(For multicultural organizations, see Interpreting for culturally diverse settings - Organizations.)Organizations
Joining interpreting organizations provides current information on the field, and opportunities to network with other interpreters through local meetings, workshops, and conventions. Deaf organizations allow for learning ASL, Deaf culture, concerns about interpreting issues, and reciprocity through helping out in ways that Deaf people are comfortable with.
About.com: Interpreting associations.
ADARA. A long-standing nonprofit association made up of professionals and interested persons promoting and participating in quality human service delivery to Deaf and Hard of Hearing person. A partnerships of national organizations, local affiliates, and individual members working together in support of deafness, social services, rehabilitation, and professional concerns related to the field.
ADA Watch is a project of the National Coalition for Disability Rights, an alliance of hundreds of disability, civil rights, and social justice organizations united to defend and promote the American with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the human rights of children and adults with physical, mental, cognitive and developmental disabilities. We are a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization.
AGB: Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf is one of the world's largest membership organizations and information centers on� hearing loss and the auditory approach. AG Bell focuses specifically on children with hearing loss, providing ongoing support and advocacy for parents, professionals and other interested parties.
AIIC: Association Internationale des Interprètes de Conférence, based in Geneva, Switzerland, is the only international association of professional conference interpreters, with some 2500 members in over 80 countries worldwide. This Website provides information on the Association, the profession of conference interpreting, and the European Union (EU), as well as tips and training information for working and aspiring conference interpreters.
ALDA: Association of Late-Deafened Adults. ALDA works collaboratively with other organizations around the world serving the needs of late-deafened people and extends a welcome to everyone, late deafened or not, who supports our goals.
ASCD: American Society for Deaf Children. A non-profit organization advocating rights and education for deaf children.
ATA: American Translators Association. The largest professional association of interpreters and translators in the United States with over 7,200 members. ATA's primary goals include fostering and supporting the professional development of translators and interpreters and promoting the translation and interpretations professions.
AVLIC: Association of Visual Language Interpreters of Canada is a national professional association which represents interpreters whose working languages are English and American Sign Language (ASL).� AVLIC represents its membership and advances the profession by promoting high standards within the profession of interpreting.
Bar-Tzur, D. Interpreting for culturally diverse settings - Organizations. These organizations are for Deaf subcultures: African American/Black, Asian American, Christian, Deafblind, Gay/Lesbian/Bi/Transgendered/Intersexed/Questioning, Hispanic/ Latinas/os, Jewish, Member of a less represented religion, Muslim, Native American, Pacific Islander, Physically challenged/ Disabled, Women's movement/ Feminism.
The Betty and Leonard Phillips Deaf Action Center is committed to the interpreting profession in Louisiana. In particular, we support the profession through the employment of interpreters and the provision of training opportunities. We believe this support leads to a higher quality of interpreting services for Deaf Louisianaians. To this end, the Center offers, at no charge, a central place whereby an interpreter or a future interpreter can access a ListServe for discussion and workshop information.
It is the Mission of the Bisexual, Lesbian, Gay, Intersexed, Transgendered Interpreters/Transliterators (BLeGIT) of the Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf (RID, Inc.) to be a forum for discussing current interpreting issues, provide information and resources for professional development opportunities and provide a professional and positive venue for discussing topics specific to the BLeGIT community, and primarily support the members of the special interest group.
CIT: Conference of Interpreter Trainers recognizes the minority status of D/deaf people and the long history of linguistic and cultural oppression that have endured. We therefore publicly proclaim our respect and support for D/deaf people's right to self-determination and true communication access. The mission of the CIT is to promote quality education for interpreters working with American Sign Language and English (including English influenced forms of signing).
CITS: Center for Interpretation and Translation Studies. Established in 1988 at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, the Center's primary goal is to provide, through theoretically-based academic programs, basic training in interpretation and non-fiction translation.
CODA - Children of Deaf adults is a non-profit organization for the adult hearing sons and daughters of deaf parents. The organization began in 1983 and has grown to include people from many different countries and very different family and extended family situations. The CODA experience is strikingly similar across the world. Regardless if you come from a family with one deaf parent, both deaf parents, additional deaf family members, families who signed, families who didn't, etc., you are welcome here.
CPADO: Cerepbral Palsy and Deaf Organization. In May of 1998, we got together as group of C.P. and deaf friends for our social gathering at Patty Porreca's home. Janet Noyes showed the group a piece from the website saying there was no book on C.P. and deafness together. We knew that having C.P. and deafness together had completely different experiences than just C.P. or deaf. Rocky Somers came up with a brilliant idea of having a website for our group. We decided to form a C.P and Deaf Organization in November of 1998. In April of 1999, we started our own website www.cpado.org.
DCARA: Deaf Counseling, Advocacy, and Referral Agency's goal is to enable deaf and hard-of-hearing people to live independent, productive lives, with full access to the services and opportunities available to the hearing population. In order to accomplish this, we act as a link between the deaf and hearing communities, providing the hearing community with information about deafness and related issues, and providing the deaf and hard-of-hearing communities with access services and counseling. DCARA works closely with other existing agencies, making their services more accessible to the deaf and hard-of-hearing population.
Deaf Action Center of Dallas. Our mission is the elimination of barriers to persons who are deaf or hard-of-hearing.
Deaf C.A.N.: Deaf Community Advocacy Network is a private not for profit social service organization serving the Deaf and Hard of hearing communities in Southeastern Michigan. The agency was established in 1981 when a group of concerned citizens in the North Oakland county area recognized a need for comprehensive services for Deaf and Hard of Hearing people.
Deaf Linx: Deafness organizations.
Directory of National Organizations of and for Deaf and Hard of Hearing People - Laurent Clerc National Deaf Education Center. This directory was developed with information provided by each organization. All of the organizations are national and nonprofit and provide information on deaf and hard of hearing people and/or specific professional or consumer areas of interest.
Hearing Loss Association of America opens the world of communication to people with hearing loss by providing information, education, support and advocacy. Our goal is to enhance the quality of life for people who are hard of hearing.
IDC: Intertribal Deaf Council. Our mission is to provide a place where American Indians, Alaska Natives� and First Nations Indians (Canada) who are deaf, deaf-blind (or low vision), hard of hearing or late deafened can have access to information about their heritage, traditions and cultural beliefs.
International Federation of Hard of Hearing People provides a platform for co-operation and exchange of information between hard of hearing organisations, promotes greater understanding amongst hard of hearing people throughout the world, encourages, supports and takes part in the investigation and research into hearing problems, and fosters solutions to those problems, stimulates the search for solutions to communication, education, employment and other problems facing hard of hearing people in daily life, co-operates with international organisations and national governments on matters of concern to hard of hearing people and their organisations, promotes a positive attitude in hard of hearing people towards themselves and towards their role in society, and promotes understanding and a positive attitude by society towards hard of hearing people.
NAD: National Association of the Deaf, established in 1880, is the oldest and largest constituency organization safeguarding the accessibility and civil rights of 28 million deaf and hard of hearing Americans in education, employment, health care, and telecommunications. For contact information on state affiliates, see NAD - Affiliates directory.
NADC: National Asian Deaf Congress. NADC is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to define and address the cultural, political and social issues experienced by Asian who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing. NADC is strengthened by the diversity of its members and organizations that represent various geographic regions, languages, religions, cultures and generations. NADC will also strive to provide education, empowerment, and leadership for its respective members and organizations.
NAJIT: National Association of Judicial Interpreters and Translators. A non-profit organization dedicated to the furtherance of the court interpreting and legal translation profession. The website includes articles from Proteus, the association's journal, and an on-line Membership Directory, as well as an updated version of the NAJIT Code of Ethics.
NAOBI: National Alliance of Black Interpreters is the only national organization that supports sign language interpreters from the African diaspora. As such, we recognize that we stand at an important crossroads. We do not stand alone. The fact that many cultures meet and converge here is what makes our existence so important.
National Virtual Translation Center is, among other things, a registry of translators and interpreters which can be called upon in times of national need. They are looking for all kinds of interpreters, including the signed-language variety.
NBDA: National Black Deaf Advocates is the official voice of Black deaf and hard of hearing Americans � a community that has historically been neglected in terms of provision of equal access to education, employment and social services.
NCI: The National Center for Interpretation is a research and public service unit that works with all aspects of language service along their theoretical, practical, and pedagogical dimensions. We offer a variety of services to public, private, and government agencies -- all towards the end of ensuring effective communication for people who speak little or no English.
NCLD: National Center for Law and Deafness was established in 1975 to develop and provide legal services to the deaf community, including representation, counseling, information, and education. The Center conducts educational workshops on legal rights for hearing impaired groups; provides assistance to groups concerned with national or local legislation, filing petitions for rule-making, or commenting before government administrative agencies; works to end discrimination against hearing impaired persons and to establish and enforce their legal rights; and provides information on Federal legislation affecting deaf persons. The NCLD operates a legal clinic which provides advice, assistance, and representation in solving legal problems to hearing impaired persons in the Washington, D.C., metropolitan area.
NCSA: National Cued Speech Association. Our mission is to promote and support the effective use of Cued Speech for communication, language acquisition and literacy.
NEEDS Outreach: Welcome to The Deaf and Hard of Hearing Information Clearinghouse.
NOTIS: Northwest Translators' and Interpreters' Society was established in April, 1988 as a forum for professional translators and interpreters in the Pacific Northwest of the United States. In view of our strategic position in international trade and of its growing importance in international travel, practicing translators and interpreters, as well as the local and regional business communities benefit from the existence of an active professional group like NOTIS.
RID: The Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf. The philosophy of RID is that excellence in the delivery of interpretation and transliteration services among people who are Deaf, or Hard of Hearing, and people who are hearing, will ensure effective communication. As the professional association for interpreters and transliterators, the RID serves as an essential arena for its members in their pursuit of excellence. Mission Statement. It is the mission of the Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf, Inc., to provide international, national, regional, state, and local forums and an organizational structure for the continued growth and development of the professions of interpretation and transliteration of American Sign Language and English.
The SayWhatClub is an on-line group of circa 400 late-deafened, hard of hearing and deaf/Deaf adults and other interested folks who provide support and encouragement to each other through e-mail. Our goal is to provide a friendly, good-humored place to exchange conversation, information, advice, deep thoughts, humor, tall tales, and chit chat. It is our hope that members will get to know each other and develop an on-line "community feeling."
Stauffer, L. K. (June 1999). Leadership burnout. Views, 16, 6, 1&13. Excerpt: [W]hat causes stress and burnout in leaders, and, more important, how can we prevent it? ... [S]tress occurs when we perceive ourselves as having excessive demnds without the appropriate resources.
WASLI: World Association of Sign Language Interpreters. For copies of the governing documents, principles, minutes of meetings, newsletter articles (Brisbane, Washington, Montreal), or answers to general questions, please contact .
WFD: World Federation of the Deaf promotes the human and social rights of deaf persons, their full participation in society and equalization of opportunities; strengthens the status of sign language and advance educational opportunities for deaf persons; and promotes their access to information. Stimulates the efforts of national associations of the deaf towards a better overall situation for the deaf community in each country. Renders expertise in deafness and advocate the rights of deaf persons worldwide to the UN system. In the present programme deaf persons and their organizations in developing countries are given priority.