Vocabulary list for acting (stage and screen)
David Bar-Tzur
Bragg, Bernard |
character |
cut (edit) |
Graybill, Patrick |
hero |
heroine |
Matlin, Marlee |
movie camera |
Shakespeare |
animation |
dots per inch |
Disney, Walt |
edit |
Mouse, Mickey |
Pinocchio |
virtual |
virtual reality |
ankle bracelet |
athletic shirt |
ball gown |
bell bottoms |
belt |
blouse |
boa |
body piercing |
bolo tie |
boots |
bow tie |
bracelet |
button |
cap |
clothes |
put on ~ |
close (general) |
coat |
decolletage (low neckline) |
dress-> |
fancy ~ |
dresser |
evening gown |
feather(s) |
formal |
fringe |
fur (coat) |
garter |
garter-belt |
glasses |
gloves-> |
put on ~ |
take off ~ |
gown-> |
strapless ~ |
gym shoes |
hat |
headband |
high heels |
hood |
hose (nylons) |
jacket |
jewelry |
leather |
mask |
necklace |
nylons |
pants |
pearls |
pierced (body) |
polka-dots |
purse |
ring |
sandals |
scarf |
sequins |
shirt |
shoes-> |
put-on ~ |
take-off ~ |
shorts |
sleeve-> |
long ~ |
short ~ |
stockings-> |
fishnet ~ |
striped |
suit |
sweater |
tails (suit) |
tattoo |
tiara |
tie |
tights |
top hat |
t-shirt |
tuxedo |
uniform |
vest |
wardrobe |
watch-> |
~ (wrist) |
~ (pocket) |
zipper |
bald |
bangs |
beard |
contact lenses |
earrings-> |
~ (not pierced) |
~ (pierced) |
long ~ |
fall (hairpiece) |
flip |
dangling earrings |
hair-> |
body ~ |
bun (~do) |
curly ~ |
long ~ |
part (in the ~) |
thin ~ |
thick ~ |
permanent (~) |
short ~ |
straight ~ |
topknot (~do) |
hairdo |
hairdresser |
hair stylist |
hairy |
horn-rimmed glasses |
mohawk (hairdo) |
moustache-> |
~ (general) |
~ (curly) |
handlebar ~ |
nose ring |
pageboy |
permanent (hair) |
pierced ear |
pierced nose |
stylist (hairdresser) |
tongue stud |
toupee |
wig |
beam angle |
black out |
dim |
dimmer |
down |
fade in |
fade out |
follow spot |
fresnel |
full up |
gel |
gobo |
hot spot |
house lights |
instrument |
kill |
lamp |
light board |
light plot |
liko |
out |
patch panel |
shutter |
spotlight |
strip light |
up |
wash |
work lights |
absurdism |
analysis |
analyze |
antagonist |
audition |
avant garde |
character |
climax |
conflict |
crisis |
critic |
critique |
denouement |
drama |
dramatic action |
exaggerate |
expressionism |
farce |
inciting incident |
melodrama |
motive |
musical |
mystery |
naturalism |
perform |
plot-> |
main ~ |
sub~ |
protagonist |
realism |
resolution |
review |
revue |
rising action |
romance |
satire |
science fiction |
setting |
structure |
style |
surrealism |
theme |
corrective |
eyebrow pencil |
eyeliner |
highlight |
liner |
lip liner |
lipstick |
make-up |
mascara |
powder (makeup) |
rouge |
shadow |
act |
act break |
ad lib |
aside |
blocking |
bow |
build (in intensity) |
call |
cheat (Theater) |
closing (of a play) |
conversation, converse |
counter cross |
cross (stage) |
curtain! (up!) |
curtain call |
dialogue |
direct |
double cast (signers and speakers) |
drama |
dramatic time |
dramatize |
dress parade |
emotion |
ensemble |
gesture |
ham (acting) |
improv, improvise |
intermission |
irony |
lights! (on!) |
line |
lyrics |
mime |
monologue |
motivation |
music |
narrative |
open (a play) |
opening (first show) |
pantomime |
performance |
photo call |
pick-up cue |
pick up (the pace) |
places |
play |
playwright |
preview |
prompt |
read through |
rehearsal |
rehearse |
repertory |
role |
run (the ~ of a play) |
scene |
script |
season |
soliloquy |
sound |
stage business |
Stanislavsky method |
steal |
take (the) stage |
talk |
tempo |
theater games |
timing |
title |
try out |
walk through |
warm up |
construct |
construction crew |
crew |
cue |
design |
elevation |
floor plan |
mask (a stage)) |
model |
rake(d auditorium) |
rendering |
running crew |
set the stage |
sight line |
special effects |
stage |
stage craft |
strike (a stage or set) |
working drawing |
center stage |
closed (stage position) |
down stage-> |
~ (command) |
~ (location) |
front |
full back (stage position) |
full front (stage position) |
half profile |
off stage-> |
~ (command) |
~ (location) |
on stage-> |
~ (command) |
~ (location) |
open (a play) |
open (stage position) |
place |
profile |
quarter profile |
stage directions |
stage left-> |
~ (command) |
~ (location) |
stage right-> |
~ (command) |
~ (location) |
three-quarter profile |
up stage-> |
~ (command) |
~ (location) |
For the signs for these terms, see Signs for technical/specialized vocabulary.