absolute zero | absorb | abundance | adhesion | anion | atmosphere | Avogadro's number |
binding | calculate | calibrate | cation | cause | chart | chemical |
chemical equation | chemistry | coefficient of viscosity | cohesion | concentrate | decay | degree celsius |
degree fahrenheit | dehydrate, dehydration | dehydrated | derivative | deteriorate | determine (a value) | diameter |
diffuse, diffusion | dilute | disperse | distill | distillate | drop | effusion |
electrode | electrolysis | equilibrant | experiment | extract | figure (illustration) | filtrate |
fixed | flow | fluid | fluidity | formulate | gravimetric | heterogeneous |
hydrated | infusion | in terms of | joule-second | law of conservation of matter | mass | mass density |
mean free path | measure | metric system | microgram | micron | milligram | mixture |
molecular formula | molecule | nematic | newton per square meter | non-metal | odor | organic |
parts per million | pasteurize | permeable | Planck's constant | polarity | polymer | pound-force per square inch |
pound per square inch | pressure | research and development | science | scientific notation | semi-permeable | sensitive |
solid | solvent | source | specific gravity | specific heat | structure | substance |
super twisted nematic | symbol | synthetic | table | theorem | theory | thick (like molasses) |
toxic | toxin | twisted nematic | unit | viscosity | viscous | weigh |
weight | weight density |
adenine | adenosine triphoshate | cholesterol | cytosine | decompose | deoxyribonucleic acid | deposition |
diffuse, diffusion | fat | guanine | hydrogenated | metabolism | metabolize | nitrogenous base |
nucleotides | phosphate sugar | phospholipids | polyunsaturated fat | release (a chemical or energy) | ribonucleic acid | saturated fat |
thiamine | toxic | trigycleride (classifier) | unsaturated fat | uracyl |
absorb | achieve (reach) equilibrium | acid | acidic | anion | aqueous | balance |
balance equation | balanced equation | base | basic | braces (for formulas) | brackets (for formulas) | bubble |
buffer | calorie | carboy | catalyst | cation | cause | caustic |
chemical equation | chemical reaction | cohesion | common ion | concentration | concentration profile | constant-> |
hold/held ~ | remains ~ | cross multiply | decay | decomposition | degree celsius | degree fahrenheit |
density | deposition | derivative | dilute | disrupt equilibrium | dissociate | dissolve |
divide-> | ~ both sides by | double arrow | drop | drop out (of an equation) | endothermic | enthalpy |
entropy | equilibrium | equilibrium constant | flame (Bunsen burner) | flame (candle) | excess | exothermic |
flow | formula | formulate | forward reaction | goes to completion | gram | heat |
heat capacity | heat of formation | heat of reaction | heat up | Henderson-Hasselbach | homogeneous | hydrate |
hydrolysis | indicator | initial condition | interconversion | in terms of | ionic | ionization |
ionize | kilocalorie | kilogram | kinetic region | latent heat | law of conservation of matter | liter |
major species | mass | microgram | milligram | modified molecular formula | molality | molarity |
mole | molecular formula | molecule | much greater than (>>) | much less than (<<) | neutralization, neutralize | neutralized |
newton per square meter | normality | notation | oxidation | oxidation state | oxidation-reduction | oxidize |
parentheses (for formulas) | parts of a candle | percent abundance | polyatomic ion | precipitate, precipitant | reactant | reaction |
reaction quotient | reagent | reduction (reaction) | re-establish (restore) equilibrium | release/d | reverse reaction | reversible |
shift left | shift right | shift towards (the formation of) products | shift towards reactants | significant figures | single arrow | spontaneous combustion |
spontaneous combustion | stoichiometric coefficient | stoichiometry | stopcock | sublimate, sublimationion | substance | temperature |
thermal | titrate | titration | unknown | volatile |
absolute zero | atom | foot-pound | gas | ideal gas | kinetic energy | liter |
mole | molecule | pascal | pressure | standard temperature and pressure | temperature | thermal |
volume |
apparatus | beaker | Buchner funnel | Bunsen burner | buret(te) | calculator | calorimeter |
centrifuge | chromatograph | clamp | container | crucible | crucible tongs | cuvette |
desiccator | dial scale | drying tube | dropper bottle | electronic balance | equal arm balance | evaporating dish |
filter | filter adaptor | filtering flask | filtering funnel | flask | Florence flask | forceps |
galvanometer | gauge | Gooch crucible | goggles | graduated cylinder | forceps | Hirsch funnel |
hood (Chemistry) | instrumentation | iron support ring | lab | laboratory | micrometer calipers | microscope |
mortar and pestle | Pasteur pipet | pipet (pipette) | pH meter | pinch clamp | potentiometer | powder funnel |
ring stand | rubber scraper | safety goggles | scanning electron microscope | separatory funnel | spatula | spectrophotometer |
spin vane | spring scale | stir bar | stopper | striker | test tube | test tube clamp/holder |
test tube with side arm | triple beam balance | vernier calipers | volumetric flask | watch glass | wire gauze |
binding | boiling point | bond | break-down | celsius | collide, collision | condensation |
condense | conservation of energy | consistency | conversion | convert | crystal | crystallization, crystallize |
dense | density | dissolve | evaporate | expand | Fahrenheit | formation |
freeze | freezing point | heat | inorganic | kinetic energy | law | liquid |
matter | melt | molecule | occupy (space) | particle | phase (state of matter) | plasma |
powder | pressure | saturated | solid | solidify | soluble | solute |
solution | solvent | state (of matter) | strontium | supersaturated | surface | surface tension |
suspension | thermal | vibrate, vibration | volumetric density |
For the signs for these terms, see Signs for technical/specialized vocabulary.
For additional relevant terms, see Vocabulary list for biology under "Biochemistry" and Vocabulary list for physics (especially "Nuclear").