David Bar-Tzur
Flag: World flag database.
Map: Maps.com - "search" for country, then "Digital Map Graphics").
For a quick, interesting resource for facts about this and other countries,
try Mystic Planet - The New Age directory of Planet Earth.
Note: A flag next to a link shows what language the website is in. If it is followed by this icon: (), it is a video in that spoken language. If it is followed by this icon:
, it is in the sign language of that country. If a globe is followed by this hands icon, there is an animated text in International Gesture.
Shimbalker, D. (2007, June 30). Cancion lenguaje señas sordomudo.
Himno a la Alegria Jose Luis Rodriguez.
Williams, R. (2007, May 6). Lenguaje de señas mexicano robbie williams - ser mejor.
Robbie Williams- Ser mejor interpretada en el lenguaje de señas mexicano, disculpen los errores, un mas que lo marque como tanto.
Adams, M. G.
The lives of Deaf Mexicans. Struggle and success: This DVD shows how some of the deaf people live in Mexico City and reveals candid interviews. Some individual deaf use oral methods and/or varied languages to communicate. Most deaf individuals use LSM (language Sign Mexican) and happily there are subtitles, both in English and Spanish voicing! The interviewers discuss their prospects regarding their education and LSM and why it is such an important issue. They share their experiences of living productive lives as well as having of successful careers or businesses. This is a grand achievement considering how the majority of Deaf individuals still struggle to even have access to sign language and an education. The DVD is based on true inspiring stories.
Adams, M. G. Historia de la educacion de los sordos en Mexico y Lenguaje por Señas Mexicano (History of the Education of the Deaf in Mexico and Mexican Sign Language). ISBN: 159352008-5. In an effort to encourage greater understanding of Mexican Deaf culture and to bring attention to the need for better education and training for the deaf in Mexico, Margarita Adams, who was born deaf in Mexico City, wrote Historia de la educacion de los sordos en Mexico y Lenguaje por Señas Mexicano. Education of the deaf in Mexico has been spotty and severely underfunded by the government, condemning generations of deaf children to little or no schooling and illiteracy. Historia features 158 pages of Mexican signs with Spanish-and English-language keys.
(2006, February 10). Teachers Training Teachers. This project will develop and implement a teacher training program based on a successful experience of bilingual education for deaf children. The project team will work closely with teachers in a government special school to increase the involvement of deaf teaching assistants, develop teaching skills and agree on a long-term plan for implementing bilingual education.
(2005, May 1). Empowering deaf children and their families: developing support services in Puebla, Mexico. This project will empower deaf children and their families by providing them with access to sign language, deaf role models and information to help parents evaluate advice on education and communication approaches.
www.disabilityfilms.co.uk. El hombre de papel (The paper man.) Film (1963) Mexico, drama. A deaf and speaking impaired tramp who scavenges the waste tips of Mexico City finds a bank note worth a small fortune. He has difficulty buying anything with it while others are trying to get it from him.
Adams, M. G. Historia de la educacion de los sordos en Mexico y Lenguaje por Señas Mexicano (History of the Education of the Deaf in Mexico and Mexican Sign Language). ISBN: 159352008-5. In an effort to encourage greater understanding of Mexican Deaf culture and to bring attention to the need for better education and training for the deaf in Mexico, Margarita Adams, who was born deaf in Mexico City, wrote Historia de la educacion de los sordos en Mexico y Lenguaje por Señas Mexicano. Education of the deaf in Mexico has been spotty and severely underfunded by the government, condemning generations of deaf children to little or no schooling and illiteracy. Historia features 158 pages of Mexican signs with Spanish-and English-language keys.
Seña y verbo teatro de sordos. La compañía de teatro Seña y Verbo es una asociación artística y educativa única en América Latina, dedicada a promover la lengua y la cultura de los sordos a través de obras de teatro y videos originales de alta calidad, y una variedad de cursos, asesorías y talleres de divulgaci
Confederación Deportiva Mexicana, A. C.
International Martial Arts Federation of the deaf: Mexican Deaf Martial Artists.
WASLI. Scenes from Segovia. The Sign Language Association started in 1995 so that interpreters could become accredited and certified. Their aim is to expand and to have sign language recognised by the government, but the government doesn’t actually acknowledge that the language exists so linguistics are trying to prove to them it does. There are 36 interpreters training in 9 states. There is 1 interpreter certified from the USA and there re 4 trainers. We would like WASLI to help us get together documents that will aid us to lobby government.
Bar-Tzur, D. Indigenous signs for cities: Mexico.
Bickford, J. A. (1989). Lexical variation in Mexican sign language.
Centro de Desarrollo Lingüistico y Educativo.
Faurot, K., D. Dellinger, A. Eatough, and S. Parkhurst. (2000). The identity of Mexican sign as a language. This paper addresses the question, “Is Mexican Sign Language (LSM) a distinct language, with a linguistic and sociolinguistic identity of its own?” We have examined LSM from three different angles. Is LSM different from other sign languages, particularly American Sign Language (ASL)? Is LSM different from the national spoken language which surrounds the Deaf3 community? Are there regional dialects of LSM which are significantly different from each other?
-->International bibliography of sign language. --> Click on "M", then on "Mexican Sign Language" or "Mexican Sign Language dictionary".
Lenguajes de signos en México.
Mexican Sign Language: A language of Mexico.
Parkhurst, S. J. and D. Parkhurst. (1995). Language and the Deaf.
Plumlee, M. (1995). Pronouns in Mexican Sign Language.
Mayan sign languages [Lenguaje Mímico Maya] are used in Mexico and Guatemala by Maya communities with unusually high numbers of deaf inhabitants. In some instances, both hearing and deaf members of a village may use the sign language. These sign languages are thought to be unrelated to both the "national sign languages" of Mexico (Mexican Sign Language) and Guatemala (Guatemalan Sign Language), as well as the local spoken Mayan languages and Spanish.
Yucatec Sign Language: A language of Mexico.
Deaf Baptist Fellowship Store Page 4. MEXICAN SIGN LANGUAGE (LSM): VOL I & II (Mexican Sign Language I Book by Dr. Don Cabbage is used in the Mexico. over 500 word illustrated vocabulary study of the Mexican Sign Language (listed in English and Spanish) includes 10 chapters with Spanish vocabulary dialogues and over 180 pages. The artist is Victor Palma.)
Fingerspelling keyboard, Mexico.
Kelly-Jones, N. and Hamilton, H. (1981). Los Alamitos, CA: Modern Signs Press, Inc.
Mexican Sign Language/American Sign Language translator.
Shimbalker, D. Lenguaje señas sordomudo lsm mexicano.
(2007, July 24). Lenguaje sordomudo.
(2007, July 24). Parte III: Oraciones Interrogativas y Respuestas.
(2007, July 24). Vocabulario: Personas y Pronombres.
(2007, July 24). Vocabulario: Segunda Parte.
(2007, July 5). Parte II: Ideogramas básicos para la práctica y utilización para armar conversaciones y dialogos.
SignPuddle. Diccionario Mexico.
Parkhurst, S. J. (1993). Smalley's 'maximums' of orthography design and sign languages.
IMAL (Instituto Mexicano de Audición y Lenguaje).
La Federación Mexicana de Sordos es un organismo no gubernamental y no lucrativa, independiente y plural, que desde su fundación, ha contribuido activamente a la creación del vigoroso movimiento pro Derechos Humano, de Discapacidad Auditiva del México actual. Los objetivos de la FEMESOR son la investigación, docencia, análisis, documentación capacitación, promoción y difusión de la Sociedad de Sordos en México.
IMAL (Instituto Mexicano de Audición y Lenguaje).
Palabras sin voz es un grupo formado por alumnos del Instituto Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey que busca la integración de los silentes a la sociedad por medio de la enseñanza del lenguaje de señas y la concientización del trato hacia estas personas.
Adventist Deaf Ministries : Churches. Scroll down to "Mexico".