David Bar-Tzur
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Map: Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection.
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Note: A flag next to a link shows what language the website is in. If it is followed by this icon: (), it is a video in that spoken language. A flag followed by means it is in the sign language of that country. means there is International Gesture.
Deaf culture | Deaf performing arts | Forums | Ngôn ngữ ký hiệu Việt Nam (Vietnamese Sign Language) | Ngôn ngữ ký hiệu Việt Nam (Vietnamese Sign Language) dictionaries |
Organizations |
Deaf Vietnam Project. Scott Benson traveled to Vietnam with a friend for the first time in 1999... When he arrived in Saigon, Scott learned about a deaf school that was close to his hotel. Since Scott is deaf himself and is a teacher of the deaf, he was curious about it. Scott and Andrew, his Vietnamese friend and fellow traveler, met Madame Ngoi, the head mistress and founder of the school, when they arrived at the gate of the school. Madame Ngoi was hesitant at first to allow Scott and Andrew into her school, but Andrew spoke and convinced her in fluent Vietnamese that they were good people who were curious about what a deaf school was like in Vietnam.
"HOA NHAP" Vietnam, Producing a local newsletter. Tran Thi Nhieu is a senior project officer in Save the Children (SC-UK)’s disability programme in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Here she is interviewed about her role as editor of HOA NHAP (INCLUSION).
Monaghan, L, Nakamura, K., Schmaling, C. & Turner, G. H. (Eds.) (May 2003). Many ways to be Deaf: International variation in Deaf communities. Twenty-four international scholars have contributed their findings from studying Deaf communities in Japan, Thailand, Viet Nam, Taiwan, Russia, Sweden, Austria, Switzerland, Great Britain, Ireland, Nigeria, South Africa, Brazil, Nicaragua, and the United States. Sixteen chapters consider the various antecedents of each country1s native signed language, taking into account the historical background for their development and also the effects of foreign influences and changes in philosophies by the larger, dominant hearing societies. ISBN 1-56368-135-8
Brouillette, R. (2000). The Efficacy Of Total Communication Within An Inclusive Education System For Deaf Students In Viet Nam. The Vietnamese model demonstrates the use of peer teachers, Deaf tutors, Sign Language development and training, community and educational based audiology, intensive in-service training of personnel and full community participation. Since August 1998, the Inclusive Deaf Education Project implemented by the Viet Nam Ministry of Education and Training (NIES) has provided mainstream education, audiological and support services to over 400 preschool and primary school students in 3 northern and 3 southern Provinces. There are an estimated 18,240 children who are hard of hearing (1 5,200) or Deaf children (3,040) in these provinces.
CÂU LẠC BỘ THANH THIẾU NIÊN KHIẾM THÍNH Đà Nẵng. Qua thống kê số liệu, Đà Nẵng hiện có khoảng 1.200 thanh thiếu niên khiếm thính ở độ tuổi từ 14 đến 25. Trong đó chỉ có khoảng 150 em tốt nghiệp các trường chuyên biệt là đã được đào tạo về ngôn ngữ kí hiệu. Sau khi ra trường, họ về sống rải rác ở các cộng đồng. Phần lớn họ đang vất vả kiếm việc làm và khó có cơ hội học tập thêm. Đặc biệt, họ thường bày tỏ nguyện vọng có một địa chỉ sinh hoạt dành cho người điếc, để gặp gõ, chia sẻ những mối quan tâm chung, học hỏi những kiến thức, kỹ năng mới, nhất là về xã hội để giúp đỡ lẫn nhau và nói lên nhu cầu, nguyện vọng của mình với công chúng. Hơn nữa, các gia đình có con bị câm-điếc cũng bày tỏ nguyện vọng muốn có một nơi hội họp, sinh hoạt để liên kết, giúp đỡ nhau và tuyên truyền vận động cho tương lai của con mình.
Mittler, P. International experience in including children with disabilities in ordinary schools. This paper was originally prepared for a meeting organised by UNICEF to stimulate discussion on the possibilities of inclusion in Tunisia. It was written in response to a request to provide examples of countries where inclusive policies were being implemented. Most of the examples refer to countries in the Middle East or North Africa or to other French or Arabic speaking countries.
NDCS. (2006, February 20). Facilitating the Establishment and Expansion of Deaf Clubs. This project aims to promote the rights of young deaf people in and around Da Nang city. Communication barriers prevent young deaf people from being involved in other disability groups so the IDCS grant will facilitate the development of self-help groups specifically for deaf school leavers. As well as meeting the needs of young deaf people through life skills training and the development of a web forum, the project also aims to involve families and the community. Families will receive basic sign language training and the groups will be supported to participate in community sporting events.
Partners In Compassion - Meeting the Needs of the Deaf in Southeast Asia. The deaf in Vietnam are mostly overlooked. If they get to go to school at all it is usually only the first or second grade. In the countryside most deaf have never heard of sign language. Unable to read or write and with no knowledge of sign language they are limited to only the simplest gesturing in a society that does not understand their role of compassion to the disabled or different. Their lack of communication prevents them from obtaining the most basic of life’s rights. The right to family security, the right to education, the right to work and be productive.
Shettle, A. (2004, Spring). Deaf Children with Additional Disabilities in Developing Countries, Vietnam.
Thoisu.com -> Nghe bằng trái tim.
VnDG. Disabled children learn to sing anthem. To teach the students how to sign-sing the anthem, teachers had to explain, by hand, how to gesture the word "fatherland" in sign language. Each day, two new verses were practised. After two months, students were confident enough to sing the song with their hands and arms.
Sparrow's Flight: Deaf Vietnamese Dance Troupe. At any given time there were up to four languages going on: spoken English, American Sign Language, spoken Vietnamese, and signed Vietnamese. I think I saw just about every form of translating there is. There was ASL to English, Vietnamese to English to ASL, ASL to English, Vietnamese Signs to ASL to English, copy signing, whisper translating…I could go on for a while.
Bui, T.D.; Nguyen, L.T. Recognizing Postures in Vietnamese Sign Language With MEMS Accelerometers. Sensors Journal, IEEE Volume 7, Issue 5, May 2007 Page(s):707 - 712. Summary: In this paper, we discuss the application of microelectronic mechanical system (MEMS) accelerometers for recognizing postures in Vietnamese Sign Language (VSL). We develop a similar device to the Accele Glove for the recognition of VSL. In addition to the five sensors as in the Accele Glove, we placed one more sensor on the back of the hand to improve the recognition process. In addition, we use a completely different method for the classification process leading to very promising results. This paper concentrates on signing with postures, in which the user spells each word with finger signs corresponding to the letters of the alphabet.
Haiphong Sign Language: A language of Vietnam.
Hanoi Sign Language: A language of Vietnam.
Ho Chi Minh Sign Language: A language of Vietnam.
Ngôn ngữ ký hiệu – Wikipedia tiếng Việt.
Vietnamese sign languages - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Bar-Tzur, D. Indigenous signs for cities: Vietnam.
Vietnamese Sign Language Dictionary For People With Hearing Impairment is a scientific research undertaken by the University of Pedagogy, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. It was developed throughout the country with the 40000 USD sponsorship of Samsung Digit All Hope Programme 2004. The programme commenced in October 2004 and was completed in September 2005.
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Website Câu Lạc Bộ Khiếm Thính Tp.HCM.