on why this world is so disjointed.
proGrammar's Videos.Independent hip-hop artist proGrammar (download these for free at interprets his own lyrics into American Sign Language. Intriguing ASL!
Romesy, S. (2006, December 16). interpreted camp song.
roxycagrl. (2008, January 11). If I Were Your Woman ASL American Sign Language music video.
Sia - Soon We'll Be Found.In "Soon We'll Be Found", Sia creates a dreamland of dayglo and shadow puppets where sleep has the power to liberate you from your troubles. So if you're seeking freedom, Sia brings it to you right here.
Sign Language interpreting in the theatre or alternate site. This offers some nice practical advice that's not too long and quite helpful.
sign language singers.Really cute!
silentredwolf. (2008, July 21). Interpreting song in concert.What interpreter should do to sign song with concept behind the meaning of this song or just follow lyrics?
Sounds Of Sign, Inc. (doing business as Music In Motion) is a not for profit, tax- exempt educational program designed to promote Deaf awareness in the community. Due to the vast increase of Deaf and hearing-impaired persons in this country, American Sign Language (ASL) has recently been recognized by the U.S. government as a foreign language, with its own grammar and syntax. There are many more Deaf students and employees present in our schools and workplaces. Unfortunately, due to a lack of education and communication skills, many of us are unaware of the needs and challenges of Deaf and hearing-impaired persons. Music In Motion is dedicated to bridging that gap.
st0rmfx's Videos. Webmaster: These are really CrAzY, wild, over the top, delightful music videos in ASL.
The National Arts and Disability Center.
Timm, D. (2001, December 12). Performing arts interpreting: Qualification, recognition, and betterment through education.
Trix Bruce.
(2007, January 8). My love will go on.
Yelon, L. (2002, September). Signs of the times: Interpreters perfect their craft.
YouTube - allyballybabe's Channel.
YouTube - Captainl0ver's Channel.
YouTube - jneiderer's Channel.
YouTube - niner1337's Channel.
YouTube - rpgerling's Channel.
YouTube - signingsis's Channel.
YouTube - tiffanythill's Channel.
AJONFILM. (2006, March 18). An Idiot Boy And A Motorbike.
Andrews, A. YouTube - awti's Videos.
Chung, W. (2007, April 1). ABC Story Steam Engine by Wonsuk Chung. Look for the handshapes of A - Z to see this story unfold. At the end of the video there are illustrated drawings by Wonsuk to help non-signers identify the handshape letters with the message. ABC stories are a unique form of ASL literature - no other literature in the world creates ABC stories that I am aware of.
Color of Sign. (2007, February 22). ASL ABC Story!One of the fun and special traditions enjoyed and shared by the Deaf Community is signing stories using Number or Alphabet hand shapes. In these stories, various hand shapes do not stand for the numbers and letters themselves, but are used as signs or gestures to convey concepts. They are signed in alphabetical or numerical order, and used in amazing ways to sign or act out a story.
(2007, July 17). Deaf man's storytell in ASL "The Sinful Dude and the Police". This video is my first video of ASL storytelling on Warn, there is some of dirty words in this video... Hope you would enjoy my video!.
Glickman, K. (11 October 2206). "Pot" - An ABC Story by Ken Glickman.Ken, as "Prof. Glick" in his classic DEAFology 101 comedy performance, signs a story using the handshapes of each letter of the alphabet. For more info, see his web site at
Hall, K. (25 October 2006). Kristine Hall's A-Z, A-Z Gally Protest Story. ABC Story told in American Sign Language ABC Story told in American Sign Language about the current protest at Gallaudet University.
Holcomb, D. (2007, March 6). A to Z Prison Story in ASL.
Assistive Technology - Independent Living Technologies. Communication, Hearing, Vision, Mobility, Ergonomics, Furniture, Lighting, Workstations, Software, Switches, Learning & Classroom, Bathroom, Keyboards & Mice, Kitchen & Household, Toys & Recreation, Personal Safety.
Boundless Communication. Your solution for ASL, Deaf and Hard of Hearing products.
Deafworks. Products for the Deaf and hard of hearing.
Described and Captioned Media Program. Explore our Web site to learn how we are living our mission to promote and provide equal access to communication and learning for students who are blind, visually impaired, deaf, hard of hearing, or deaf-blind. The DCMP is an idea that works thanks to funding by the U.S. Department of Education and administration by the National Association of the Deaf.
EnableMart is the worldwide leader in assistive technology distribution. With customers in all 50 states and over 45 foreign countries, EnableMart provides over 3,000 assistive technology and assistive living devices from over 200 manufacturers. EnableMart's market leadership is the direct result of the goal to become an all inclusive source for assistive technology and assistive living devices.
Etymotic Research, Inc. (ER) is a research, development and manufacturing company located in Elk Grove Village, Illinois. The name "Etymotic" (pronounced "et-im-OH-tik.") means "true to the ear." Established in 1983, ER's mission is to design high-fidelity products to measure, improve and protect hearing. ER has developed and patented some of the most innovative hearing technology available today. ER's products are used worldwide by scientists, hearing practitioners, hearing-impaired consumers, professional and amateur musicians, and others who insist on superior sound quality.
Garth Wireless.
GoAmerica offers a variety of accessories to make your wireless experience even better.
Harc Mercantile. Assistive listening devices.
Krown Manufactoring. Amplified phone, signaling devices, alarm clock, Krown Series, Pocket Series, MemoryPrinter Series, PortaPrinter Series, PortaView Series, Other TTY.
The Technology Access Program is a research group focusing on technologies and services that eliminate communication barriers traditionally faced by people who are deaf and hard of hearing. TAP is part of Gallaudet University’s Department of Communication Studies. These links lead to papers, references, tutorials, presentation slides, conference proceedings and other information: Technology access policy, Emergency telecommunications, Video telecommunications, Text telecommunications, Voice telecommunications, Relay telecommunications, Captioning, Standards related to communications access, Demographics.
Anand, S. (2007, June 9). Sign of the Times: Video, Email Are Boons to the Deaf; Internet and Texting Open 'A Fourth Dimension' Of Real-Time Conversation.
Bob's Vlogs - Gallaudet University.
Deaf-Blogs :: Freedom of Speech.
Deaf Cinematic Filmblog.The most crucial ingredient is this: A burning passion to make a film/video.
DeafDC for Washington DC Deaf Professionals - DPHH. of Deaf Blogs and news.
DeafVIDEO.TV - Deaf Videos.
Deaf world as eye see it.A collection of Vlogs done by Amy Cohen Efron.
Ella's Flashlight.A Deaf mute’s search for Deafhood enlightment.
Frontrunners through Sarah's eyes!
Interpretopia. My name is Nicole Montagna and I am an American Sign Language/English Interpreter. I hold CI and CT certifications from RID. Currently, I am also a graduate student at SFSU majoring in Instructional Technologies. This blog chronicles my adventures in sign language interpreting. I have been studying ASL and involved with the Deaf community for 16 years.
Joey's ASL vlog. Best my, your, our opinion in ASL.
Kalalau's Kornerinvites you to embark on your journey into the world according to Carl Schroeder. There is always an argument to be made when we talk about American Sign Language (ASL) as our form of speech. The use of ASL is first and foremost about the truth about our inalienable right, our raison d'etre, our right to be Deaf. This V-BlogAZINE, Kalalau's Korner, is also about Carl's form of entertainment.
Krieger, J. See what you say; say what you see.
L3NOIS.This site is for anyone who is curious what's up with me. My name is Jon-Lenois Savage. I'm proud to be deaf, use American Sign Language, and live in San Diego, CA. I want to share my life and family (Wife Holly, Daughter Renny, and Son Lenny) through Vlog and Blog with you. What's Lenois? That's my dad's and my middle name, and my son's first name aka "Lenny". I call us "L3NOIS" as 3rd generations that are alive.
Laird Jr., G. (19 August 2006). Deaf Business Blog.Since blog are getting popular in deaf community, some deaf-related business (relay service, for example) jumped into it, too.
Lantana's Latitude: Through Deaf Eyes.
Lestina, J. ABC: Always be cool.
Many Tribes... because the Deaf nation has many tribes. A blog about equality, education, asking hard questions about lifelivingDeafhoodetc., and dedicated to the proposition that we all evolved equally.
Mr. Sandman's Sandbox. The musings of a Deaf Californian on life, politics, religion, sex, and other unmentionables. This blog is not guaranteed to lead to bon mots appropriate for dinner-table conversation; make of it what you will.
NAD President Blog.
Ridor Live.Home to arguably the most controversial Deaf blogger in America.
Singin’ & Signin’ gotta sing, gotta sign, gotta talk about it!
Sonny James, A Deaf Activist. To Promote Self-Advocacy for the Deaf, by the Deaf.
The ear of my heart.My name is LaRonda Zupp, and this is the story of my journey into deafhood. At the tender age of 17, I lost my hearing suddenly due to the side effects of medication given to treat a rare illness. I did not just wake up to a world of silence. I was given a call to adventure!
YouTube - annestapleton's Channel.
YouTube - deafreformed's Videos.
YouTube - grantlairdjr's Videos.
YouTube - leviathanc's Videos.
YouTube - MyHappyHands's Channel. on cochlear implants. Hearing Aids & Cochlear Implants.
An American Mom in Tuscany: Jordan's Cochlear Implant Story.
Clarion cochlear implant site.
Cochlear Implant Association Inc. home page.
Cochlear Implant Education Center.
DeafLinx. Cochlear implants.
Entific Medical Systems is committed to hearing and facial rehabilitation. We are a rapidly-expanding medical systems company focusing on bone anchored applications based around the principle of osseointegration. Find out more about our Baha® and Vistafix™ systems which are improving the quality of life for people all over the world.
Good Morning America (ABC). (29 April 2003). A new world of sound.Recorded on videotape by Ed Cantrell, transferred to Quicktime, and open captioned. Best viewed in full screen to be able to read the caption.
Nevala, A. E. (28 September 2000). Technology helps a young deaf woman break the silence.
Nucleus Cochlear Implant Systems.
Santiago, R. Translating poetic discourse.
Stape, W. N. (18 December 2006). Is Sign Language dying? Technology threatens unique language.
YouTube - StLouisEar's Videos.
Zak, O. Cochlear Implants - Opinions.
Being with Deaf people. Good to print up for Hearing people that sometimes have to interact with a Deaf person without an interpreter, such as at work between official meetings.
Bowen, M. (September 2000). Community interpreting.
Cost of living comparison calculator.
Dunn, D. Information about learning Sign Language and interpreting as a career.
Eighinger, L.
(2001). Salary comparison matrix. Salary comparisons of a staff interpreter, a K-12 interpreter, and a private practice interpreter. From here you can file your W-2, 1099, and 941 forms without having to leave your home or office.
Frasu, A.
What to look for in an agency.
Hawkins, J. (14 December 2001). Interpreting for award ceremonies and banquets.
The international salary calculator: relocation, cost of living, real estate. Find out the salary you would need to make in a different city to maintain the same standard of living that you have now. Based on cost-of-living indexes for hundreds of U.S and international cities. You can put in the exact salary you want to compare; if you don't, it will compare it to $100K. Make sure to put in whether you want to rent or own, it can make a big difference!
Internal Revenue Service. Determination of worker status for purposes of Federal employment taxes and income tax withholding. A dowloadable pdf file.
Kinsella, T. A look at race, gender and community. Elitism among professionals.
Marsh Affinity Group: Professional liability insurance (has worked with RID members).
Mikkelson, H. The professionalization of community interpreting.
Morfeld, C. Employee or independent contractor?
Professional Upbeat Database Designs (PUDDesigns) offers a variety of tracking databases that enable Freelance Interpreters, Translators, Linguists and Agencies to manage, track, and organize their business by using Microsoft Access program. To download one of our databases you must have the Microsoft Access program installed on your computer. Calculate mileage, billable rates and hours automatically; Manage and track all your clients’ information; Track, update, edit invoices by just a click of a button; Automatically calculates your future date of payment. Present a more professional invoice with less discrepancies; Type specific range of dates to get total earned.
Publication 587 - Business use of your home: Qualifying for a deduction.
Salary/Cost-of-Living data. Under this category, click on any of the following: "DataMasters Salary Survey", "DataMasters Cost of Living Calc.", " Salary Survey", and "Relocation Costs".
Tax Workshop Notes. These notes were taken at a tax workshop given by Schwartz Financial Services LLC. They are being posted here for people who attended the workshop but were not able to take notes. Education, Entry Level, General Community, Government, Healthcare, Legal, Management, New Grad, Other, Training, Video Relay.
Tips for using conference interpreters. Software programs for doing your own taxes.
US General Services Administration (GSA) Consumer Information Center. Request two free brochures: "Starting a business" (Pub. 599D) and "Running a small business" (Pub. 597D). Kids of Deaf Aults (KODA).
CODA - Children of Deaf adults, is a non-profit organization for the adult hearing sons and daughters of deaf parents. The organization began in 1983 and has grown to include people from many different countries and very different family and extended family situations. The CODA experience is strikingly similar across the world. Regardless if you come from a family with one deaf parent, both deaf parents, additional deaf family members, families who signed, families who didn't, etc., you are welcome here.
Deaf Literature Sampler: CODA-Deaf Parents-Hearing Children.
Deaf Online > Families & Friends > CODA, DOHA, DODA and HOHA.
is a chat/support list for those deaf parents with hearing children. This list brings adult children of deaf parents (*codas) together WITH deaf parents, so that they can share experiences with each other. The requirements for membership are: - be 18 years of age or older; - be a deaf parent or an adult child of deaf parents.
DeafToday. (January 26, 2006). Comedian Keith Wann brings humor to CODA experiences through shows and DVD.
Gallaudet Library Pathfinder: Deaf Parents of Hearing Children. The Gallaudet University Library contains much material relating to deaf parents of hearing children. This pathfinder is designed to help you find information and materials about deaf parents of hearing children.
Half-N-Half - Sherry Hicks. Sherry is an extraordinary woman artist who has developed into an exceptional solo and collaborative performance artist. Her work focuses on improvization in ASL storytelling. Sherry blends the elements of theatre, music, movement and native ability with sign language with her uncanny ability to enchant her audiences of all ages and backgrounds. ASL is her first language and all the members of her family are Deaf, she is the only hearing member (Oh Coda) (Only Hearing Child of Deaf adults) of her family. This rich experience has shaped her worldview which is what Sherry calls Deaf centric and Coda centric. She is a prolific artist has written three plays; two creative non-fiction literary works, and as produced several videotapes of her performances of these works. Her career has spanned over two decades and she considers her work to be on the edge of Deaf culture and at the heart of coda culture.
Harvie, J. CODA Is My Identity. A coda is the piece of a music that is distinct from the rest of it and yet a part of the whole. It's also the name Millie Brother adopted when she founded Children of Deaf Adults. I am a coda and this is my song.
Laird, G. (2007. March 10). Do you still use your child(ren) as interpreter?
Malinowski's Bio & Workshop Information.
Metro Maryland Koda.
Mother Father Deaf. As a mother of three Kodas, I am experiencing new things in such a refreshing light. I feel fortunate, to see what I may have been like as a child. The adorable signing, the obvious Deaf traits, and the inquisitive minds. I am inspired by my children.
RID's Special Interest Groups (SIGS). Scroll down to "Interpreters with Deaf Parents".
Thumann, M. A Coda shares insight - The Salk Insitute.
Touch of love poetry.
WHAT DOES THE SUN SOUND LIKE. The totally true tales of a hearing daughter growing up in a deaf family & culture. Written & performed by Arlene Malinowski.
Wikipedia. Child of deaf adult.
Consecutive vs. simultaneous interpreting.
Interpreter training resources.
The Link method of memory. "The text that follows is an excerpt and edited version of a chapter taken from How to develop a super powered memory by Harry Lorayne. A. Thomas and Co. Preston, 1958. This method of enhancing one's ability to memorize items in sequence can be applied to both consecutive interpreting and vocabulary learning."
Santiago, R. Consecutive interpreting: A brief review.
Beaupre, W. J. (1997). Gaining Cued Speech proficiency: A manual for parents, teachers, and clinicians. Complete text.
Bien, J. (16 October 2006). Cued Speech. (, CC, interpreter in bubble) A mini-documentary about the revolutionary visual spoken language system, Cued Speech. Cued Speech helps people, who have difficulty understanding sound-to see sounds, words, and sentences of spoken language. This controversial system is revolutionizing special education. Can Cued Speech help someone you know?
Cued Speech - Online resource for Cued Speech information.
Cued Speech information -
Cuetah is a dynamic learning experience for parents, professionals, teens, children and anyone who wants to learn cued English. We offer courses at all levels including Introduction through Advanced. If you're not sure where you belong, consult our Placement Survey. An expressive skills class will be suggested for you based on your skill level.
DeafLinx. Cued Speech.
Fenton, S. (1 May 1997) Cued Speech as an option.
National Cued Speech Association.
NU-VUE-CUE (Based on Cued Speech).
Assistive Technology - Independent Living Technologies - Ergonomics.
Berke, J. Interpreting - Interpreters and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.
Bermant, M. (2000). Cubital tunnel syndrome.
Carpal Tunnel release.
Choosing the right ergonomic office chair.
Clinical somatic education: pain management, fitness enhancement.
Cubital Tunnel Syndrome discussion.
Deaf Linx. Cumulative motion injury.
Dean, R. K. & Pollard, Jr., R. Q. Application of demand-control theory to Sign Language interpreting: Implications for stress and interpreter training. Adapters, Interface Boxes, Cables; Adjustable Computer Furniture; Armrests, Wrist Products, & Mouse Pad; Articulating Arms & Keyboard Trays; Best Sellers; CPU Holders; DIY Network Products; Document Holders; Ergonomic Chairs; Fine Living Network Products; Footrests & Anti-Fatigue Mats; Headsets & Amplifiers; Keyboards; Laptop Accessories; Misc - Ergo Dog Leash, Lighting, Cushions, Massage Tools; Monitor Risers/Arms; Mouse-Mice; Stretch Software; Writing Instruments.
Evoluent™ Vertical Mouse™. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome.
HandWorld: Common hand problems.
Health Touch Online: Tendonitis/Bursitis.
Lithwick, D. (7 November 2001) Crippled logic. Is CMI a disability? Thoracic Outlet Syndrome.
OSHA Ergonomic Solutions: Computer Workstations eTool - Components - Monitors.
Parafin spa links: Goodmans, MedicalCenterSupply, PlanetBeauty, SitInComfort, SupportPlus, VitalityMedical, VitalityMedical. Warm wax treatment used by some to warm-up before interpreting to lessen the impact on the body. Remember also to cool down the hands after interpreting.
Quilter, D.
Repetitive Stress Injuries resource library.
RIT University News. (2008, April 16). RIT Study: Sign Language Interpreters at High Ergonomic Risk. Sign language interpreting is one of the highest-risk professions for ergonomic injury, according to a new study conducted by RIT. The research indicates that interpreting causes more physical stress to the extremities than high-risk tasks conducted in industrial settings, including assembly line work. It also found a direct link between an increase in the mental and cognitive stress of the interpreter and an increase in the risk of musculoskeletal injuries such as carpal tunnel syndrome and tendonitis.
Sanderson, G. (n.d.) Overuse Syndrome among Sign Language interpreters.
Schroeder, C. Philosophy on the Way to ASL: The Anatomy of the Hand. In this vlog, Carl Schroeder discusses the science dealing with the structure of the human hand. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome among the users of ASL is examined.
Swartz, D. B. Project BurnSat. "BurnSat™ is dedicated to the sharing of information related to: Published and unpublished papers on the satisfaction and burnout, projects by myself and others, statistics of interest, working conditions, and tips and tricks for maximizing satisfaction and minimizing burnout."
Terp Health assists employers in creating an ergonomically healthy and cost-effective work environment and trains interpreters in safe, healthy, responsible signing practices and self-care. It pays for all to be aware of the impact of overuse, repetitive stress, work conditions and the host of biomechanics that are interpreting ergonomics. Sign Safely - Interpret Intelligently.
Thoracic Outlet Syndrome mini information sheet.
Trigger finger.
Ulnar Nerve release.
Vicini, J. (8 January 2002). Supreme Court narrows reach of disability law. The decision was a victory for Toyota Motor Corp. and against its worker, Ella Williams, who suffered from carpal tunnel syndrome.
Visual ergonomics in the office.
Accessible emergency notification and communication: State of the science. Text of speakers' remarks or summaries (22 speakers), PowerPoint slides from presentations (18 speakers), speaker bios, links to exhibitors, link to video archive, resources page linking to other repports and organizations doing related work.
ADA Watch is a project of the National Coalition for Disability Rights, an alliance of hundreds of disability, civil rights, and social justice organizations united to defend and promote the American with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the human rights of children and adults with physical, mental, cognitive and developmental disabilities. We are a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization.
Audism and language proficiency.
Deaf411, Inc. is researching what makes a city "Deaf-Friendly". We are collecting information about your city and would like to learn more about the city you live in, and develop information on what is needed before the city can be considered "Deaf-Friendly".
Deaf C.A.N.: Deaf Community Advocacy Network.
Deaf Images. (1 April 2006). STL AIRPORT 2001.A pre-September 11, 2001 videomaking at a local airport. Deaf Digest reported a problem of lack of services for Deaf at the airport. This video was made and done on September 7, 2001. Few days before the world was changed.
DiGi, B. Deaf progressivism: Making strides toward Deaf pride.
Justice for All was formed to defend and advance disability rights and programs in the 104th Congress. One JFA goal is to work with national and state organizations of people with disabiliies to get the word from Washington, D.C. out to the grassroots. (Limited English Proficiency).
NAD. Self advocacy.
Rainmound, J. Deaf in the city. Sociopolitical blog by deaf person for all peoples.
Re-defining Deaf - Synopsis. This film draws on the work of cultural studies theorist Stuart Hall in effort to examine the nature of representation and ideology. The goal is for the Deaf community to understand "how we got here" and what we can do about it by seizing control of the media as a means of putting forth a different representation of what it means to be d/Deaf.
Sonny James, A Deaf Activist. To Promote Self-Advocacy for the Deaf, by the Deaf.
Starving for access. Hunger strike: A response to the Deaf education crisis.
The CEPIN Project aims to develop model community education programs for deaf and hard of hearing consumers and emergency responders in emergency prepareness. We hope to empower deaf or hard of hearing individuals on a local basis and to have these individuals work alongside their neighbors before, during, and after a crisis in order to prevent and minimize damage and promote faster recovery. I beleve that is community action at its best. - TDI Executive Director Claude Stout.
The Deaf Advocacy Network's mission is to integrate Deaf Individuals into the Tampa / Hillsborough County Community through equal access and to promote the awareness of the abilities and capabilities of all Deaf citizens. Our goal is to provide advocacy education, training, and information on the needs for equal access, opportunities, and to assist in recognizing and developing appropriate services for Deaf Individuals.
Deaf hearts and hands or alternate site.
Hand Expressions. Many of these products are designed and manufactured by people who are deaf. Robert's specialty is to design original custom clothing with transfers and embroidery. Everyone loves to see their name printed in sign language on a shirt or any product of their choice. You name it, he can do it! Dora is a very talented jewelry designer and maker. They both look forward to serving you on the web, as they have done in the past in person.
Hand Nation. The art prints are made with a 3D modeling, rendering and animation program. Printed on high quality photo gloss heavyweight. It is water resistant and has a long life. The prints will fit most standard size frames. Want to be a part of a popular online community of thousands of deaf and hard of hearing people from around the world? To gain full access you must register for a FREE account. As a registered member you will be able to: Participate in all our topic forums listed below. Post and view pictures. Access to private forums. Communicate privately with other deaf and hard of hearing members. All this and much more is available to you absolutely FREE! Come join us. Hearing people are welcome.
Barr Productions. Deaf culture museum. Jack Barr has collected old antiques for many years and started a Museum of Deaf Devices at his shop in Madison, Wisconsin. Visitors can see interesting, never before seen old technologies including old clocks, baby cry signalers, hearing aids, TTYs, old ASL books, smoke detectors, etc.
Bar-Tzur, D.
Humor and stories for interpreters: Deaf pride.
Humor and stories for interpreters: General Deaf humor and musings.
Humor and stories for interpreters: The hazards of deafness.
Interpreting for culturally diverse settings - Websites. These websites are about Deaf subcultures: African American/Black, Asian American, Christian, Deafblind, Gay/Lesbian/Bi/Transgendered/Intersexed/Questioning, Hispanic/ Latinas/os, Jewish, Member of a less represented religion, Muslim, Native American, Pacific Islander, Physically challenged/ Disabled, Women's movement/ Feminism.
Cohen Efron, A. (2007, February 22). Amy Cohen Efron is FURIOUS!Amy Cohen Efron expresses her feelings when receiving a postcard from Gallaudet University's Development Office asking for contributions/donations to the James Lee Sorenson Language and Communication Center in this afternoon. CULTURAL INFORMATION: EYE CONTACT, & ATTENTION GETTING.
Deaf Culture online.
Deaf Images.
(28 March 2006). MOAD's 100th Anniversary Gala. Missouri Association of the Deaf celebrated its 100 years of existence and gave a party. See 42 different organizations participating in the fun event.
gnarlydork. (2007, September 18). ASL and Mainstreamed-- MYTH?Why do people think that Mainstreamed Deaf cannot do ASL? Why do people think it is impossible for them to become fluent in ASL?
Hot Topic: Sponsorship within Deaf Community.In this 2 minute ASL vlog, you will see several NEW clips of Deaf ladies making a tough tackle, an incredible interception and a sensational touchdown. In today's commentary, Jasmine Garcia makes a point about Hawk Relay sponsoring typically overlooked groups such as deaf women, deafblind, and unique sports such as cycling. Hawk Relay doesn't care about making a profit or gaining recognition off popular men's teams like other companies. Hawk Relay cares about giving back to the community -- instead of promoting company image and making money. Hawk Relay sets an excellent example of a positive company and community relationship, and we hope other companies will learn from Hawk Relay and do the same -- give support to those who need it the most! Deaf culture.
(2007, February 21). ASL: Deaf people like what? Explain about Deaf people are normal as hearing. But hearing people don't think Deaf people are normal.
(2007, February 23). SLCC & ASL: Deaf and ants are the same!
DeafRave (2006, November 18). Deaf Rave Vid.
Deaf Studies Department at CSUN.
DiGiovanni, B. avbria's Videos.Webmaster: Excellent videos on all aspects of Deafness.
FAQs and general TTY etiquette tips for new TTY users.
gnarlydork. (2006, October 11). Deaf and English. My experience with hearing teachers who doubt my English paper to be truly mine.
Holt, J., Hotto, S. & Cole, K. (1994).Demographic aspects of hearing impairment: Questions and answers.
International bibliography of sign language - Stylistics.
Matt's world: Deaf culture.
Mining Co on Deafness/Hard-of-Hearing.
National Association of the Deaf. (February/March 2006). Bay Area Deaf Think Tank.
National Technical Institute for the Deaf.
Rummo, G. J. (2 July 2002). A letter from summer camp.
Savage, J. & Finley, C. (October 06, 2006.) Experenced with Deaf Awareness Day 2006 (ASL VLOG). Crystal Finley and Jon Savage interviewed people about deaf community in San Diego, CA.
Schroeder, C. kalalau52's Videos. More than 300 videos about ASL from a historical and linguistic perspective. Extremely informative and scholarly.
SignCasts, a central site for signed video 'broadcasts'. Check back daily as more content is added. In the meantime, you are welcome to register and add your own.
Sound and fury - Deaf culture.
Wallace Library at NTID/RIT. Click on "Deaf culture, history and heritage" and "Deaf literature and poetry."
Dance techniques for Deaf and Hard of Hearing dancers.
Gallaudet Dance Company.
Mistry, Y. (2006, July 21). Visions Revealed.Movement, gesture, color and expression portray how one can communicate meaning in a purely visual language. As dancers explore the meaning of a poem through American Sign Language [ASL], their movements are composited into a 2D graphic animated environment.
Two Worlds - a dance performance. A unique blend between the world of a deaf dancer and that of a hearing dancer, with a remarkable talent to communicate with all sorts of audiences and all age groups.
The Wild Zappers, an all deaf male dance company, was founded by Irvine Stewart with the support of Fred Michael Beam and Warren "Wawa" Snipe in 1989. It was originally created to give deaf male dancers an opportunity to dance together and promote cultural and educational awareness through entertainment within the Deaf and Hearing Community. The company has performed throughout the country and on various television programs helping to enrich professional arts for the deaf. Deaf education.
ASL Community Journal. Empower ASL/English bilingual education.
DiGiovanni, B. (2007, March 11). Bilingual instruction in action with Deaf Children: NALB. Barb DiGi demonstrates several applications to No ASL Left Behind (NALB), Chapter 1 series by having her elementary-aged deaf children reading the text using ASL. This simple reading activity is an example how to make a leap forward in reading comprehension among Deaf children. Had to edit from 20 minutes of taping to under 6 so the whole process could not be shown but you will see how it works to give you a picture IDEA 2004.
Gallaudet University. Aesthetic principles for the Sorenson Language and Communication Center, Gallaudet University.
Haug, J. (2008, August 4). Deaf school to fill need in State. State Department of Education officials confirmed that the Las Vegas Charter School of the Deaf, which starts its school year Sept. 3, is the first of its kind. The lack of a deaf school was such a shock to deaf individuals who relocated to Nevada that some of them came together six years ago to establish the charter school.
jnevans. (2006, October 3). A teacher's view.How a teacher uses in the classroom.
k12academics: Deaf. Categories of Deafness and Hearing Impairment, Support Services, Special Education Schools, Camps, Organizations , Books, Videos, DVDs, Magazines, Software, Products, K12 Academics - Deafness Community Group.
Kelly-Jones, N. (2006, August 9). Reading with a Deaf child.Literacy specialist Nancy Kelly-Jones demonstrates reading with a Deaf child and discussing the book in American Sign Language.
K12 academics. A National Education & Disability Resource website with a community based approach. We cover every county, city and town in the U.S. If you are looking for a web site or information on a school, organization, museum, consultant, library, camp, study abroad program or support in your area you can find it here. The site also serves as a great resource for Teachers, Parents, Students, Professionals & District Officials in the K-12 Education system with extensive information on various topics in education and disabilities.
Parents Engaged in Education Reform.
Postsecondary Education Consortium Center on Deafness (PEC) is a federally-funded project located in the Center on Deafness at The University of Tennessee. It is one of four Postsecondary Education Regional Technical Assistance Centers funded by the US Department of Education. This web site has been developed to assist people in locating information related to postsecondary education and students who are deaf and hard of hearing.
Schroeder, C. kalalau52's Videos. More than 300 videos about ASL from a historical and linguistic perspective. Extremely informative and scholarly. Deaf Culture - Entertainment. Theater, film, and stories in the deaf and hard of hearing community.
Bar-Tzur, D. Professional development: Videotapes, CDs, and DVDs - American Deaf films. Go to "Videotapes, CDs, and DVDs" to learn how to obtain specific films that have been made with Deaf themes, whereas "American Deaf film" on this page lists web pages that talk about Deaf films as an art form.
Behind the scenes. This is a behind the scene production of "Somalia" with the director, Jade.
CollegeIdiots Production.
Deaf Cinematic Filmblog. The most crucial ingredient is this: A burning passion to make a film/video.
Deaf Images - Digital video production company.Deaf videos, Deaf worldwide news, learn to be a videographer, video and film workshops, Deaf film festivals.
Deaf Images productions.
(30 March 2006). Tampa's First International Deaf Film Festival.
DeMers. J. D. (4 April 2006). Deaf time changes.A deaf man wished a better life.
Hartzell, D. The Deaf film festival.
initians1. (10 September 2006). Behind the Scenes at Stone Deaf Interrogations.In-progress documentary about a communit in-progress documentary about a community-based film group.
Kerwin, J. (2005, April 7-9). Hollywood films & Deaf films: Past, present, and future.
LightKitchen. A website of short online movies by aspiring deaf filmmakers.
Maclay, K.
(12 February 2003). Silent films with a difference.
Mistry, Y. (2006, July 21). Visions Revealed.Movement, gesture, color and expression portray how one can communicate meaning in a purely visual language. As dancers explore the meaning of a poem through American Sign Language [ASL], their movements are composited into a 2D graphic animated environment.
Our signing town [Laurent, SD]: A journey towards building world's first fully integrated town.
Re-defining Deaf - Synopsis. This film draws on the work of cultural studies theorist Stuart Hall in effort to examine the nature of representation and ideology. The goal is for the Deaf community to understand "how we got here" and what we can do about it by seizing control of the media as a means of putting forth a different representation of what it means to be d/Deaf.
ridor9th. (2006, February 03). An Idealistic Day. A film that was produced by myself when I was in college. It talks about the parents finding out about their kids' place in this world.
Sagitta Films. Hypergates.The Planets have own Hypergates with share others.Wormholes are similar to Hypergates in that they can take you somewhere far away without using up a day for travel. At 2.2 million light-years away, Andromeda galxy is the closest majoy galaxy. Deaf aliens live on Planets Sign Language in Andromeda is also the most distant object from Earth. Could there be Deaf LIFE on Elnath Planets & Other Planets have Sign Languages in Andromeda Galaxy? One of Bad Alien who Great Escape to Earth from Elanth. You will find out what happen on Earth.
Suppala, T. Charles Krauel: A profile of a Deaf filmmaker recaptures a thriving American Deaf community in the first half of the twentieth century. The feeling of Deaf culture of another time pervades this valuable archival video. Charles Krauel's zeal in filming cultural events left an important legacy - an opportunity to study the Deaf community from the late 1920s through the 1950s. Cultural behavior can be observed throughout the documentary, rich with Deaf folklife such as signed sing-alongs that were a staple of social gatherings of the time. Footage of residential schools and students, Deaf cheers, and spontaneous performances is included.
ThatsDave. (2006, August 19). Deaf Detective.This home-brewed movie follows a man being shadowed by a ghost. Somewhat light-hearted and funny, I created this movie for amusement and experimentation.
Universal Signs. Universal Signs is a modern silent film about the redemption of the human spirit through the vital connection between people. In an approach unlike any other film about the Deaf, Universal Signs is primarily told through American Sign Language (ASL) with captions for the hearing. In this way, the audience travels on a first person journey through the Deaf world and culture. From ASL mistakes to common miscommunications, everyday life experiences of the Deaf are explored. Deafness is not treated as a physiological condition. In Universal Signs, the Deaf world is viewed as a rich, thriving culture exemplified by strong characters such as: Chris, a linguistics professor; Natalie, a law student; and Andrew, an artist and IT specialist. In Universal Signs, ASL interpreters and hearing individuals do not play Deaf characters — Deaf actors play all Deaf characters!
Wahlin, B. The unstoppable Arthur Luhn: A visionary filmmaker for the ASL community. According to American Sign Language (ASL) lore, in a galaxy far, far away there exists a planet, Eyeth, inhabited mainly by those who use sign language to communicate. Whereas the majority of those who live on Earth speak and hear - using their ears - on Eyeth people communicate visually - with their hands and eyes. So it's fitting that Boston-based filmmaker Arthur Luhn named his production company Eyeth Films, which he founded in 2000 with the purpose of making films by, for, and about the ASL-speaking public. While according to Luhn many big-screen films like Children of a Lesser God "portray the ASL Culture in a rather dreary light" (and even those films are few and far between), Eyeth Films strives to give visibility to the ASL community and capture the richness of its culture and language.
YouTube - moviegirl11's Videos.
A teacher's guide to the Holocaust. Victims of the Holocaust with disabilities.
Deaf history.
Feature articles on Deaf history. Current events.
American Foundation for the Blind. Helen Keller. Excellent photo collection.
Bar-Tzur, D.
(26 October 2006). The Unity for Gallaudet movement, 2006.Videos of the election of Dr. Jane Fernandes as President of Gallaudet University on May 01, 2006, with some background comments and its aftermath.
Berke, J. Juliette Low - The hearing impaired founder of the Girl Scouts of America.
Biesold, H. ISBN: 1-56368-077-7.
Cervantes, P. (26 August 2006). Deaf bashing in San Diego (ASL vlog).Pepe Cervantes wants Deaf people to take action on the Deaf Bashing in San Diego, CA.
CSD-TV. "Deaf world's best TV channel!"
Deaf and HOH culture information: Deaf history.
[Deaf] celebrities and personalities.
Deaf History International.
Deaf history timeline. Click "View the timeline".
Deaf Images. (21 August 2006). Deaf worldwide news debuts soon!We are looking for Deaf or Hard of Hearing to sign announcements, news and information to the community. For inquiries, e-mail your interest with VP # to . Thanks!
DeafLinx. Deaf history.
Deafness in disguise. Texts and pictures of the various ways that hearing aid devices have been disguised and now embellished over the centuries.
DeafNYC. Deaf News.
Deaf Olympians in history. Download article from this site. Requires Acrobat Reader. This site celebrates the achievements of deaf people in history, and those who are still active in their careers. Each month, we'll highlight a contemporary newsmaker.
Deaf President Now! - Best of Deaf Blogs and news.
Deafweekly. A free weekly e-zine for busy people who want to keep up with the news in the deaf and hard-of-hearing community.
Dummy Hoy.
Education of the Deaf and Dumb.
Exhibit on Deaf people during the Holocaust.
(2006, September 11). Gallaudet's DPN Protest in 1988.
Gilbert, Laura-Jean. (Gallaudet Today, Fall 1998). Deaf people in Hitler's Europe.
Griffin, S. Famous Deaf biographies.
History of Gallaudet University.
History of Sign Language -
History through Deaf eyes. Developed by Gallaudet University, History Through Deaf Eyes is a traveling social history exhibition aligning nearly 200 years of United States history with the experiences of deaf people. Using objects and images collected by individuals, organizations, and schools for deaf children, this exhibition illustrates the shared experiences of family life, education, and work - as well as the divergent ways deaf people see themselves, communicate, employ and adapt technology, and determine their own futures.
Hollywood Deafies.
Lane, H. A Deaf artist in Early America: The worlds of John Brewster, Jr. ISBN: 0-8070-6616-8. Born deaf in 1766, John Brewster was a preeminent artist who painted portraits of the influential figures of his time and saw the formation of the Deaf-World. Considered an undisputed master of portraiture, Yankee-style, Brewster's hauntingly beautiful works can be found in numerous American museums. In this thoroughgoing biography, the first on Brewster, well-known historical researcher and Deaf advocate Harlan Lane unveils little-known and invaluable information on the early French roots of the American Deaf-World and discusses the first school for the Deaf in Hartford, Connecticut, the integrated Deaf community of Martha's Vineyard, and contemporary Deaf Art.
Missing: Children of Germany's Deaf People.
National Women's Hall of Fame. Low, Juliette. Deaf community news.
RNID. The life of Helen Keller.
San Diego Deaf hate crime. On August 13th, a 18 year old Deaf youth was beaten up in San Diego, CA. The beating started because a group of men that attacked "didn't like the way he looked at them." According to one police officer: "The other guys in the park think he's looking at them funny, and they don't like it," he said. "So they approach and he's unable to respond, so they beat him up."
Schertz, J. (1999, Jan-Feb). Escaped at last through an underground tunnel [Endlich fliehen durch einen unterirdische Tunnel].
Schroeder, C. kalalau52's Videos. More than 300 videos about ASL from a historical and linguistic perspective. Extremely informative and scholarly.
Smith, Erastus "Deaf": Lone Star Junction.
Soudakoff, S. A. (May-June 1996). History of Deaf Holocaust victims [Gehörlose Holocaust Opfern Geschichte].
Sound and fury - Deaf culture - Deaf history.
The Catholic Encylopedia. Education of the deaf and dumb.
The Eugene and Inez Peterson collection.
Timeline: History of Gallaudet and the Deaf community.
Wallace Library at NTID/RIT. Click on "Deaf culture, history and heritage".
Welch, T.deafpcatoby's Videos. 75 videos on many aspects of Deaf culture, language, and history.
World Around You. Deaf People trapped in Hitler's Holocaust.
Zak, O. (19 January 1996). Conditions of the deaf in historical times.
Bar-Tzur, D. Deaf interpreter stimulus material.
(2007, May 30). Certified Deaf Interpreter-- Will you? My explanation of how a person uses a CDI (Certified Deaf Interpreter). I am curious about your thoughts and views about yourself using a CDI in whatever situations you think youw ill need the most. If you believe you won't use a CDI, why? This is to explore the public opinion about Certified Deaf Interpreter.
jene2024. Re: Certified Deaf Interpreter-- Will you?
MCDHH online. Intermediary interpreters (Certified Deaf interpreter).
RID's Special Interest Groups (SIGS). Scroll down to "Deaf Caucus".
TerpConnections. (2007, August 20). Re: Certified Deaf Interpreter-- Will you? Deaf culture: Art and literature.
Bar-Tzur, D. Humor and stories for interpreters: Getting serious about Deaf humor.
"Deaf Characters in Adolescent Literature.
Laurent Clerc National Deaf Education Center: ASL poetry and stories.
Quest: arts for everyone: Media Center. The following is a collection of media items [video clips, photos, and documents] categorized by production, as well as those media items pertaining to our company.
Raymond Luczak: A dreamer who's only begun. Books, films, plays, events, news. Raymond Luczak is the author of SILENCE IS A FOUR-LETTER WORD, THIS WAY TO THE ACORNS, and SNOOTY. He directed MANNY ASL, GUY WONDER, and NATHIE: NO HAND-ME-DOWNS.
tornjeans. (21 August 2006). Thoughts on Brokeback Mountain.I saw the movie and thought about it. How two men from different backgrounds would try to develop a relationship. I explain in ASL. Webmaster: I have placed this here as literary criticism.
Wallace Library at NTID/RIT. Click on "Deaf literature and poetry."
Adam, R. (March 26, 2002). Letter to the editor of the Herald Sun.
Silva, R. (1 April 205). Audism and Deaf Culture.
The Ten Commandments of Deaf culture. Deaf culture: Art and literature.
Alex Wilhite. My years of experience in traveling throughout the world guide my inspiration about the value of color, which changes every hour as everyday. My perception of color is the value of the primary colors changing into varieties of colors as “Meditation Myth”. High or strong colors which define outline and strong contrast are both incorporated into my own style of painting. I am drawn to follow the value of nature’s colors as they change from sunrise to sunset. This requires the employment of homemade paint from dust to create my vision of art.
Art resources for, of, and by the deaf and hard of hearing community.
ASL in clay. Deaf, blind, disabled, and elderly women have not been definitively portrayed by the art community. All of the women I sculpt emanate pride,intelligence and strength as well as the more traditional values of beauty and sensuality. My abundant-bodied sculptures reflect the feminist issues of body image and size oppression. Growing up as a German Jew in a severely abusive environment and later in numerous foster homes, I developed a deep compassion and a commitment to reaching out to others. Early on I made a conscious decision to be an ally rather than a perpetrator, which guides me when sculpting. My art explores issues of oppression and ways to build bridges through our diversities.
Barbara Hardaway Studio.
Betty G. Miller | Web site.
Canadian Cultural Society of the Deaf
Helen McNicoll Boudreau.
Character Sculptor Jessica Geiger. Using clay and mixed media, Seattle artist Jessica Geiger creates unique, disturbing and amazingly detailed doll-like sculptures that portray an assortment of struggling characters who are often ignored by mainstream society.
Claire Bergman. The media Claire Bergman prefers are oil and watercolor with pen and ink. Her emphasis is on character studies so as to reproduce the uniqueness and dignity of the individual. For life to be breathed into the portrait, harmony and balance are stressed. The particular matching combinations of colors used -- orange, red, yellow, blue, and hydrangea green, reflect the splendor of life and imprint the subtle mystery of the human personality on the canvas. When Bergman paints, she spreads the paint in rapid, sweeping strokes. When she draws, it is mainly a black-on-white single unbroken spontaneous line Tour, Deaf art?, past exhibits, directory, artworks, articles, links, mailing list, sales. This site is long overdue for maintenance and is currently published for archival reasons only. It was intended to be a resource for anyone interested in Deaf Art, particularly the category defined by Deaf View/Image Art (De'VIA).
Deaf art note cards: Works of Chuck Baird - Set 1, set 2, set 3, set 4. Invest in Deaf Art without spending a fortune! Explore another aspect of the Deaf cultural arts with these brilliant note cards by Chuck Baird. One of today's most famous Deaf American artists, Baird wittily plays on Deaf culture themes with unmistakable craft and inventiveness. His pop culture visions have broad appeal and have won praise from discerning viewers and critics.
Deaf art note cards: Works of Harry R. Williams - Set 5, set 6. Harry R. Williams (1948-1991) was a shy pioneer who found in the genre of Deaf Art a means of honoring and exalting American Sign Language-and the lonely but unrepentant Deaf self. Paradoxically, his favorite subject, crafted out of balsa wood and oil paint, was the violin. His lyrical violin paintings are especially prized for their exquisiteness, although many collectors are unaware of the many-layered Deaf meanings that underlie the surface. Williams's works can seem abstract and challenging, but their beauty and striking conceptualization make them worth the effort to understand and embrace. Any examination of Deaf Art, a growing subject of discussion in Deaf Studies programs, is incomplete without a look at the transcendent imagery of Harry R. Williams.
Deaf View/Image Art -- De'VIA. In 1971, Betty G. Miller began expressing her Deaf experiences through her paintings and drawings. Since then her work has inspired several Deaf visual artists to create work based on their Deaf experiences. These artists often discussed whether or not there was a "Deaf Art" -- a genre or school of thought. Starting at Spectrum, Focus on Deaf Artists' summer festivals in 1977 and 1978, there were formal workshops on the question of Deaf Visual Art, and there have been many lecrdse4tures and workshops since then. Yet, these workshops lasted only an hour or two, and never really came to any formal decision.
Dupor Art. Susan Dupor lives in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin where she paints in her studio and teaches art at the Wisconsin School for the Deaf. Her work has been included many group exhibitions such as the national touring exhibition, "Elements of a Culture: Visions by Deaf Artists"; "20 Deaf Artists: Common Motifs" at Pro Arts Gallery in Oakland, CA; "Work by Deaf Women" at Ceres Gallery in New York; and "A Deaf Perspective of Deaf Culture Through Art" in Haverhill, Massachusetts. She also had a solo exhibit at the Washburn Art Gallery at Gallaudet University. Her work made appearances at the Switzer Gallery in Rochester, New York in 1993, 1995, 1996,and 2000 and at the Deaf Artists of America Gallery, in Rochester, New York.
Guy Wonder art.
I is muck. Illustrations.
International archive of Deaf artists.
Lane, H. A Deaf artist in Early America: The worlds of John Brewster, Jr. ISBN: 0-8070-6616-8. Born deaf in 1766, John Brewster was a preeminent artist who painted portraits of the influential figures of his time and saw the formation of the Deaf-World. Considered an undisputed master of portraiture, Yankee-style, Brewster's hauntingly beautiful works can be found in numerous American museums. In this thoroughgoing biography, the first on Brewster, well-known historical researcher and Deaf advocate Harlan Lane unveils little-known and invaluable information on the early French roots of the American Deaf-World and discusses the first school for the Deaf in Hartford, Connecticut, the integrated Deaf community of Martha's Vineyard, and contemporary Deaf Art.
Matt's world: Deaf art.
Morris Broderson. Part of the deaf art culture, Morris Broderson was born in Los Angeles in 1928 where he still resides. He has exhibited his pastels, mixed-medias, watercolors and oil paintings in Museums and Art Galleries for the past 50 years. A world-reknowned deaf artist, his paintings are part of the permanent collections in the Joseph H. Hirshhorn Museum, in Washington, D.C., the Whitney Museum, the Guggenheim Museum, the M.H. de Young Memorial Museum, the Los Angeles County Museum, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, National Collection of Fine Arts, Washington D.C., Rochester Institute of Technology, Gallaudet College, Yale University, Stanford University Museum of Art, Santa Barbara Museum of Art and the Krannert Museum in Champaign, Illinois, to name a few.
Norval Morrisseau: Canadian Ojibwe -- founder of Medicine Painting. Norval Morrisseau is founder of a Canadian-originated school of art called Woodland or sometimes Legend or Medicine painting. His work is influential on a group of younger Ojibwe and Cree artists, such as Blake Debassige, Tom Chee Chee, Leland Bell. He has had many exhibits in Canada and Europe (especially France), but is not well known (except to northern Indians) in the U.S. This may change; recently Morrisseau had an exhibit and well-attended showing at the McLeod-Maslak Canadian Art Gallery in Santa Fe, the heart of what's trendy in U.S. Indian art.
Norval Morrisseau original paintings. Coghlan Art proudly presents available work by this great Canadian artist. Norval was instrumental in the creation of our studio and continues to work closely with us. His presence is a reminder of what an artist really is. Norval's work is in museum and private collections around the world.
Pellerin Art - The artworks of Andre Pellerin. I have always wanted to do pottery since I was a kid. When I was living on a farm up in Vermont, I used mud or dirt to make things. Then during my high school year, I was part of a ceramics club--or maybe I took a ceramics class--which I remember very much even though that lasted only a short time. I probably made something like an ashtray for my parents. I have not done any ceramics for a long time after that. But I do believe in fate, because things often happen whether I like it or not.
Randy Dunham is a neo-surrealist artist, who has been producing surreal art in New York since early 1998. Randy Dunham's surrealism styled art is a form of focus employing REFLECTION, REFRACTION, and TRANSPARENCY, which transform randomly selected inanimate and industrial shapes into a spectacle of wonder and vision. These transformed objects come to life through the mastery of surrealist illusions of transparency and levitation. A dazzling array of color shifts and vibrant accents are incorporated on the surface of these dreamlike, surreal art forms.
Robin Taylor. My art comes from a very private place. Many of my works deal with the emotional frustrations of being between two language worlds--the Deaf and the Hearing. I also recreate my past, certain medical events, and those everyday experiences that touch us all. With my hands I try to connect these two worlds using universal emotions and storytelling, and hopefully, somehow begin to build a bridge between the innate cultural Deaf and Hearing experiences.
Robinson, J. Exploring the work of Deaf artists. This resource document is written in honour of all of the artists from Robarts School for the Deaf – students and teachers alike. Pride and self-awareness emerged from the artwork created by the many talented individuals at our school. This inspired me to search for new and innovative teaching methods and ideas. Art history and studio techniques became two invaluable starting points for many classes but one element was missing – the inclusion of Deaf artists and their work. The vision for this resource document grew from frustration during research and the countless hours spent trying to locate Deaf artists, their agents, or work in museums or private collections.
Tundel, N. (4 May 2004). Beyond silence. If art is about communication, then the works on display at St. Paul's aND gallery are screaming. The paintings blare with color; the sculptures are loudly forceful. Yet all of these creative exclamations were made by artists who live their lives in silence.
Vanessa Vaughan’s paintings reflect an awe and passion for one of Canada’s most cherished icons – the canoe. This series embraces a fascination with the architectural simplicity and sophistication of the canoe. Vaughan’s broad spectrum of work features paintings that reflect an appreciation for the Canadian landscape as seen and experienced through cottage life.
VSA arts of Massachusetts - Deaf heritage.
Wildbank. Floral paintings, still life paintings and visionary paintings.
ASL Shakespeare Project. This project documents the process of translating Shakespeare's language, specifically that of Twelfth Night, into American Sign Language, with an emphasis on the history of gesture in visual representations of Shakespeare's plays. It will serve as the 'text' for a full-scale production of Twelfth Night opening in October 2000 at Philadelphia's newly founded Amaryllis Theatre.
Ayisha Knight homepage: Music.
Biography - Nanette Fabray. As a mother and homemaker, a hard working humanitarian, or a knowledgeable individual testifying before Congressional committees for the rights of handicapped persons, comedienne, singer and dancer, Nanette Fabray has been honored many times by her peers and by the public.
Children's Sign Language Choir.
Cleveland Sign Stage Theatre.
Crom Saunders. Crom Saunders is a professional student and a theatre hound. To clarify, he has returned to school to finish his second MA, this time in Theatre. He currently holds a MA in Creative Writing. Crom has worked for theatre in almost every position possible backstage and on stage.
Crom Saunders and Keith Wann.
Davis Haggerty, L. R. (2006, March). Adjusting the margins: Building bridges between Deaf and Hearing cultures through performance arts. There is an invisible style of leadership differing from the mainstream culture that has not been previously addressed in the literature at any depth. The foundation for my fieldwork was an "archeology of the structure of the perceived world" (Merleau-Ponty), using the holding environment of the rehearsal process and the structural process of an acting technique called Del-Sign. Del-Sign is a fusion acting style that I created by combining American Sign Language and the Delsarte method. I also employed current qualitative methods described as "performance ethnography" (Norman Denzin and Ron Pelias). Individuals in both the audience and the cast reported a change in perception about the opposing culture. The study results also indicated a unique style of leadership by Deaf people within a Deaf community that is collaborative in nature yet values the individual. I trust further study into that aspect of Deaf leadership will indeed adjust the margins of society.
Deaf Bunny. WARNING: This site contains images of naked women & men engaging in sex acts, including some deaf sexually oriented material. Please leave now if you are offended by such material, or if you are under the age of 18, or if you live in a community where viewing or possessing adult material is illegal.
deafbunnyproductions. (2007, August 26). Introducing Deaf Adult Entertainment website.
Deaf Today. (2004, January 22). Deaf Access stages 'Tales From India'.
Deafywood. Deafywood's purpose is to find the common threads among the Deaf by presenting issues that reflect the Deaf way of life. Our shows evoke familiar emotions, creating a sense of comradery much appreciated in today's Deaf community. It's a celebration of Deaf culture!
DrWondersWorkshop. (2007, September 2). Dr Wonder's Workshop - Deaf TV series (ASL).
Griffin, S. A rising star "lights up" the world. Michelle Banks is a busy young woman who has exhibited "outstanding leadership" in the arena of Black Deaf entertainment and culture. She was the first deaf student to study drama at the State University of New York. She established the first (and only!) Deaf theater of color: Onyx Theater. She is one of a "rare breed": a Black Deaf actress featured in a Black television show on a cable network ("Soul Food" on Showtime). In addition, Michelle has toured several U. S. cities in her one-woman show, "Reflections of A Black Deaf Woman" and has appeared in movies and on stage (one role was in the recent revival of "Big River" featuring a unique cast with both hearing and deaf performers).
Hear my hands.
Hernandez, M. (23 April 2006). Deaf Storyteller: Maria Hernandez Presented by Deaf Images.About Peter Pan Peanut Butter and the squirrel.
I is muck. Multimedia.
Iceworm. A non-profit theatre services organization run by Justin Callaway, Crom Saunders, and Keith Wann.
InterAct Children's Theatre for the Deaf.
International bibliography of sign language - Stylistics.
Jolanta A. Lapiak: i8media artist. I am a literary and media artist, narrator, poet and performer. My work explores grammatology and various ways of writing with a unique blend of cinematic vocabulary, choreography, verbal calligraphy, visual poetry, and language. My works undermine the logocentric traditions of textuality and poetry. My work advocates for the individual right of another choice of speaking (manually speaking or sign language).
Kathy Buckley. Billed as "America's first Hearing Impaired comedienne", Kathy Buckley is also a four-time (1995-98) American Comedy Award Nominee as Best Stand-Up Female Comedienne.
Keith Wann. Born hearing to Deaf parents in California, Keith grew up living in both the hearing and Deaf worlds, and has been able to create unique perspectives on the ways of both worlds. This has evolved into a one-man show, "Watching Two Worlds Collide," which takes a humorous, almost shocking, look at both worlds.
L.A. Bridges Theatre Company of the Deaf.
Mark Morales. Mark is a dedicated Deaf entertainer, nationally known for his "One Deaf Aztec Man Show", a show with an emphasis on ASL and International Sign storytelling. He has entertained countless numbers with his performances. He has performed at the 1998 NAD Convention in San Antonio, TX, the 2001 Smithsonian Museum in Washington, D.C., 2002 Deaf Way II in Washington, D.C., and many others.
NTID performing arts and guest artist productions are presented in an intriguing blend of American Sign Language and spoken English simultaneously for the enjoyment of all audience members. Deaf actors using Sign Language, together with hearing actors speaking the lines, interact on stage to create a stunning theatrical experience that is both visual and verbal--you'll see and hear the dialogue! One of only a few theatres world-wide that produce this unique form of theatre, NTID Performing Arts invites you to join us for another exciting season of amazing theatre.
I will make my new photoshoots, music videos, a profile update and my new deaf music album which will come out mid December. The new music album will be called: "A World Fulfilled"
Peter S. Cook is an internationally reputed Deaf performing artist whose works incorporates American Sign Language, pantomime, storytelling, acting, and movement. Peter has traveled extensively around the country and aboard with Flying Words Project to promote ASL Literature with Kenny Lerner since 1986. Peter has appeared in Live from Off Center’s “Words on Mouth” (PBS) and “ United States of Poetry” (PBS) produced by Emmy winner Bob Holman. Peter teaches at Columbia College where he received the 1997 Excellence in Teaching award. In 1998, Peter set up a video production called PC Production and now based in Chicago.
Pinky the Juggler. My performances include juggling, unicycling, story telling and short plays. As a Deaf entertainer, I do not include any talking or sound in my performances.
Rathskellar has swept the globe, touring various professional and community venues, residential schools, and universities since 1998. It is an 85-minute, non-stop, energetic performance that will have you mesmerized. Presenting various performances through the use of ASL poetry, dancing, mime, storytelling, handshape stories, and comedy, Rathskellar is enjoyed by hearing and Deaf audeince alike worldwide.
Rowdy Vision.
Schroeder, C.kalalau52's Videos. More than 300 videos about ASL from a historical and linguistic perspective. Extremely informative and scholarly.
Sign City Television is a broadcast television programming service devoted to bringing quality television to the Deaf and Hard of Hearing community throughout America. All of the Sign City TV Programming is presented in sign language and/or captions with full sound simultaneously.
Trix Bruce, One Deaf Woman Show. There are words, and then there is Trix Bruce. She can tell you the story of her life, without uttering a word. Trix is a storyteller, a poet, an actress, and a one deaf-woman show. You will be captivated by her electrifying energy, irresistible sense of humor, open-hearted honest, and rich experience. Learn where you can see Trix next, and find out how you can book her stunning performances for your next event.
Ayisha Knight homepage: Photos. For me, the declaration "It takes a village to raise a child" is not only and African proverb, it's the way I've lived my life. Questions of my cultural and linguistic identity always invoke quizzical expressions, astonishment or resignation to the fact that I can't be described in one checked box on college applications. I am the daughter of a white Jewish mother and a Black Cherokee father by birth, but I was raised in a community of single mothers who raised me as their own. At last count, fifteen mothers, three fathers, numerous brothers, sisters all forming an unconventional yet profoundly beautiful family. This ethnically diverse community of poets, painters, sculptors, storytellers taught me that creating and sharing art is as much a political act as a thing of beauty. Sharing myself and my work has been my greatest challenge and most rewarding experience.
Bartholick. Robin's photography includes people, still-life, advertising, corporate, large sets and digital imaging. He has been a successful international photographer for the last twenty-three years, serving such clients as Microsoft, Nintendo, Infiniti, Boeing, Airborne Express, Intel, American Airlines, Adobe, Hewlett Packard, Seattle Symphony, Seattle Opera, PowerAde, Ford Motors, Hitachi and Starbucks. He has successfully merged his life-long involvement in fine art with commercial photography work.
Carmel Flores Photography.
Darren Frazier Photogrpahy.
Deaf Photography - WhiteHawk Press. Categories: Architecture, Black and White, Bridges, Egypt, Faces, Flowers, Food, France, Macro, Nature, Objects, Pattern, People, Religion, Russia, Sky, Sports, Statues, Travel.
DeafSmith The mission of Deaf Smith Journals is to provide a place for deaf signed language artisans to showcase their stories, poetry and visual-gestural productions. Our ultimate goal is to encourage and preserve the rich heritage found within the natural signed language of the American Deaf culture.
Downing Graphix. Brant C. Downing possesses over ten years of experience in the graphic design world, specializing in the creation of logos, websites, virtual tours, brochures, flyers, banners and presentations . I have the expertise to coordinate all aspects of your project, from concept to photography to copywriting, even web development and printing.
Edward Nugent Photography.
Flying Hands Studio - Rita Straubhaar. My inspiration is Mother Nature herself. When I am taking photographs of flowers outdoors, the wind keeps the flowers in constant motion. The challenge for me is to wait for it to hold it’s own breath to “allow me the privilege” of photographing it’s beauty. As I capture the essence of a subject, I am in awe with the texture and perfection of it whether it’s in the midst of a struggle to bloom, or in full glory, or even in the sadness of decay. My goal is to share this awe; to inspire others to see what I see and hopefully take the time to appreciate the perfection of Mother Nature.
Hamilton, Photographer: About me.
Jason Wittig. Jason Wittig was born and raised in the tiny northwoods town of Boulder Junction, Wisconsin with a big family. He became Deaf at age fourteen months. At a very early age, he naturally took a fake 35mm camera and pretended to be the wedding photographer at his older sister's wedding. Late in his teenage years, he developed a serious passion and vision for photography. His vision is natural, beautiful, and humorous with depth. His perspective also brings forth an amazing array of emotions, using elements from fine art photography to those of advertising. The variety shows through the immense array of subjects he has chosen to capture.
Jolanta A. Lapiak: i8media artist. I am a literary and media artist, narrator, poet and performer. My work explores grammatology and various ways of writing with a unique blend of cinematic vocabulary, choreography, verbal calligraphy, visual poetry, and language. My works undermine the logocentric traditions of textuality and poetry. My work advocates for the individual right of another choice of speaking (manually speaking or sign language).
Jon Senzer Photography. Jon brings a simple flair and easy-going style to portrait and wedding photography. He specializes in fine art photojournalistic images that showcases the unique personalities of each of his clients. His imagery will seamlessly illustrate the story of your day and provide photographs that are classic, distinctive, and fun. Clients can choose between complete packages or create a custom package that suits their needs. Jon's studio is located in Frederick, Maryland.
Kosmonaut. I am available for wedding, travel, editorial, portrait, product, & food photography, graphic design, web design, blogging, and deaf-tech consulting. I live in San Francisco, California and am available to travel anywhere.
Matthew Kohashi. Welcome to my first photography website. My name is Matthew Kohashi and I am currently working toward my second degree in Photography from Gallaudet University. I started photography from my own boredom to a hobby. So, I hope you will enjoy my website and spread around about my website.
Menlo Oaks Sports. Michael Burns is a Deaf Photographer and is the current Resident Photographer for San Mateo Little League American San Mateo Babe Ruth youth baseball leagues. Michael is the new Menlo College's Athletics Team Photographer and is the assistant photographer for the covering Cal Berkeley sports. He has photographed youth soccer for International Sports Images,, briefly photographed the now defunct MLS' San Jose Earthquakes Soccer and Mutant Motorsports' motocross racing.
Michael Pimentel is a well-known Deaf professional photographer in the San Francisco Bay Area, California. He has covered many different professional and college sports, such as the 2004 Olympics in Athens, Greece, 2003 FIFA Women's World Cup, NBA, MLB, NFL, Siebel/SAP Open, College Bowls, Professional Boxing, AMA Motocross, USA Rugby, Senior PGA, LPGA, Major League Soccer, Women's United Soccer Association, Founder's Cup III, East/West Shrine Game, Pac-10 Women's Basketball Championship, Bank of the West WTA Tennis, Pentathlon World Championship and Mutant Motorsports' Motocross Racing.
Michelle McAuliffe. Photography is one part of what I do. To me, it is like a never-ending diary. When I look at the prints, they evoke the whens, the whys, the wheres, the whats, and the hows. Perhaps one would call this my visual form of psychoanalysis. Doing my work also frees my thoughts and delivers many opportunities for happy accidents and beauty as the tools to finish the project.
NORTH STAR PHOTOGRAPHY. -- accomplishment measured by the collective skills, experience, and artistic intuitions of two extremely talented individuals, who also happen to be husband and wife: MARY BETH NORTH, has successfully combined broad technical education, more than 13 years of experience, and creative instinct to her profession as a photographer and design expert. CHAD NORTH, likewise was recognized as an exceptionally gifted young man. His artistic abilities with paint and an airbrush brought him early commercial success.
Orkid Sassouni Fotography. Orkid Sassouni currently works at the San Francisco Public Library’s Deaf Services Center. She is also a past President and Coordinator for Deaf Visual and Performing Artists, known as DVPA. But Orkid has never abandoned her love of photography. She continues to engage in the medium daily, mostly in film formats even though digital photography is the most used commercial format today. Her photographs and mixed media artworks have been shown in galleries across the United States.
Rita Straubhaar. Nature photography.
Tate Tullier Photography. For as long as I´ve known, photography has been a passion of mine and continues to be what my dream career is. Being such a fortunate person, I have been able to pursue this wonderful pathway to giving a huge, diverse audience what my eye sees. What does my eye see? Oh, that's almost too impossible to downsize to one type of thing but what I'll say is my eye gets such a thrill of capturing the mass amount of things out there in the world. Photography is something I can't live without, and you shouldn't either.
The Ambling Photographer. I've always been passionate about photography. I love nature/wildlife and in particular bird photography, but will try anything. I am profoundly deaf, and I think this has a great deal of influence on what I see through my lens.
The Jason Project. Jason's photographic interests include abstract, travel, body aspects, and photojournalism. He also enjoys interacting with people as he conducts event photography and event portraits (prom’s, gala’s, etc.).
Tim Kettering Photography. My approach to photography is one as simple as possible. I do not like using flash photography. I prefer to immerse myself into the element of where I am, and shoot using entirely available light. Shooting with available light presents many challenges. Sometimes lighting conditions are not ideal. So I have to make sure I collect every valuable photon. I shoot with a Canon 5D, one of the best available-light cameras on the market. But even the best cameras still need fast glass to make shooting in low-light possible. For that end, I make heavy use of primes, which give superior optical performance. I primarily use a EF 35mm f/1.4 L. I cannot possibly summarize how fantastic this combination is for my work, other than simply saying it rocks.
ASL Quest: ASL literature. Videoclips of ASL poetry.
Ayisha Knight homepage: Poetry.
Bar-Tzur, D. Humor and stories for interpreters: Deaf poetry.
Berke, J.
Deaf poetics, Part I, Part II, Part III..
[Deaf] Poetry -
Deaf poetry: Expressions from the heart.
DeafSmith The mission of Deaf Smith Journals is to provide a place for deaf signed language artisans to showcase their stories, poetry and visual-gestural productions. Our ultimate goal is to encourage and preserve the rich heritage found within the natural signed language of the American Deaf culture.
DiGi, B. (2007, April 29). Leave the L in Liberty but with Limits.Barb DiGi uses the L sign to express in her ASL poetry about the recent discussion on negative commenters and freedom of speech.
-->International bibliography of sign language. --> Click on "S", then on "Stylstics".
Jolanta A. Lapiak: i8media artist. I am a literary and media artist, narrator, poet and performer. My work explores grammatology and various ways of writing with a unique blend of cinematic vocabulary, choreography, verbal calligraphy, visual poetry, and language. My works undermine the logocentric traditions of textuality and poetry. My work advocates for the individual right of another choice of speaking (manually speaking or sign language).
Laurent Clerc National Deaf Education Center: ASL poetry and stories.
Luczak, R. (Winter 2003). Farewell sestina to A.R.
Poems about deafness - Deaf dude.
Poems related to the Deaf experience.
Poetry by Deaf and hard of hearing people or alternate site.
Schroeder, C.
(2007, March 01). ASL Vlog Poem: From Tulip Bulb to Enlightenment.
Slope. Publishes Deaf poetry.
Terrylene. Deaf actress, poet, storyteller, mime, dancer (Ballet, Jazz, Modern), speech reading, American Sign Language (native), and technical/script consultant (Deaf culture/deafness)
Wallace Library at NTID/RIT. Click on "Deaf literature and poetry."
World around you. (March/April 1998). Poetry from Wild Tigers.
YouTube - DeepCityG's Channel. Useful tips for educators working with an interpreter (Elementary, Middle and High School). Good to print up for Hearing people that sometimes have to interact with a Deaf person with an interpreter.
Bar-Tzur, D.
Interpreting for technical topics.
Interpreting legislation (Educational, health sciences and legal).
Being with Deaf people. Good to print up for Hearing people that sometimes have to interact with a Deaf person without an interpreter, such as at work between official meetings.
Berke, J. (n.d.) Educational interpreters' lament. is sponsored by Boys Town National Research Hospital located in Omaha, Nebraska and the University of Colorado and is funded by a grant from the U.S. Department of Education. This comprehensive website is designed to help individuals within the public school setting enable deaf and hard of hearing students to receive the same social and educational opportunities as their hearing peers. will provide valuable information for administrators, teachers, classroom interpreters, deaf and hard of hearing students and their parents, and hearing students.
Code of ethics for educational interpreters.
Cohen, L. H. (22 February 1994). Schools for all, or separate but equal?; An interpreter isn't enough.
Communication with the deaf. A possible handout for teachers.
IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) amendments of 1997.
IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) 97.
IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) 97 regulations.
Interpreter manual - University of New Mexico.
Jacob, B. The Hearing Impaired child in the Jewish classroom.
Jankowski, K. A. Student life in the new millennium: Empowering education for Deaf students.
Johnson, C. D. (December 2000). How the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) applies to deaf and hard of hearing students.
K12 academics. A National Education & Disability Resource website with a community based approach. We cover every county, city and town in the U.S. If you are looking for a web site or information on a school, organization, museum, consultant, library, camp, study abroad program or support in your area you can find it here. The site also serves as a great resource for Teachers, Parents, Students, Professionals & District Officials in the K-12 Education system with extensive information on various topics in education and disabilities.
k-12 Terps.
Kluwin, T. N. and D. A. Stewart. (Winter/Spring 2001). Interpreting in schools: A look at research. Odyssey.
Levin, D. (30 November 1997). Mandated reporting of abuse.
Niska, H. (4 February 1998). Creativity: Strategies for interpreting neologisms - A preliminary study.
Orthodox Union. (16 June 1999). Religious schools across the country make move towards inclusion.
PEPNet. Information and technical assistance to postsecondary institutions serving people who are Deaf and hard of hearing.
Pointers for working with an interpreter.
RID's Special Interest Groups (SIGS). Scroll down to "Educational Interpreters and Transliterators".
Sanderson, G., Siple, L. & Lyons, B. Interpreting for postsecondary Deaf students. PDF file.
Schick, B. (Winter-Spring 2001). Interpreting for children.
Signed English -
States that recognize ASL as a foreign language.
University of Arkansas at Little Rock - Disability Support Services. Interpreter policy.
American Sign Language interpreting resources: Ethics and role.
American Psychological Association - Ethical principles of psychologists and code of conduct.
American Translators Association, 1988 Code of Ethical Practices and Professional Rights.
AMITAS (American Medical Interpreters Translators Association) code of ethics for medical interpreters and translators.
Applied ethics resources on the WWW.
Association of Visual Language Interpreters of Canada - Code of Ethics. Very detailed; a fascinating read.
Bar-Tzur, D.
Humor and stories for interpreters: Interpreter error. "Faithful rendition".
Code of ethics and guidelines for interpreters/signers in religious settings.
Code of ethics - Court interpretation: Model guides for policy and practice in the state courts.
Code of ethics for educational interpreters.
Deaf-Blind freedom -- How far? is a discussion on the moral and ethical boundaries between the Deaf-Blind community and SSPs.
DeafJana64. (2007, April 6). Mediation Meeting. My attorney and I have a mediation meeting with ENT doctor who refused to provide a qualified interpreter next week. I need your ideas, feedbacks, and perhaps you share your experience what I had been through. This Dr violated ADA law over a year ago during my visit with dr by refusing to provide a certified interpreter. Please forgive me this vlog is about 10 minutes. I dont sign as fast as others. (SMILES)
Eighinger, L.
The Ethical Spectacle (a journal).
Ethics and the Internet.
Florida Code of Ethics for Educational Interpreters.
Gish, S. (1995). Appropriate dress for interpreters.
Goujon, J. (2 October 2000). Ethical people & interpreters.
Green, C. (21 March 2003). Interpreters and "soft skills": Ethics and attitude.
Harvey, M. A. Shielding yourself from the perils of empathy. Interpreters are typically highly compassionate people who are besieged by a hundred echoes of Deaf peoples' pain. As Donna - the interpreter who we met in chapter one - put it, "we have a built in over-sensitivity to oppression of Deaf persons that's installed into our psyches before or during our interpreter training." While the components of this "installation" are quite intricate and often elusive, I will artificially demarcate some of them for clarification.
Hawaii Interpreters and Translators Association Code of ethics.
Interpreters must be dually allied.
Kalichman, S. C. (1993, August) American Psychological Association. ISBN: 1557982856
Kinsella, T.
(25 Februray 1996). A way of responding: Some thoughts on the Allies Conference.
(Fall 1996). X-factor plus. . .
Levin, D. (30 November 1997). Mandated reporting of abuse.
Metcalf, C. (21 November 2001). Medical consent and Deafblind patients.
Online Ethics Center: Glossary of ethical terms.
Remen, R. N. (n.d.) In the service of life. "Serving is different from helping. Helping is based on inequality; it is not a relationship between equals."
Schachter, R. (n.d.) The limits of confidentiality put social workers in a bind.
Standards of conduct - Maricopa County, Arizona.
Standards of professional conduct for court interpreters (California).
State of Washington code of conduct for court interpreters.
Swartz, D. B. [Interpreter] role.
The Refugee Review Tribunal. (September 1999). Handbooks. Click on "The RRT Interpreters' Handbook" (requires Acrobat Reader). Developed to set out clearly the Tribunal's language requirements and to address the specialised nature of the Tribunal's work. It includes information on the role of the interpreter and the interpreter's code of ethics.
Timm, D.
(27 November 2000). Examining the Code of Ethics.
WAVLI - Code of Ethics. Under construction as of 1/2/08.
Ziemer, N. (2007, March 5). A question to ask....Nick sends vlog question to Deaf Community about requesting for an interpreter for a wedding of a person he does not know. He was invited as "Name of person and Guest" kind of invitation. FYI: He forgot to add that he and Beth just want to go together as guests. Not to have beth act as interpreter, but to have a separate interpreter.
Bar-Tzur, D. Humor and stories for interpreters. There are some videos in ASL and other sign languages. Look for the icon in the table of contents.
Berke, J. Jack Jason - Interpreter and Business Partner for Marlee Matlin.
Being with Deaf people. Good to print up for Hearing people that sometimes have to interact with a Deaf person without an interpreter, such as at work between official meetings. a social utility developed to connect those interested in the many aspects of sign language interpreting! We are excited to share that we are sporting a new look and have rolled out a number of new features. Forums & Chats: Provides opportunities to connect with colleagues in a realtime environment and comment on the latest trends, events, and developments in the field.
Clear View Innovations. Innovative equipment and devices for: video relay service (VRS) and video remote interpreting (VRI), videophone calling/conferencing in ASL, deaf and deafblind-related events, general and specialized community interpreting, video performance testing and recording for ASL/ITP programs.
Clerc Center. Careers in Deafness. (2007, January 22). Interpreters and Translators.If you are fluent in more than one language you might qualify to join an elite work force. Intpreters and Translators are needed for work business, government, the military, the media, social services, the judicial system, and travel and tourism. Anywhere cultures intersect.
C-Print: A computer-aided speech-to-print transcription system.
Eighinger, L.
& Karlin, B. (2001). Feminist-relational approach: A social construct for event management.
Frasu, A. (2005). Working with an ASL-English interpreter & providing visual accessibility for deaf consumers.
Green, C. Language of the heart.
Greene, D. (June 1998). Voicing with valor.
iCommunicator. Communicator makes effective two-way communication possible for persons who are deaf, hard-of-hearing or experience unique communication challenges. The iCommunicator translates in real-time: Speech to Text, Speech/Text to Video Sign-Language, Speech/Text to Computer Generated Voice. With this site you can: (1) Email or call requests DIRECT to interpreters and agencies. (2) Look up phone, email and website info. (3) Search locally or nationally. (4) Browse on detailed specifications; trilingual and cultural needs. (5) Increase awareness on different rates and terms. (6) Book and invoice directly with Interpreters and Agencies. (6) Recruit Freelance Interpreter or Staff Interpreters.
Kinsella, T. (n.d.) On liminality. Undergoing a shift in cultural identity.
Marsh Affinity Group Services offers E&O (Errors and Omissions) insurance. Contact them at 800.503.9230.
Occupational statistics for interpreters and translators. State-level data may be available. Check for your state on State workforce office map and look for the Labor Market Information link. There you should be able to access information on wages, etc. The Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) code for interpreters, which may help you find the information, is 27-3091.
Quality of Sign Language interpreters.
The TypeWell Educational Transcription System.
Timm D. (12 December 2000). Telephone interpreting.
trans-k. Glossary of translation and interpreting terminology.
Translation and interpreting: A meeting between language and cultures.
University of Arkansas at Little Rock - Disability Support Services.
Wande, E. (1997). Text linguistics, translation theory and interpreting. Models for the study of simultaneous interpreting of LSP discourse.
Welch, T.
(2007, May 9). Follow up on Interpreter at University. These are tips Welch received, commenting on "Situation with interpreter at uNiversity."
What does an interpreter do? Russian Interpreters Co-op.
ZPIG - Zak's Politically Incorrect Glossary. The purpose of this Glossary is to define various concepts, whose existence may have escaped the attention of some people who participate in the Oral vs. Manual arguments. As such, no attempt to be Politically Correct was made in choosing the terms used. The important point was to clarify the concepts behind the terms and make distinctions as needed.
Acronym dictionary at MCC, UK.
Acronyms and Abbreviations (Akronyme und Abkuerzungen) FU, Berlin, Germany.
Glossary of terms applicable to most walks of life. Acronyms.
Encyclopedias, libraries, and dictionaries.
Wordsmyth dictionary-thesaurus.
WWWebster dictionary and thesaurus. on audiograms.
Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf. Sign Language & oralism.
Deyo, D. (Revised by J. Lee, 18 July 1997) Speechreading in context: A guide for practice in everyday settings.
Erting, L. & Pfau, J. (24 July 1997) Becoming bilingual.
Famous Scots - Alexander Graham Bell.
Graney, S. (4 May 1998). Where does speech fit in? Spoken English in a bilingual context.
Griffin, S. "Rocky" Stone: From CIA to SHHH.
Hearing Loss Association of America.
Hearing Loss Web is dedicated to people who have hearing loss, but are not members of the traditional Deaf community. This includes people who consider themselves to be hearing impaired, hard of hearing, late deafened, and oral deaf. We provide information on issues, medical topics, resources, and technology, and events related to hearing loss.
Mahshie, S. A first language: Whose choice is it?
The League for the Hard of Hearing's mission is to improve the quality of life for infants, children, and adults with all degrees of hearing loss. We accomplish our mission by providing hearing rehabilitation and human services for people who are hard of hearing or deaf, and their families, regardless of age, ability to pay, or mode of communication, and by striving to empower consumers to achieve their potential.
The SayWhatClub is an on-line group of circa 400 late-deafened, hard of hearing and deaf/Deaf adults and other interested folks who provide support and encouragement to each other through e-mail. Our goal is to provide a friendly, good-humored place to exchange conversation, information, advice, deep thoughts, humor, tall tales, and chit chat. It is our hope that members will get to know each other and develop an on-line "community feeling."
Unheard voices. This program is a candid and compassionate portrayal of people... women and men, young and old... coping with the life-changing impact of hearing loss. Gael Hannan, an actor with a severe-to-profound hearing loss gives a powerful performance in this adaptation of her one-woman play, created with Dalene Flannigan. UNHEARD VOICES is both moving and humorous and is a must-see for anyone who truly wants to understand life with hearing loss.
Woodcock, K. Yes we have no implants. History of EIE [Florida Educational Interpreters Evaluation] Development.
Translators [and interpreters] in the media. Interpreter Training Programs: Two sides of the coin. Are interpreter training programs alone enough for interpreters to join the work force? How beneficial are these programs, How much can they actually learn?
Bar-Tzur, D.
Dean, R. K. & Pollard, Jr., R. Q. Application of demand-control theory to Sign Language interpreting: Implications for stress and interpreter training.
Felder, R. M. and Soloman, B. A. Index of learning styles.
Gammelin, B. (24 April 2000). Attracting qualified interpreters to Maine. The situation the paper describes in Maine was true up to the mid-'90's, but has now changed substantially - though it remains representative of circumstances that appear widely elsewhere in the country.
Graham, C., Cagiltay, K., Lim, B., Craner J., & Duffy, T. M. (March/April 2001). Seven principles of effective teaching: A practical lens for evaluating online courses.
Info to Go: Becoming a Sign Language interpreter.
Interpreter training resources. Meant for spoken language interpreters, but there is a wealth of information here!
Maloney, S. (30 May 2000). The addition of an interpreter training program at Oakland University.
Mikkelson, H. Plus ça change: The impact of globalization and technology on translator/interpreter education.
Preparation of Educational Interpreters Project.
Prochaska-Cue, K. Thirteen timely tips for more effective personal time management.
Smith, C. Study hints for Sign Language and interpreting students.
Swartz, D. B. [Interpreter] training.
What makes a successful online student?
AIIC. Setting up a conference interpreting training programme. Compare a program for spoken language interpreters. Interpreter Training Programs: Two sides of the coin. Are interpreter training programs alone enough for interpreters to join the work force? How beneficial are these programs, How much can they actually learn?
Bar-Tzur, D.
Create rubrics for your project-based-learning activities. Rubric templates: Oral projects, research and writing, work skills, multimedia, products, science, math, reading, music, art.
Dean, R. K. & Pollard, Jr., R. Q. Application of demand-control theory to Sign Language interpreting: Implications for stress and interpreter training. We describe sources of demand in the interpreting profession, including demands that arise from factors other than those associated with languages (linguistic demands). These include environmental, interpersonal, and intrapersonal demands.
Disney Learning Partnership. Cooperative and collabortative learning. A nice summary of the following questions: What are cooperative and collaborative learning? How do cooperative and collaborative learning differ from the traditional approach? How have cooperative and collaborative learning developed since they became popular? What are the benefits of cooperative and collaborative learning? What are some critical perspectives? How can I use cooperative and collaborative learning in conjunction with other educational techniques?
Hamerik, N. (19 - 23, May 1998). Community interpreter training programme in Denmark. Scroll down to #2 and choose your format: HTML, pdf, or Word.
Heaney, T. Issues in Freirean pedagogy. For poor and dispossessed people, strength is in numbers and social change is accomplished in unity. Power is shared, not the power of a few who improve themselves at the expense of others, but the power of the many who find strength and purpose in a common vision.
Interpreter training resources. Meant for spoken language interpreters, but there is a wealth of information here!
Kruse, K. Gagne's nine events of instruction: An introduction. 1. Gain attention; 2. Inform learners of objectives; 3. Stimulate recall of prior learning; 4. Present the content; 5. Provide "learning guidance"; 6. Elicit performance (practice); 7. Provide feedback; 8. Assess performance; 9. Enhance retention and transfer to the job.
Technology in education. Assessment and evaluation, e-Learning, planning, policy, professional development, research, and teacher preparation.
Portfolios for assessment and instruction. The definition of a portfolio varies some, but there seems to be a general consensus that a portfolio is a purposeful collection of student work that tells the story of student achievement or growth.
(November 1993). Student portfolios: Classroom uses. Portfolios are collections of student work representing a selection of performance. Although there is no single correct way to develop portfolio programs, in all of them students are expected to collect, select, and reflect.
Swearingen, R., Jr. (1990). A primer: Diagnostic, formative, and summative assessment. According to Kellough and Kellough, "Teaching and learning are reciprocal processes that depend on and affect one another. Thus, the assessment component deals with how well the students are learning and how well the teacher is teaching" (1999, p. 417). It is the "assessment component" of teaching and learning that this paper will address. In particular, the distinctions between diagnostic, formative, and summative assessment methods will be discussed. [Webmaster's note: This is very succint and informative on the topic.]
University of Tennessee. Reforming interpreter education: A practice profession approach center on Deafness.
Wiggins, G. (1990). The case for authentic assessment. Assessment is authentic when we directly examine student performance on worthy intellectual tasks. Traditional assessment, by contract, relies on indirect or proxy 'items'--efficient, simplistic substitutes from which we think valid inferences can be made about the student's performance at those valued challenges.
See section above on "ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act)".
IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) amendments of 1997.
IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) 97.
IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) 97 regulations.
Dr. Dave's Deaf and hard of hearing links - Laws.
R . v. Attard Central Criminal Court (1958) 43 Cr.App.R.90. In Britain in 1958, a landmark case (sometimes more respected in the breach than in practice but nevertheless relevant) ruled that the interpreter was the ONLY witness to what took place between a police officer and a suspect who did not share a common language.
Rulings & guidance from OSEP, OCR, & due process. Some rulings that involve interpreters, as well as other topics.
10th Circuit: District must provide on-site interpretive services.
National Association of the Deaf. Swartz, D. B.
State laws/regulation related to educational interpreting. Summary of regulations in each state, with permission from Dr. Leilani Johnson.
Alabama Alabama Department of Mental Health.
Alabama Licensure Board for Interpreters and Transliterators.
Information about the JSU Interpreter Ethics / Knowledge Test.
Original Interpreter Licensure Law and Amendment. These are in html format and in downloadable pdf files.
Alaska Bill History/Action for HB126 21 Legislature.
HB 126: Bill history/Action display.
Arizona 36-1971. Licensure; acts and persons not affected.
Arkansas California 2005 California Rules of Court: Sec. 18.1. Interpreted proceedings-instructing participants on procedure.
AB 2912.
California courts: Programs: Court interpreters.
California courts: Search. Use this feature to find more information.
California standards for healthcare interpreters. This is a downloadable pdf file.
Colorado Colorado State Board of Education, see page 26, Section 3.04(1)(f).
House Bill 97-1146 Requirements for Educational Settings.
Connecticut Chapter 814a: Deaf and hearing impaired persons. Chapter 303a: Deaf and hearing impaired persons. Chapter 303a: Deaf and hearing impaired persons.
Educational Interpreters Code of ethics (Florida).
Florida educational interpreter evaluation.
Georgia 160-4-7-.11 Personnel, facilities, equipment, materials and class size.
Georgia Judicial Branch: Commission on Access and Fairness in the Courts.
HB 666 - Sign language and intermediary interpreters; services.
Hawaii Disability and Communication Access Board.
Illinois Bill Status of SB2292 94th General Assembly. Creates the Interpreter for the Deaf Licensure Act of 2006 to replace the Interpreters for the Deaf Act. Provides for the regulation of interpreters for the deaf through licensure by the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Commission. Establishes the Board of Interpreters and provides for evaluation teams. Preempts home rule. Amends the State Finance Act to create the Interpreters for the Deaf Fund. Amends the Code of Civil Procedure to add a provision concerning privileged communications involving interpreters for the hearing impaired. Repeals the Interpreters for the Deaf Act.
(12 September 2007). Gov. Blagojevich signs law to protect people who are deaf or hard-of-hearing from unskilled interpreters State to set standards to license and regulate sign language interpreters.
Indiana FSSA: Indiana Interpreter Certification Program.
IC 12-12-7, Chapter 7. Services for Deaf and Hard of Hearing.
ICRID Educational Interpreter Standards.
Iowa Judicial Branch.
Kansas Kansas guidelines for educational interpreters. PDF file.
Kentucky Kentucky Finance & Administration Cabinet: Interpreters for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing.
Interpreters for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Board.
Registration of Interpreters for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing.
Louisiana Standards for educational interpreters and /or transliterators. PDF file.
Maine Office of Licensing and Registration: Interpreters for the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing.
Registration of interpreters for the deaf and hard of hearing.
Department of Professional and Financial Regulation, Office of Licensing and Registration. (2001-2002). Regulatory Agenda: Interpreters and Transliterators of American Sign Language and English.
Maryland House Bill 320, Section 2002 - Court interpreters. This is a downloadable rtf file.
Massachusetts State Government.
General Laws of Massachusetts, Chapter 221: Section 92A Interpreters for the deaf or hearing-impaired; court proceedings; arrests; admissibility of evidence; fees and expenses; privileged communications.
Intermediary Interpreters (Certified Deaf Interpreters).
Section 92a. Interpreters for the deaf or hearing impaired.
Statewide Interpreter and CART (Communication Access Realtime Translation) Referral Service.
Background and state certificate level descriptions.
FAQ, Michigan Interpreter Law, Public Act 23 & 24.
Minnesota H.F. No. 1077, 1st Engrossment - 85th Legislative Session (2007-2008).
Minnesota Statutes 2003, Chapter 122A.31 American sign language/English interpreters.
S.F. No. 827, 4th Engrossment - 85th Legislative Session (2007-2008).
S.F. No. 2201, as introduced - 82nd Legislative Session (2001-2002).
Mississippi Missouri HB 564: Current Bill summary.
HB 564 - Requiring CEUs for interpreter license renewal voted "Do pass".
Missouri Interpreters Certification System.
Montana Montana Code Annontated 2002 --49-4-503. Deaf person as participant in judicial or administrative proceeding -- interpreter to be used.
Nebraska Nebraska Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing: Sign Language interpreters.
Nebraska Guidelines for Educational Interpreters. This is a downloadable PDF file.
Proposed legislation. This is a downloadable DOC file.
Nevada Chapter 50 -- Witnesses.
Chapter 171 -- Proceedings to Commitment.
Nevada certified court interpreters program.
Senate Bill No. 245, Amendment No. 838.
New Hampshire Chapter 326-I: Interpreters for the Deaf and Hard or Hearing.
Chapter 521-A: Interpreters for the Deaf.
New Jersey Educational Interpreter Professional Development Center.
New Jersey Courts -- Interpreting services.
New Mexico A Joint Memorial Requesting the State of New Mexico to Study the Feasibility of Licensing Sign Language Interpreters for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing in New Mexico.
State of New Mexico Commission for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Persons.
GVRRID. Licensing for Sign Language interpreters.
Preparation of Educational Interpreters Project.
North Carolina
General Assembly of North Carolina, Session 2001, :
North Carolina Interpreters and Translieterators Licensing Board.
North Dakota Ohio Ohio interpreter standards bill.
Oklahoma Oregon ODHHSP Technical Assistance and Information Center.
2001 legislative session.
House ammendments to House Bill 3230.
Chapter 185 - Commissions for Disabled, Hispanic Affairs, Black Affairs, Women and Asian Affairs, 2003 EDITION.
Court Interpreter Services.
House ammendments to House Bill 3230.
House Bill 3230, Ordered by the Senate July 7, Including House Amendments dated May 18 and June 20 and Senate Amendments dated July 7 [2005].
House Bill 3503.
Oregon Disabilities Commission. Deaf and Hard of Hearing Access Program.
Relating to Oregon Disabilities Commission; creating new provisions; amending ORS 185.110, 185.150, 185.180 and 192.
(May 1999). State Court Administrator policies for the Oregon Judicial Department's Oregon Certified Court Interpreter Program.
Pennsylvania Bill information, Regular session 2003-2004, House Bill 445.
The General Assembly of Pennsylvania, House Bill No. 445, Session of 2003. House Bill No. 445 provides that all sign language interpreters practicing in the Commonwealth must be licensed, with few exceptions.
House Bill 445, as ammended June 28, 2004.
Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry. Services for people with disabilities: Interpreter registration.
SENATE BILL No. 467, Session of 1997.
Puerto Rico Rhode Island Board of Interpreters for the Deaf.
CHAPTER 5-71 Interpreters for the Deaf Index Of Sections.
South Carolina Title 17 - Criminal Procedures, CHAPTER 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS SECTION 17-1-50. Interpreters in criminal proceedings.
South Dakota SB-236, An act to require the provision of certain closed captioning and interpretive television services.
Tennessee Postsecondary Education Consortium (Tennessee).
Tennessee educational interpreters' employment standards. This is a downloadable DOC file.
Tennessee interpreter law. This is a downloadable DOC file.
Tennessee Rules of Evidence, Rule 501, T.C.A. §24-1-103(f). DEAF PERSON-INTERPRETER PRIVILEGE.
Texas Confidentiality of Conversations Bill, House Bill No. 1132.
Licensed Court Interpreters Government Code, Government Code, Title 2, Subtitle D, Chapter 57.
TEXAS EDUCATION AGENCY, Division of Services for the Deaf Interpreter Certification Requirements.
Utah Interpreter Information.
Rule 3-306. Court Interpreters.
Rule R280-203. Certification Requirements for Interpreters for the Hearing Impaired.
Virginia U.S. Courts Interpreter Information - Virginia.
Washington West Virginia West Virginia Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Legislation.
Wisconsin Educational Interpreter License (#884) Revision. Average GROSS monthly salary for all FULL TIME interpreting staff. Scroll down to item 10 for salary.
The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (Special Education, July 1999) The role of educational interpreters.
Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction. Educational Interpreter Performance Assessment (EIPA).
Eighinger, L. Making a business of interpreting.
eRSP™ is an Internet based employee scheduling application that automates the tracking of client commitments, and the scheduling of employees to perform the commitments. eRSP™ takes the request, matches the request criteria with the proper available employee, and tracks the request through the entire fulfillment process - right on into invoicing and payroll stages. Because it is Internet-based, all you will need is a browser and Internet access. No additional hardware or software to buy, and it's available 24x7 at any Internet location.
Frasu, A. What to look for in an agency.
Interpreter Connections is a commission-free website that helps customers or clients access direct with Sign Language Interpreters and Agencies. For customers or clients that discover this site, they learn they can save time and money by booking direct and avoiding online brokers. This database gives information to quickly find relevant services for Deaf, Hard of Hearing, and Deaf-Blind people, while helping you save the most time and money of any site online today.
InterpreterQuest is a one-of-a-kind Web-based scheduling, billing, and request software that functions as a plug-in for sign language interpreting service providers. Using InterpreterQuest, any provider can enable interpreters and clients alike to make requests, accept assignments, and handle invoices. For a low monthly lease, InterpreterQuest does it all twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, year round-all at your fingertips! InterpreterQuest: Fast, reliable, and affordable!
INTERPRiNET. A complete turnkey solution to managing your sign language interpreter referral service. From online interpreter requesting, to management of interpreter resources, to data output for your accounting software, INTERPRiNET provides a comprehensive feature set that is simply not available anywhere else.
Lazorisak, C. & Eighinger, L. Customer service for interpreting agencies: How to be all things to all people. Click on the article title to download it.
Professional Upbeat Database Designs (PUDDesigns) offers a variety of tracking databases that enable Freelance Interpreters, Translators, Linguists and Agencies to manage, track, and organize their business by using Microsoft Access program. To download one of our databases you must have the Microsoft Access program installed on your computer. Calculate mileage, billable rates and hours automatically; Manage and track all your clients’ information; Track, update, edit invoices by just a click of a button; Automatically calculates your future date of payment. Present a more professional invoice with less discrepancies; Type specific range of dates to get total earned.
RID's Special Interest Groups (SIGS). Scroll down to "Interpreter Service Managers".
Tips for using conference interpreters.
Bar-Tzur, D.
ASL number systems in technical discourse.
Preparation and sign negotiation.
Representing the Greek alphabet.
Resources for technical interpreting.
Alaska Justice Forum. (Winter 1997). Committees examine interpretation. Two committees examine the problems presented by language interpretation and court proceedings in state and federal courts in Alaska.
Alexander, E. Up against the law.
Alger-Robbins, A. Interpreter coordinators: The crucial link between the court and the interpreter.
Bar-Tzur, D.
Interpreting legislation (Educational, health sciences and legal).
California Center for Law and the Deaf.
California courts: Programs: Court Interpreters.
Callahan, B.
(31 January 1996). Reno court interpreter held; his S.D. sex offense turns up.
Claus. H. (Winter 1997). Court interpreting: Complexities and misunderstandings. Accurately interpreting to and from English in proceedings requires a language proficiency often misunderstood by participants in the court proceedings, and lack of proficient interpretation can give rise to errors with threaten the integrity of the justice process.
Code of ethics - Court interpretation: Model guides for policy and practice in the State courts.
Code of professional responsibility for interpreters in the Oregon courts.
Court interpretation: A selective bibliography. A downloadable pdf file.
Court of Appeals Standing Committee on Rules of Practice and Procedure. Minutes of a meeting of the Rules Committee held in Room 1100B of the People's Resource Center, 100 Community Place, Crownsville, Maryland on February 11, 2000. "The Subcommittee is also proposing new language which would comply with Chief Judge Bell's suggestion to provide in the Rules for the videotape recording of proceedings in the District Court, since this technology may be extended to the District Court at some time."
DeafLaw. Your legal rights as a Deaf or hard of hearing person. Deaf Law Blog. provides a "safe zone" where deaf and hard of hearing attorneys and law students can gather, find resources, hold discussions with each other, and share tips on the practice or study of law. This site is organized and maintained by a group of deaf and hard of hearing attorneys and law students from all over the world. It is their hope that this site will grow gradually, reflecting the ever-growing family of deaf and hard of hearing attorneys and law students as well as the increasing amount of resources available to them.
DeafLinx. Legal settings.
DiGi, B. (2007, May 5). My Deaf Mom, the Cop and the Law.Barb DiGi is sharing the story that she learned last night about the incident between her Deaf Mom's confrontation with a cop who did not even make any effort to communicate through writing! She requested for an interpreter but was denied.
Federal Court Interpreter Certification Program.
Fox 25. (2006, June 20). What's an Interpreter?Lawyer is jailed for not providing an interpreter to his client. Court interpreter bibliography.
Introduction to court interpreting in New Jersey.
Judges' guide to standards for interpreted proceedings. Judges who regularly hear interpreted matters should explore the feasibility of making tape recordings of all witness interpreting and, as a second priority, of proceedings interpreting. (Proceedings interpreting in the simultaneous mode is done quietly at counsel table or with interpreting equipment and would require special arrangements for recording.) In most courtrooms for the foreseeable future, this may not be feasible. In the alternative, however, it is strongly recommended that an audio or audio/video record be made in the following circumstances: … all capital cases, … proceedings involving interpretation by a non-certified interpreter, ... In felony proceedings involving entry of a guilty plea that are interpreted by an unqualified interpreter.
Legal issues for physicians: The Americans with Disabilities Act and Hearing Interpreters. The AMA's position on the provision of interpreters to patients "who are hearing disabled."
Mikkelson, H.
The court interpreter as guarantor of defendant rights. This paper examines the similarities and distinctions between the U.S. and European justice systems with respect to the role of the judiciary interpreter, identifies ways in which interpreters guarantee due process for criminal defendants, and concludes with some recommendations for European court interpreters on the basis of the experience of their colleagues in the United States and elsewhere.
Court interpreting at crossroads. A historical approach to interpreting throughout the world, the professionalization of the task, comparison with the development of other professions, and recommendations for the future.
Interpreting is interpreting - or is it?.
On the horns of a dilemma: Accuracy vs. brevity in the use of legal terms by court interpreters.
& Mintz, H. Orientation workshops for interpreters of all languages: How to strike a balance between the ideal world and reality. Between May 1991 and May 1993, a total of eight two-day workshops were presented at various locations in the state. The intended audience was interpreters who were working in the courts but had not passed the certification exams, either because no exam was offered in their language or because they had taken and failed the exam. The workshops were also attended, however, by aspiring interpreters who had no experience at all, and by certified interpreters who were so hungry for information that they would attend anything related to court interpreting, regardless of the level of instruction. The results of the workshops will be discussed below.
Towards a redefinition of the role of the court interpreter.
Mintz, D. (27 January 1997). Open letter to Lydia Pellegrin. For original letter, see Reply to Albuquerque Resolution.
Miranda vs. The State of Arizona.
National Association of Judiciary Interpreters and Translators
National Center for Interpretation.
National Center for Law and Deafness.
National Center for State Courts.
National Council on Disability. (2004, December 1). Righting the ADA. Over the past two years, NCD conducted an in-depth analysis of the Supreme Court's interpretations of the ADA . NCD has determined that, while some of the Court's decisions have clearly liberated people with disabilities, e.g., Tennessee v. Lane, Martin v. PGA Tours, and Olmstead v. L.C., several of the Court's rulings involving the ADA depart from the core principles and objectives of the ADA . In the enclosed report, NCD provides an analysis of the problematic rulings, describes the resulting impact on people with disabilities, and offers legislative proposals designed to restore the ADA to its original intent.
National Institute of Justice.
National Legal Videos Association.
New York Unified Court System.
Pellegrin, L. (Spring 1997). Reply to Albuquerque Resolution.
PRNewswire. (2005, August 4). Unlawfully detained man awarded $1.1 Million.
Professional Court Interpreters of San Diego. Court interpreting information links: Court interpreting in CA, Interpreting the Miranda, ASL legal trainings, ASL interpreter resources, Interpreter resource information (all languages).
Rodriguez, J. There's no justice for court interpreters. Entitled "No hay justicia para los intérpretes de los tribunales", but the article is in English.
R. vs. Attard.: Evidence--Hearsay--Interpreter--Statement by prisoner to police officer through interpreter--Admissibility of evidence of police officer. (England.)
R v Tran. Constitutional law -- Charter of Rights -- Right to interpreter -- Trial -- Accused's court-appointed interpreter testifying as defence witness -- Interpreter not translating testimony in full but only summarizing evidence -- Whether accused's right to assistance of an interpreter breached -- Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, s. 14.
Shepard-Kegl, J., Neidle, C., & Kegl, J. (1995). Legal ramifications of an incorrect analysis of tense in ASL.
Sheprow, G. J. (10 December 1999). Interpreting for the Miranda Warnings.
State of Rhode Island 2002 -- H 7595.
State of Washington code of conduct for court interpreters.
State of Wisconsin v. George W. Hindsley. The State of Wisconsin appeals from the order of the circuit court suppressing a statement of George Hindsley on the ground that the State did not prove by a preponderance of the evidence that Hindsley, who is deaf, was adequately informed of his Miranda rights.
Tammy's terms. This document constitutes the terms of services agreement for provision of sign language interpreting services by Tammera J. Richards, CI and CT; NAD IV, certified sign language interpreter. Webmaster: Here is a chance to see a what a professional interpreting contract looks like.
Telecommunications Act of 1996.
The California Court Interpreters Association - Interpreter/translator related links.
Translation and accreditation in North America: An overview. Includes court interpreting.
Turner, M. (Summer 1998). Moshe Dayan used to live in Zahala. This article shows violations of neturality in an English-Hebrew court setting.
United States District Court, Southern District of New York: Interpreters office.
University of Pennsylvania Health System - Office of Legal Affairs. The attorney-client privilege.
Vidal, M. (Winter 1997) New study on fatigue confirms need for working in teams.
Warfield, J. L. (2006). Silent Voices, Preparing Deaf Children for Court. Published in the National District Attorneys Association, American Prosecutors Research Institution, National Center for Prosecution of Child Abuse, Vol. 19, Number 10.
Assan, M & K. Grobel. (1998). Video-based sign language recognition using Hidden Markov Models.
Assistive technology and artificial intelligence 1998.
Chapman, R. N. (1998). Lexicon for computer translation of American Sign Language.
Glasner, J. (2005, November 18). War-Zone Test for Babel-Fish Tool. ... researchers prepare to test a system that instantly translates spoken conversations to and from English and Iraqi Arabic. Funded by Darpa, the system would allow troops to communicate in Arabic through a laptop computer equipped with voice recognition and translation software. Troops could speak in English and have their words instantly translated into Iraqi Arabic, "spoken" by a computerized man's voice. The program also translates Arabic into English.
Grieve-Smith , A. B. English to American Sign Language machine translation of weather reports.
Grobel, K. and H. Hienz (n.d.) Video-based recognition of fingerspelling in real-time. Abstract: This paper presents a visual prototype for the recognition of 31 different letters and 7 additional handshapes used in German sign language.... Using the presented prototype a signer performs fingerspelling in front of a single video camera. The signer has to wear a coloured glove, but is nearly free in choosing the clothes. The letters are recognised with an accuracy of 93% by the system.
Gross, A. (1991). Where do translators fit into machine translation?
iCommunicator. (16 March 2006). iCommunicator is the finest communication software ever developed for people who are deaf or hard-of-hearing. iCommunicator promotes independent communication for persons who are deaf, hard-of-hearing or experience unique communication challenges by allowing effective two-way communication to occur in most natural environments. The iCommunicator translates in real-time: -Speech to Text -Speech/Text to Video Sign-Language -Speech/Text to Computer Generated Voice.
Signing at UEA. The reseach uses avatar technology to communicate in [British] sign language. The ViSiCAST Project (2000-2002) is now complete. The eSign Project (Essential Sign Language Information on Government Networks) seeks to extend that work, enabling deaf people's integration into a key component of tomorrow's information society, eGovernment.
SignTel. Voice recognition machine interpreting.
Stewart, J. The Forest. Vcom3D and the Laurent Clerc National Deaf Education Center of Gallaudet University are researching and developing a proof-of-concept system for creating and delivering animated stories using the full range of facial expression and body language of American Sign Language, as well as manual signs. Results from this Phase I proof-of-concept will provide the basis for developing an Authoring System and run-time software for creating these animated stories. For this research, we will evaluate how the use of newly developed "Lifelike Expressive Avatars" affects the reading comprehension of Deaf and Hard of Hearing students. The evaluation tool includes the following story, titled "The Forest", which was written by Jason Stewart, teacher at Kendall Demonstration Elementary School.
Tashian, C. Lost in translation. What happens when an English phrase is translated (by computer) back and forth between 5 different languages? The authors of the Systran translation software probably never intended this application of their program. As of September 2003, translation software is almost good enough to turn grammatically correct, slang-free text from one language into grammatically incorrect, barely readable approximations in another. But the software is not equipped for 10 consecutive translations of the same piece of text. The resulting half-English, half-foreign, and totally non sequitur response bears almost no resemblance to the original. Remember the old game of "Telephone"? Something is lost, and sometimes something is gained. Try it for yourself! [Webmaster: Don't forget to check the box labelled "Include Chinese, Japanese, and Korean" for maximum confusion.]
Abused Deaf Women's Advocacy Services.
Advocate Illinois / Advocate Masonic Medical Center. Deaf and hard of hearing health website. HIV/AIDS and other Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs). This website requires Flash Player 7 to view the videos and high speed internet connection.
Alternative Solutions Center is a Deaf-owned and operated psychotherapy and consulting practice staffed by Deaf licensed professional therapists. We specialize in work with Deaf people and their families.
AMA legal issues for physicians.
American Psychological Association - Ethical principles of psychologists and code of conduct.
American Sign Language cancer education.
AMITAS (American Medical Interpreters Translators Association) code of ethics for medical Interpreters and translators.
Bar-Tzur, D.
Humor and stories for interpreters: Mental health interpreting.
Interpreting for Trans settings.
Interpreting legislation (Educational, health sciences and legal).
CAL HIPAA. HIPAA, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, was originally forged in 1991. It became law in 1996 and includes strict, far-reaching requirements in 2002/2003 for an estimated 23 million American health care providers to insure the confidentiality and privacy of patient information. CAL HIPAA is the largest HIPAA educational resource for individual health care providers and group practices nationwide.
California Healthcare Interpreters Association.
Center for AIDS Prevention Studies. What are Deaf persons' HIV prevention needs?
The system is set up to facilitate group communication and collaborative efforts. The objectives for which the corporation is formed are as follows: A. to support and conduct non-partisan research, education and informational activities to increase public awareness of cerebral palsy and deaf lifestyle and their quality of life, B. to provide information and mentoring to individuals, parents, family members, professionals and communities who want to gain knowledge about the deaf people with cerebral palsy, and C. to function as an independent resource and support group for deaf people with cerebral palsy.
Certificate in Psychological Services and Deafness - Eastern Kentucky University.
Connecticut hospitals settle suit to provide Sign Language interpreters to hearing impaired patients. Department of Justice.
Cornell math and science gateway: Health and medicine.
DCARA (Deaf Counseling, Advocacy, and Referral Agency). is your site for free, reliable healthcare information, both directly and indirectly, for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (D/HOH) community. DeafDOC has separate areas for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (D/HOH) community, Interpreters, Healthcare and Educational Providers and Institutions and others!
DeafRx. More and more US citizens are turning to Canadian and International pharmacies to purchase prescription drugs because of the discounts available for the same medications. helps American citizens shop for Canadian and International prescriptions at substantial savings.
Diversity Rx: MMIA medical interpreter standards.
Dr. Michael Harvey. Dr. Harvey provides training and consultation on deafness/hearing loss, vicarious trauma and mental health issues. In addition to a private practice in Framingham, Mass., he is an adjunct faculty at Boston University and a consultant faculty at Pennsylvania College of Optometry, School of Audiology, where he teaches on-line courses relating to the psychosocial aspects of hearing loss.
Frequently asked questions about medical interpreting.
Glielmi, G. and Long, B. (14 December 1999). Rape & RAD: Rape Aggression Defense Systems.
Healthcare delivery for Deaf and hard of hearing patients: Bibliography.
Healthcare delivery for Deaf and Hard of Hearing patients: Clinics and special services.
Hearing disorders and deafness - MEDLINEplus.
Holmes, H. The skinny on Deaf people's inner voice.
IMIA - International Medical Interpreters Association is the oldest and largest organization of medical interpreters in the United States. Its membership of over 1,500 includes interpreters, trainers, providers, policy makers, advocates and others from not only Massachusetts, but also throughout New England, the United States and abroad.
LanguageLine. (2007, February 22). Chinese translator helps police deliver a baby! A really cool commercial for a company that help doctors, nurses, police and EMTs respond to situations involving people who don't speak English. Language Line Services has thousands of interpreters who translate into 170 languages.
Learning disabilities, Attention Deficit Disorders, and Deafness.
Levin, D. (2001, November). Interpreting for Deafblind medical settings: Surgery. There are some ideas that transfer to sighted Deaf people also.
List and glossary of medical terms.
Locating providers of mental health services for people who are deaf and hard of hearing.
Martindale's health science guide - 2004. Anatomy & histology, anesthesiology & surgery, bioscience, brain & neuro, cardiology & pulmonary, chemistry, clinical - primary care, dental, medical law, nursing, nutrition, OB/GYN & pediatrics, ophthalmology & ENT, pathology & virology, pharmacy, public health, radiology, veterinary.
Massachusetts Medical Interpreters Association.
Medical American Sign Language phrasebook.
Metcalf, C. (21 November 2001). Medical consent and Deafblind patients.
Mentor profiles: Lauren Scricca [Deaf], Saddleback College. Learn from student nurses that are currenlty enrolled in nursing schools. Ask questions, view videos and photos, to learn from their experiences.
National Center for Deaf Health Research. Mission: To promote health and disease prevention in the Deaf population through community-based participatory research. Goals: * Involve the ASL community. * Learn about important health issues for Deaf people and their families. * Conduct health care research with Deaf people. Long-term goals: NCDHR will set up community committees for hard-of-hearing people, late-deafened people and others who do not use ASL. NCDHR would also set up community committees for health promotion and disease prevention research for people with disabilities not related to hearing.
National Council on Interpreting in Health Care is a multidisciplinary organization based in the United States whose mission is to promote culturally competent professional health care interpreting as a means to support equal access to health care for individuals with limited English proficiency.
National Deaf Academy. The founders: James Tresh, MS, LMHC, Jennifer C. Tresh, RN and Alan M. Cohen, MD, had discussions, based upon their respective observations and experiences, about the ideal venue and array of services needed to provide the highest quality of care to Deaf children, Deaf adolescents, and Deaf adults. They agreed that Deaf people deserve to have a facility designed to provide care to them alone - on an all-Deaf campus. Most mental health programs serving Deaf people are small units in hospitals providing treatment to the general public. These sights often must depend upon government grants of soft money. All three concluded that the best way to provide quality mental health care to Deaf and Hard of Hearing people would be to do acquire a "state of the art" facility and focus on creating the ideal environment in a privately owned endeavor.
NPR. Doctor's Patients Are Interpreter's Patients, Too.
Office for Civil Rights. Sample business associate contract provisions [to satisfy HIPAA requirements]. The Department provides these sample business associate contract provisions in response to numerous requests for guidance. This is only sample language. These provisions are designed to help covered entities more easily comply with the business associate contract requirements of the Privacy Rule. However, use of these sample provisions is not required for compliance with the Privacy Rule. The language may be amended to more accurately reflect business arrangements between the covered entity and the business associate.
Pediatric oncall: Hearing impairment in children.
PEPNet Resource Center
Links - Mental health.
PAH, MD - Promoting awareness in health care medical and Deaf.
Potter, F., (Program coordinator), with Martindale, J. (Consultant).
Science gems - Life science 2: Viruses, bacteria, plants, animals, human anatomy.
Preis, D. (14 December 2001). Interpreting an annual eye exam.
Project Orange Neptune. There is no evidence to suggest that there is any greater occurrence of mental illness in the Deaf population. But, poor diagnosis, miscommunication and misguided treatment programmes have resulted in the gross over-representation of Deaf people in mental hospitals.
Rafferty, M. An interpreters perspective [on Re-evaluation Counseling]. Issues needing to be addressed include: RCers taking a stand against deaf oppression; allies cleaning up old feelings about language, access, learning, money, and feeling excluded; setting up fair guidelines for interpreters around pay and hours worked; and "recruiting" interpreters into RC.
Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf. Interpreting in mental health settings.
Residential programs for deaf/emotionally disturbed children and adolescents.
Scientific visualization sites - Medical imaging. Helpful to the visualization of interpreters working on this topic.
Suggested readings related to behavioral disabilities in students who are Deaf.
The CATIE Center at the College of St. Catherine is pleased to present this website that is designed to provide a comprehensive guide to resources for ASL-English interpreters working in medical settings. Please help us by suggesting resources and links to be included and join in the discussion about what makes for effective interpreting in medical settings.
The Center for Disease Control.
The College of St. Catherine. Medical interpreting.
The Cross Cultural Health Care Program.
The Deaf Wellness Center (DWC) is a program of the Department of Psychiatry at Strong Memorial Hospital (Strong Behavioral Health) [in Rochester, NY]. The DWC provides counseling and psychotherapy services to individuals of any age, couples, and families. We also provide psychological testing and other evaluation services as well as consultation services to courts, governments, etc., on topics related to deafness, mental health, and healthcare. Several psychotherapy groups are also conducted at the DWC. Our psychotherapy groups are all-deaf and are conducted in sign language by our sign-fluent therapists. While most of our clients are deaf and use sign language, some are hard-of-hearing, oral deaf, or hearing people with family members.
The Distance Learning Center for Addiction Studies. Deaf and hard of hearing substance abusers, part 1: The population and the problem.
The Listen-Up Web. Medical resources.
The Minnesota Chemical Dependency Program for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Individuals.
The National Association of School Nurses for the Deaf is an association open to School Nurses currently working with Deaf students across the nation.
University of Miami School of Medicine. Privacy/Data Protection Project.
US Department of Health and Human Services.
Office for Civil Rights - HIPAA. HIPAA, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, was originally forged in 1991. It became law in 1996 and includes strict, far-reaching requirements in 2002/2003 for an estimated 23 million American health care providers to insure the confidentiality and privacy of patient information.
U.S. National Library of Medecine - Home page.
Woodcock, K. (1998). The real issue of health care interpreting: Informed consent.
See Interpreting for culturally diverse settings - web sites.
American Sign Language synthesizer project.
Deaf Action Committee For SignWriting®.
(9 March 2006).Deaf perspectives on SignWriting video 2: How SignWriting changed. A synopsis of how SignWriting changed and improved, as more Deaf people began to write their language. Native signers skilled in SignWriting discuss how they used the system in the 1980's and early 1990's. This 30 minute video features George 'Butch' Zein, Lucinda O'Grady Batch, Kevin Clark, Denny Voreck, and Valerie Sutton, with guest appearances by Deaf actor Bernard Bragg, and a special visitor from Saudi Arabia, Abdul Aziz Al-Obaid, who discusses recording Saudi Arabian Sign Language. In American Sign Language, with English voice and captions.
HamNoSys (Hamburg Sign Language Notation System).
HamNoSys: Samples of sentences from Goldilocks.
Hanke, T. & Prillwitz, S. (1995). syncWRITER - Integrating Video into the Transcription and Analysis of Sign Language.
Hejmpagxo de Miaja. In English.
International Council on Kinetography Laban/Labanotation.
Kennaway, R. (18-20 April 2001). Synthetic animation of Deaf Signing gestures (Abstract).
MacLaughlin, D., Neidle, C., & Greenfield, D. (1999). SignStream? user's guide, version 1.5.
Mandel, M. A. (23 March 1993). ASCII-Stokoe notation: A computer-writeable transliteration system for Stokoe Notation of American Sign Language.
Neidle, C., MacLaughlin, D., Bahan, B., Lee, R.G., & Kegl, J. (1997). The SignStream? Project.
Peterson, D. J. SLIPA: An IPA for signed languages.
Rosenberg, A. (1995). Writing signed languages: In support of adopting an ASL writing system.
Shawns' Labanotation Links - tango.
SignStream™ is a database tool for analysis of linguistic data captured on video. Although SignStream is being designed specifically for working with data from American Sign Language, the tool may be applied to any kind of language data captured on video. In particular, SignStream would be suited to the study of other signed languages as well as to studies that include the gestural component of spoken languages.
Stokoe Notation: Samples of sentences from Goldilocks.
Bar-Tzur, D.
Non-monotheistic religions, click on the specific religion within Resources for religious/ spiritual interpreting.
Consecutive vs. simultaneous interpreting.
Interpreter training resources: Simultaneous interpreting.
Lantra-L. How to break into simultaneous interpreting. Discussion among spoken language interpreters about self-training, what does the interpreter's booth consist of?, tips on the interpreting process, and conferring with a speaker before the event.
Niska, H. (1999). Text linguistic models for the study of simultaneous Interpreting.
Tips for beginners - Simultaneous. This is meant for conference interpreters, but there is lots of good advice for stage fright, as we experience with platform interpreting.
Wande, E. (1997). Text linguistics, translation theory and interpreting. Models for the study of simultaneous interpreting of LSP discourse.
Bar-Tur, D. Team interpreting. This article also has a list of resources at the end.
Bryant, A.
The BEI - A time of transition. Scroll down to bottom to see the result of English and Spanish proficiency testing.
Mano a Mano - Hispanic-Deaf and Trilingual Interpreting.
San Antonio College - Department Course Syllabus - Trilingual Interpretingt II.
Baker, D. S. (December 2000). Video relay interpreting: New services for the Deaf fulfill the promise of H.323 conferencing as assistive technology.
CSD Video Relay Service.
Coco, D & V. Darden. (2005, July/August). VRS around the world. Views, 22, 7. pp. 19-20. Most U.S. deaf consumers and interpreters are astonished to learn that Sweden, which has roughly the population of New Jersey, is the original international trailblazer in VRS development. Even though the U.S. has a larger number of VRS users and generates more VRS minutes, Sweden has an innovative and well establisehd VRS ststem with many features not yet found in the U.S. [Webmaster: Other countries are discussed.]
GoAmerica. Historic calls for the Deaf community.
Hands On video relay service.
Hot Topic: Sponsorship within Deaf Community.In this 2 minute ASL vlog, you will see several NEW clips of Deaf ladies making a tough tackle, an incredible interception and a sensational touchdown. In today's commentary, Jasmine Garcia makes a point about Hawk Relay sponsoring typically overlooked groups such as deaf women, deafblind, and unique sports such as cycling. Hawk Relay doesn't care about making a profit or gaining recognition off popular men's teams like other companies. Hawk Relay cares about giving back to the community -- instead of promoting company image and making money. Hawk Relay sets an excellent example of a positive company and community relationship, and we hope other companies will learn from Hawk Relay and do the same -- give support to those who need it the most!
Sprint Video Relay Service.
Timm, D. (12 December 2000). Telephone interpreting. American Sign Language Interpreting Resources, 18 November 2003.
Title IV of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Telecommunications services for hearing-impaired and speech-impaired individuals.
Bar-Tzur, D. Professional development: Do-it-yourself - vocabulary building. An extensive list of resources to build your vocabulary in English as well as ASL.