boyfriend | date | divorce | engaged | engagement | fiancé/fiancée | girlfriend |
husband | intimacy | intimate | marriage | marry | separate, separated, separation | spouse |
sweetheart | virgin | wife |
See also Health Sciences under "Birth and birth control".
abstinence | adultery | anal intercourse | anilingus | arouse | aroused | breast sucking |
celibacy | cervix | coitus | cruise | cunnilingus | date | deviant |
deviate, deviation | dildo | effeminate | erection | excite | excited | exhibitionism |
fantasy | fellatio | fellation | female | fiance/fiancee | fisting | flirt/ing |
fondling | foreplay | french kiss/ing | frigid | genitalia | genitals | group sex |
hickey | hormone | horny | husband | hustler | hymen | incest |
indecent liberties | intercourse | kiss | leather | live together | love | lovemaking |
lover | lubrication | make love | make-out | male | marriage | masturbation |
mate swapping | molest | neck/ing | nipples | nocturnal emission | oral-genital sex | oral sex |
orgy | passion | penetrate | perversion | pervert | petting | pick up (someone for sex) |
stimulate, excite (sex) | stimulated (sex) | preorgasmic | promiscuity | promiscuous | prostitute | rape |
raped | relationship | rimming | scrotum | sensual | separate, separated, separation | sex |
sexual assault | sexuality | sexually satisfied | sexual orientation | sexual preference | "69" | stimulate |
stimulated | take advantage of | vibrator | victim | violence | virgin | voyeurism |
water sports | whore | wife | wife swapping | withdrawal |
anatomy | anus | breast(s) | cervix | clitoris | ejaculate, ejaculation | erection |
erogenous zones | fallopian tubes | female | foreskin | genitalia | genitals | glans |
hormone(s) | hymen | impotence | inner lips | labia majora | labia minora | lubrication |
male | mucous membranes | nipples | orgasm | outer lips | ovaries | pelvis |
penis | period | physiology | premature ejaculation | private parts of the body | sanitary napkin | scrotum |
semen | seminal vesicles | sensitive | sexuality | sperm | sterility | testicles |
urethra | uterus | vagina | vaginal mucous membranes | vas deferens | vulva-> | inner lips (of ~) |
outer lips (of ~) |
For the signs for these terms, see Signs for technical/specialized vocabulary.
For additional relevant terms, see Vocabulary list for Gay, Lesbian, Bi and Trans and Vocabulary list for health sciences (especially "Childbirth and Birth control", "Pathology", and "Sexually transmitted diseases").