Vocabulary list for sociology and anthropology
David Bar-Tzur
Africa |
African-American |
anthropology |
April Fool's Day |
Asia |
Asian-American |
autonomous, autonomy |
Bi |
Black |
castration |
Caucasian |
Christmas |
culture |
developmentally disabled |
deviate, deviation |
document |
documentation |
Easter |
empathy |
environment |
Ethnocentric |
Gay |
hierarchic, hierarchical |
hierarchy |
Hispanic |
holistic |
homogeneous |
Indian |
indoctrinate |
inititate |
isolated |
knowledge |
Kwanzaa |
Lesbian |
macho, machismo |
majority |
mask |
myth |
Native American |
nuclear family |
nurture |
orientation |
paralysis |
parapalegic |
paternalism |
primitive |
progress |
quadrapalegic |
Reciprocity of Perspectives |
relationship |
St. Patrick's Day |
sample |
scene (cultural) |
setting |
sexual orientation |
sexual preference |
situation |
social work |
society |
status |
stereotype |
stigma |
stigmatize |
superstition |
surface |
table |
taboo |
Trans(gendered) |
value |
viewpoint |
White |
accept |
acculturate |
adaptation |
adopt |
assimilation |
change |
culture |
custom |
identity |
immigrant, immigration |
integrate |
integration |
melting pot |
pluralism |
access |
accessible, accessibility |
advocacy |
advocate |
attitude |
aware/ness |
bias |
chauvinism |
criticize |
deviate, deviation |
disability |
discriminate |
disempower |
empathy |
empower |
enculturate |
environment |
esteem |
ethnocentrism |
ghetto |
handicap |
immigrant, immigration |
immigrate |
indigenous |
institution |
institutionalize |
institutionalized |
integrate |
integration |
liberate |
manipulate |
minority |
native |
oppress |
oriented (tendency) |
perspective |
preference |
prejudice |
race |
racism |
segregate |
stereotype |
superstition |
sympathy |
tolerance (of people) |
value |
viewpoint |
world view |
Africa |
African-American |
Asia |
Asian-American |
Bi |
Black |
Caucasian |
Gay |
Lesbian |
majority |
minority |
native |
Native American |
sexual orientation |
sexual preference |
Trans(gendered) |
White |
castration |
characteristic |
community |
deviate, deviation |
environment |
group |
habit |
macho, machismo |
mask |
pan-human |
pattern |
primitive |
ritual |
rules of membership |
society |
subculture |
system |
tradition |
universal |
enculturation |
explicit |
homogeneous |
identity |
imitate |
implicit |
indigenous |
inititate |
instruct |
legend |
nuclear family |
nurture |
schooling |
tacit |
FIELDWORKSee also Statistics.
document |
documentation |
ethnography (fieldwork) |
ethnography (report) |
excavate |
fieldwork |
identify |
informant |
recognize |
For the signs for these terms, see Signs for technical/specialized vocabulary.
For additional relevant terms, see Indigenous signs for cities, Indigenous signs for countries, Vocabulary list for Engineering under "Architecture and construction" when discussing antrhopological sites, Vocabulary list for Deaf studies, Vocabulary list for Gay, Lesbian, Bi, and Trans, Vocabulary list for history, political science, and warfare, and Vocabulary list for sexuality.