Vocabulary list for Judaism

David Bar-Tzur

Tahnach v'Talmud (Holy writings)

See also Signs for books of the Jewish and Christian Bibles.

Amos [Heb. Amos] Daniel [Heb. Daniel] Deuternomy [Heb. D'varim] Ecclesiastes [Heb. Koheles, Kohelet(h)] Esther [Heb. Ester] Ezekiel [Heb. Y'chezkel] Exodus [Heb. Sh'mos, Sh'mot(h)]
Ezra [Heb. Ezra] - ezra First Chronicles [Heb. Divrei HaYamim Aleph] First Kings [Heb. M'lachim Aleph] First Samuel [Heb. Shmuel Aleph] Genesis [Heb. Breishis, Breishit(h)] Habakkuk [Heb. Chavakuk] Haggai [Heb. Chagai, Chagei]
Hosea [Heb. Hoshea] Isaiah [Heb. Yishayahu] Jeremiah [Heb. Yermiyahu] Joel [Heb. Yoel] Jonah [Heb. Yonah] Joshua [Heb. Yehoshua] Judges [Heb. Shof'tim]
Lamentations [Heb. Eichah] Leviticus [Heb. V'yikra] Malachi [Heb. Malachi] Micah [Heb. Mikah] Nahum [Heb. Nachum] Nehemiah [Heb. Nechemyah] Numbers [Heb. B'midbar]
Obadiah [Heb. Ovadiah] Proverbs [Heb. Mishlei] Psalms [Heb. T'hillim] Ruth [Heb. Rus, Rut(h)] Second Chronicles [Heb. Divrei HaYamim Beis or Beit] Second Kings [Heb. M'lachim Beis or Beit] Second Samuel [Heb. Shmuel Beis or Beit]
Song of Songs [Heb. Shir HaShirim] Zechariah [Heb. Zechariah] Zephaniah [Heb. Tzefaniah]

For the signs for these terms, see Signs for technical/specialized vocabulary.

For Israel and its cities, see Indigenous signs for cities: Israel.
