Professional development: Getting over the hump!

David Bar-Tzur

Created 6 January 2003, links updated monthly with the help of LinkAlarm.

Sisyphus pushing a stone up the mountain and it rolling down again

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Health care workers Outside assessment and certification


National and general

stained glass ballAccent on interpreting.

stained glass ballAVLIC: Interpreter evaluation.

stained glass ballBar-Tzur, D. Mentoring.

stained glass ballBlake, J. E. Personality type and interpreters for the deaf.

stained glass ballChesters, R. (2003, January). The Diploma in Public Service Interpreting. Critical Link, No.1. pp. 7-12. The Diploma in Public Service Interpreting (DPSI) is a degree-level examination set in the UK context, which specifically assesses the professional skills required by a public service interpreter. This is a downloadable PDF file.

stained glass ballEducational Interpreter Performance Assessment.

stained glass ballEighinger, L. (2001). Open letter to the Missouri Commission for the Deaf.

stained glass ballGallaudet University. What is the GU-ASLPI? The Gallaudet University American Sign Language Proficiency Interview (GU-ASLPI) is an evaluation adapted from the Language Proficiency Interview (LPI) developed by the Foreign Service Institute (FSI). The basic precept in this type of evaluation is to find out, through a face-to-face interview, what an individual can do with the knowledge and skills the individual has in the target language at a given point in time. The GU-ASLPI involves an interactive process between a trained interviewer and the individual being evaluated. This process is video recorded and holistically scored by three specially trained raters. They assign a proficiency level by considering the examinee's performance in five areas: visual-gestural production, ASL grammar, sign vocabulary, fluency and comprehension.

stained glass ballGuilbride, S. (2004, February). Taking the test: A look at construct validity in interpreter certification. Critical Link, No.2. pp. 7-11. The research results show that there is evidence strongly linking the three constructs [linguistic parsing, assignment of reference, and interpretation of inference] to conference interpreting, and that there is evidence that the test is measuring the constructs the way it should. This means in turn that there is good evidence to support the validity of interpretations that are made from the test. The validity evidence for this test is much stronger than any evidence uncovered for the interpreter certification tests I looked at in the beginning stages of my research. This is a downloadable PDF file.

stained glass ballHaug, T. Signed Language Assessment. The Sign Communication Proficiency Interview (SCPI) uses a conversational approach with the purpose to assess sign language communication skills, considering both function and form and support people in the development of their sign language communication skills (Caccamise & Newell 1995, 1999a; Newell et al 1983).

stained glass ballHuman Metrics. TRY YOUR TRAITS BEFORE TRYING FATE.

stained glass Counseling, testing & advice.

stained glass ballKentucky School for the Deaf. The Sign Communication Proficiency Interview (SCPI) is an evaluation tool that assesses communication skills. Skills and areas assessed include sign language vocabulary, production and clarity of signs, fluency, grammar, and comprehension. The SCPI is a videotaped one-on-one interview/conversation between a trained SCPI interviewer and the person taking the SCPI. Each videotaped SCPI is rated independently by raters using the SCPI rating scale. Persons taking the SCPI receive their results which states the rating level of his/her sign language communication skills.

stained glass ballKeirsey temperament sorter. Related to the Meyer-Briggs test, this evaluates your personality type. You need to register, then check back in after you take the test. The Temperament Mini Report is free, but the Classic Temperament and the Career Temperament Reports are under $20.

stained glass ballMassoud, L. (1993). Pre-Interpreting survey: Peer evaluation. ISBN: 1878819240. Video and booklet (outline) describes the process of evaluating and critiquing interpreting performance.

stained glass ballOnline test based on Jung - Meyers-Briggs typology.

stained glass ballOnline Interpreter Career Development | Terp Savvy. TERP SAVVY is designed to help you reach your career goals as a sign language interpreter. You can participate in online courses from your desk, and receive up-to-date, pertinent, and customized training that will make you a more knowledgeable, well-rounded, and marketable interpreter.

stained glass ballPerformance Assessment for Career Enhancement. Signs of Development boasts one of the highest pass percentages on their written test study groups! Are you searching for an avenue to worked in a structured and guided way on professional development? Preparing for a written or performance interpreting test? Is your access to qualified mentors and Deaf language models limited? Do your personal and professional obligations leave you little time to travel and seek out opportunities in other areas? Have you been attending every workshop available and either they do not meet your specific professional development needs or you just dont seem to be seeing the level of improvement you had hoped from your investment of time and money to attend these? If you've answered yes to any of these questions, then the PACE Mentoring Program is for you!!!

stained glass ballPersonality tests. Want to see all of our personality tests? Sign up for My Profile! We'll sort the tests by topic and alphabetically, tell you which ones you've already taken and suggest other tests ... plus youll get access to the tests only for Profile members. And all this for free!

stained glass ballPersonality tests & tools. Site Features: Enneagram Tests, 16 Type Jung Tests*, Big Five Tests, Personality Disorder Test, Compatibility Test, Career Test, Eysenck Personality Test, Word Association Test, Ask The Oracle, Famous Leader Test, Intelligence Tests, Search Minds (Find others who score like you), Personality Type Articles, Discussion Forum, Test Links.

stained glass ballSantiago, R. and A. Larson. The Enneagram for interpreters. By understanding personality types we may be able to identify areas for growth within ourselves, as well as identify warning signs of stress and unhealthy mental and emotional states which may affect our work. For this presentation I took and researched several personality typing tests. We will focus on three in particular: 1. The Jung Typology Test, 2. The Keirsey Temperament Sorter, and 3. The Enneagram.

stained glass ballSeal, B. C. (2004). Psychological Testing of Sign Language Interpreters. Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, Volume 9, Number 1, pp. 39-52 (14). Oxford University Press. Abstract: Twenty-eight sign language interpreters participated in a battery of tests to determine if a profile of cognitive, motor, attention, and personality attributes might distinguish them as a group and at different credential levels. Eight interpreters held Level II and nine held Level III Virginia Quality Assurance Screenings (VQAS); the other 11 held Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf (RID) certification. Six formal tests, the Quick Neurological Screening Test-II, the Wonderlic Personnel Test, the Test of Visual-Motor Skills (TVMS), the d2 Test of Attention, the Integrated Visual and Auditory Continuous Performance Test, and the Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire (16PF), were administered to the interpreters. Average scores were high on most of the tests; differences across the three groups were not statistically significant. Results from only one test, the d2 Test of Attention, were significantly correlated with interpreter level. Comparisons between educational and community interpreters also revealed no differences. Personality traits were widely distributed, but one trait, abstract reasoning, tested extremely high in 18 interpreters. Discussion of the potential implications of these results, particularly for educational interpreters, is offered.

stained glass ballSigns of Development. NIC Interview preparation study group. For study groups on the Generalist Written, CDI, Performance, and SC:L, see Signs of Development WWWorkshops.

stained glass ballTests, tests, tests: List of personality, intelligence, relationship, career and health tests.

stained glass ballThe Big Five Personality Test.

stained glass ballThe four temeraments.

stained glass ballWilliams, K. & Schick, B. Educational Interpreter Performance Assessment: An overview of the EIPA evaluation process.

stained glass ballYanis, W. (June 1999). Four basic questions to ask yourself for earning more CEUs. Views, 16, 6, 32. Excerpt: (1) Are you teaching any academic courses/ classes? (2) Are you mentoring, either as a mentor or a mentee? (3) Are you attending any in-service training for your company, school, or organization? (4) Are you attending any adult education courses in the upcoming future?

Quality assurance and other state interpreting assessments

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Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois
Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland
Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska
Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota
Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Puerto Rico Rhode Island South Carolina
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