Acts of the Apostles [Gk. Praxeis Apostolon] |
Amos [Heb. Amos] |
Apocalypse of St. John [Gk. Apokalypsis Ioannoy] |
Colossians [Gk. Pros Kolossaeis] |
Daniel [Heb. Daniel] |
Deuternomy [Heb. D'varim] |
Ecclesiastes [Heb. Koheles, Kohelet(h)] |
Ephesians [Gk. Pros Ethesioys] |
Esther [Heb. Ester] |
Ezekiel [Heb. Y'chezkel] |
Exodus [Heb. Sh'mos, Sh'mot(h)] |
Ezra [Heb. Ezra] |
First Chronicles [Heb. Divrei HaYamim Aleph] |
First Corinthians [Gk. Pros Korinthioys Alpha] |
First John [Gk. Ioannoy Alpha] |
First Kings [Heb. M'lachim Aleph] |
First Peter [Gk. Petroy Alpha] |
First Samuel [Heb. Shmuel Aleph] |
First Thessalonians [Gk. Pros Thessalonikeis Alpha] |
First Timothy [Gk. Pros Timetheon Alpha] |
Galatians [Gk. Pros Galatas] |
Genesis [Heb. Breishis, Breishit(h)] |
Habakkuk [Heb. Chavakuk] |
Haggai [Heb. Chagai, Chagei] |
Hebrews [Gk. Pros Ebraioys] |
hermeneutics |
Hosea [Heb. Hoshea] |
infallibility |
Isaiah [Heb. Yishayahu] |
James [Gk. Iakoboy Epistole] |
Jeremiah [Heb. Yermiyahu] |
Joel [Heb. Yoel] |
John [Gk. Kata Ioannin] |
Jonah [Heb. Yonah] |
Joshua [Heb. Yehoshua] |
Jude [Gk. Ioyda] |
Judges [Heb. Shof'tim] |
Lamentations [Heb. Eichah] |
Leviticus [Heb. V'yikra] |
Luke [Gk. Kata Loykon] |
Malachi [Heb. Malachi] |
Mark [Gk. Kata Markon] |
Matthew [Gk. Mata Maththaion] |
Micah [Heb. Mikah] |
Nahum [Heb. Nachum] |
Nehemiah [Heb. Nechemyah] |
Numbers [Heb. B'midbar] |
Obadiah [Heb. Ovadiah] |
Philemon [Gk. Pros Philemona] |
Philippians [Gk. Pros Philippesioys] |
Proverbs [Heb. Mishlei] |
Psalms [Heb. T'hillim] |
Revelations [Gk. Apokalypsis Ioannoy] |
Romans [Gk. Pros Romaioys] |
Ruth [Heb. Rus, Rut(h)] |
Second Chronicles [Heb. Divrei HaYamim Beis or Beit] |
Second Corinthians [Gk. Pros Korinthioys Beta] |
Second John [Gk. Ioannoy Beta] |
Second Timothy [Gk. Pros Timetheon Beta] |
Second Kings [Heb. M'lachim Beis or Beit] |
Second Peter [Gk. Petroy Beta] |
Second Samuel [Heb. Shmuel Beis or Beit] |
Second Thessalonians [Gk. Pros Thessalonikeis Beta] |
Second Timothy [Gk. Pros Timetheon Beta] |
Song of Songs [Heb. Shir HaShirim] |
textual criticism (Christianity) |
Third John [Gk. Ioannoy Gamma] |
Titus [Gk. Pros Titon] |
Zechariah [Heb. Zechariah] |
Zephaniah [Heb. Tzefaniah] |