abandon | abandoned | abduct | abducted | abort | absolute | absorb |
academic | accent | acclimate | account-> | give an ~ of something | ~ for something | accumulate |
accuracy | accurate | acronym | activate | address (a crowd) | adhesive | adjacent |
adolescent | advanced | advantage-> | take ~ of | affect | agriculture | air traffic control |
allow | alone | alternate | amass | analysis | annual | anonymous |
apparatus | appease | appeased | apply | appreciate | appropriate | April Fool's Day |
arctic | area | array | assign | assignment | assist/ance | attend |
attention | authenticate | authority | automatic | auxiliary | available | availability |
balance | bandage, band-aid | bank (river) | bankrupt | based on | beast | belittle |
belittled | benefit | betray | betrayed | bewilder | bewildered | bewitch |
bewitched | bid | billion | blank | blow something off | bluff | bomb (to fail) |
Bond, James | boots | boycott | break (intermission) | bribe | bride | bridesmaid |
bright | brotherhood | brownnose | bubble | build | building | bully |
burglar | burn out | bust | cage | calculate | cap (cover for opening) | capital (letter) |
captain | career | carefree | carnival | cashier | cash register | castration |
casual | category | causality | cause | cause and effect | certificate | certify |
character | characteristic | chopsticks | Christmas | cinch | classical | classified |
Claus, Santa | clear | client | clique | close call (almost happened) | coarse | coincidence |
collaborate | collate | color | comment | comparison | compatible | compilation |
compile | comprehend | comprehension | compromise | concentrate | concept | condition |
conditional | confidential | confront | consistency | consistent | console | consultant |
consume | container | content | continual | continuum | contrast | convenient |
conversion | convert | crisis | criteria | critic | critical | criticize |
critique | cross-section | cumulative | current | cut | cut that out! | cycle |
dark | dashed line | deadline | deck (of a ship) | dedicate, dedicated | defect | defective |
defer | define | defined | definition | degenerate | delay, delayed | delegate |
delete | demand | demonstrate | demonstration | deposit | depth | description |
detail | deteriorate | determine | diagonal | dictator | differentiate | direct |
dirty | discount | discrete | discriminate | discrimination (distinguish) | distinguish | divorce |
document | documentation | docile | do (calculate) it in your head | doll | don't mean to say | doughnut |
dummy | dust | dusty | dynamic | dynamics | dysfunction | Easter |
eat away at | edit | effect(s) | efficiency | efficient | elaborate | element |
eligible | eligibility | elongation | emotional | empathy | employ | |
employee | employer | employment | enable | enchant | enchanted | encourage |
endemic | environment | equivalence | erase | errands | error | ESP |
establish | estranged | etiology | etiquette | evolution | exact | except |
exception | exchange | expand (enlarge) | expand (on an idea) | expect | expert | explanation |
explicit | expose | external | extract | extrasensory perception | facilitate | factor |
fancy | FAX | federal | feedback | field-> | out in the ~ | field trip |
figure out | file | fireworks | flesh | flexible | float | flow |
fluent | fluid | focus | fold (out-of business) | folder | forbid | foreground |
form | formal | format | formula | formulate | foster | foundation |
fractional | freak out | fudge factor | full | fundamental | funnel | fussy |
gala | galoshes | game | gaunt | geek | gender | generate |
generic | genius | gesture | ghetto | global | glossy | glue |
go ahead | goal | good riddance | graphic | grind | group (v) | habituate |
Halloween | hands-on | heat (not hot) | height | hermit | hero | heroine |
hesitate | heterogeneous | heuristic | hierarchic, hierarchical | hierarchy | hold | holistic |
homogeneous | honor | hope | horizontal | hospitality | hustler (trickster) | hypnosis |
hypnotize | hypnotized | hypocrite | hypothesis | hypothesize | identification | identify |
identity | illustration | image | imagine | immature | immigrant, immigration | immigrate |
impasse | implement | implicit | imply | impostor | impotence | impulse |
in case of | incomprehensible | increment | index | indexed | indoctrinate | induce |
induced | infest | inititate | insight | inspect | install | insurance-> |
~ coverage | intend, intention | interactive | intercom | intermediate | intermission | in terms of |
international | interval | intimacy | intimate | intimidate | intimidated | introduction |
invalid | invent | invention | inverse | isolated | issue | jabber |
jack-o-lantern | journal | jumbo | jump (to next topic) | justify | kennel | kaleidoscope |
kilt | kink | known for | Kwanzaa | landscaper | law | layer |
layout | leather | leave me alone! | lecture | left | (feel) left out | leisure |
length | level | line | liner | lint | liquid | list |
listing | literal | literally | local | logging | loosen | loudspeakers |
love | lowercase | loyal | luxury | magic | major | majority |
make up your mind! | manicure | manifold (many) | manipulate | manual | Mardi Gras | margin |
mark | master | material | materialize | mattress | meanwhile, meantime | measuring tape |
mechanical | media | mesh | message | microphone | minor | mix |
mnemonic | mock | model | modeling | modify | modulate | module |
moist | monitor | monograph | monument | motivated | move | movement |
movie camera | multiple | mutual | mystery | near miss (almost happened) | negative | neglected |
negotiate | net | network | neutral | newsletter | nimble | noble |
noise | nonchalant | none | notation | null | nurture | object |
objective | obsession | obsolete | on behalf of | open-> | ~ (a book) | ~ (a cabinet) |
~ (a can) | ~ (a car door) | ~ (a door) | ~ (a drawer) | ~ (a jar) | ~ (a laptop) | ~ (an oven) |
~ (a play) | ~ (a purse) | ~ (a wallet) | ~ (a window) | ~ (one's eyes) | ~ (one's heart) | ~ (one's mouth) |
~ (one's mind) | ~ (the curtains) | ~ (the hood of a car) | operator | option | orchard | origin |
orphan | outline | outreach | overhead | overhead projector | overlap | overlay |
overweight | own | owner | pace | pacify | pager | pale |
pamphlet | panel | panties | pantyhose | paradox | parallel | parameter |
part | pass out | paste | pasteurize | patent | patronize | pattern |
pending | pendulum | pension | percent | perception | performance | permanent |
permutation | perpendicular | perspective | persuasion | perversion | phase | philanthropy |
phonograph | pick up | pinnacle | plastic | plug | point | poison |
policy | polite | poll | population | positive | powder | precise |
prejudice | present (v) | pressure | presumptuous | pretend | preview | price |
primary | principle | priority | procedure | process | processing | produce |
product | proof | production | profession, professional | progress | project | promoted |
pronunciation | propaganda | property | proportional | protect | public | public address (system) |
punctual | purpose | put | quality | quantity | quell | quench |
quicksand | quick witted | quill | quotation, quotation marks | quote | radical (rebel) | rainbow |
rank | rate | reaction | read someone's mind | realistic | ready | reason |
reasonable | rebel | record | recursive | reference | region | register |
regret | regular, regularity | reinforce | relationship | relative | rely | remote |
repel | report | repulse, repulsion | reputation | resource | results | retaliate |
retrieve | revenge | reunion | review | reward | right | rights |
rigid | risk | robot | rough | round off | routine | rule |
ruler | run (operate) | run errands | safe (strong box) | St. Patrick's Day | sale | sample |
sanitary napkin | Santa Claus | satisfy (a condition) | scar (psychological) | scarce, scarcity | schedule | score |
screen | script | seal | secondary | secret | security | select |
selection | sensation | sense | sensitive | sequential | serial | set up |
shadow | shape | shell | shelter | simulate, simulation | simulator | simultaneity, simultaneous |
skill, skilled | skip | slice | slit | social work | some | sort |
source | space | spaced out | sparse | special | specialize | specific |
specify | spectrum | speech | spontaneous | spool | stabilize | stadium |
stage | standard | standard notation | state | statement | static | statue |
status | steel | step, steps | stereotype | stimulate | store | strength |
structure | structured | style | subject | subscript | substance | subtle |
suicide | summary | summon | Superman | superstition | suppress | surface |
surplus | survey | suspend, suspension | swindle | switch | synthesize | symbol |
system | systematic | table (graphic) | tactile | take advantage of | take for granted | talkative |
talk to oneself | tampon | tape | target | task | tassel | team |
technical | technique | technology | telepathy | tension | term (equation) | tertiary |
test | testimonial | text | texture | theorem | theory | thereabouts |
therefore | thermometer | thick (not thin) | thick (like molasses) | thin | thousandths | three dimensional |
tight | tighten | time (moment) | time(-period) | time-consuming | toggle | too much |
topic | top-priority | total horizontally | total vertically | trace | transaction | transcribe |
transfer | transform | transformation | transient | translucent | transparent | transport |
transportation | trauma | truck | try | two dimensional | two-faced | type |
undress | uniform | unilateral | unique | universal | unless | unmotivated |
upgrade | uppercase | use-up, used-up | vacuum cleaner | valid | validation | validity |
valley | value (n & v) | variable | vault | verification | verify | vertical |
veterinarian | vicinity | video game | viewpoint | violence | void | vow |
walk through | wallet | warm | warn | warning | warranty | waste |
way | weak | wealth | wean | well | whisper | width |
witness | workshop | wyndtell | xerox | yield |
For the signs for these terms, see Signs for technical/specialized vocabulary.