Indigenous signs for cities in Mexico (México)

National flag David Bar-TzurNational flag

map of country

Flag: World flag database.
Map: - "search" for country, then "Digital Map Graphics".

For a quick, interesting resource for facts about this and other countries,
try Mystic Planet - The New Age directory of Planet Earth.

Explanation of glossing system used
(to understand how I describe the signs in this dictionary)

[A dot], held high, twists at wrist.1

[E], PO away, is held alongside the mouth, then twists to touch side of mouth while changing to an [H].2

Ciudad Juarez
(1) [S], PO > NDS, strokes under nose.1 (2) [A], PO > NDS, circles NDH [B], PO up horizontally, then lands on the palm, then [A], PO down, is drawn across the lips.2

Ciudad Obregon
[A], PO > NDS, circles NDH [B], PO up horizontally, then lands on the palm, then [O] arcs from shoulder to elbow.2

Ciudad Victoria
[A], PO > NDS, circles NDH [B], PO up horizontally, then spell V-I-C-T-O-R-I-A.2

[D], PO > signer, circles horizontally close to face.2

[G], held high, twists at wrist.1

[5:] claws down face.2 (< Spanish word for "lion".)

Mexico City
(1) [M] salutes + W-F.1 (2) [V], PO > NDS, touches index finger to temple, then twists at wrist so that FO is away and pointing down slightly.2 (< one of the signs for the country "Mexico".)

(1) M, PO down, FO > NDS, circles face CCW and backhand lands on forehead.1 (2) [F], PO > signer, is held at face while FTs wg in unison.1 (3) [M] is held with back of hand against forehead and fingers wiggle in unison.2

[O], held high, twists at wrist.2

Piedras Negras
[P] taps [S], PO down, with middle finger twice, then [N], PO down, rubs forward on [B], PO up.2

[P] shakes at ear.1

Puerto Vallarta
P-V. 1

[L:], held high, twists at wrist.2

San Luis Potosi
[P] circles temple then touches it with middle finger.2

(1) T-J.1 (2) The fingers are held in a combination of "T" and "I" and trace out a "J".2

[F] touches ND shoulder, then NDS of chest.2

[V], held high, twists at wrist.2

[Y], held high, shakes at wrist.1

List of sources cited

1. Signs around the world: Cities [Videotape]. Burtonsville, MD: Sign Media.
2. Kelly-Jones, N. and Harley Hamilton (1981). Signs everywhere. Los Alamitos, CA: Modern Signs Press, Inc.
