Vocabulary list for Gay, Lesbian, Bi and Trans, Intersexual, and Queer topics

David Bar-Tzur

androgenous Bi bio female bio male bisexual bottom surgery butch
closeted cross dresser, cross dressing cruise deviant deviate, deviation drag dyke
Dykes on Bikes effeminate faggot female-bodied female to male, FTM feminine feminist
femme Gay gay bashing gender gender dysphoria heterosexual HBIGDA (pronounced "h - big - duh")
homosexual leather Lesbian low hormone, "low ho" male privilege male to female, MTF male-bodied
masculine, macho metrosexual no hormone, "no ho" "out" or "out of the closet" queen sex (anatomy) sexuality
sexual orientation sexual preference stone butch straight tomboy top surgery trans, transgender
transman transsexual transvestite transwoman

For the signs for these terms, see Signs for technical/specialized vocabulary.

For additional relevant terms, see Vocabulary list for sexuality.
