Deaf cultures and Sign Languages of the world: Ukraine (Ukrayina)

Created 10 April 2000, links updated monthly with the help of LinkAlarm.

Ukrainian flagDavid Bar-TzurUkrainian flag

map of Ukraine

Flag: World flag database.
Map: Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection.

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try Mystic Planet - The New Age directory of Planet Earth.

Note: A flag next to a link shows what language the website is in. If it is followed by this icon: (video camera: This links to a video), it is a video in that spoken language. If it is followed by this icon: Sign Language icon, it is in the sign language of that country. If a globe is followed by this hands icon, there is an animated text in International Gesture.

Assistive living devices Deaf and employment Deaf and social services Deaf culture Deaf education & youth
Deaf history and current events Deaf oppression & liberation Deaf performing arts Deaf sports & recreation Organizations
Religion & Deafness

Assistive living devices (2007, December 8). Телекритика - Медiаконтент - Критика - Column - О чем рассказал немой телевизор?

Deaf and employment

Deaf Workforce Educational Partnership Program.Ukrainian flag,British & American flag

Deaf and social services (2007, December 8). How to help disabled and deaf children in Ukraine. The Ukrainian Resource and Development Centre (URDC) at Grant MacEwan College is working to improve education for deaf children and disabled children in Ukraine, which lags behind other industrialized countries in care and educational opportunities for handicapped children. URDC is also involved in student and faculty exchanges between Ukraine and Canada.

Deaf culture

World Deaf directory - Ukraine.

Deaf education & youth

Osadetz, S. (2003, June 23). Prof honoured for work with Ukraine's deaf. In the summer of 2000, Dr. Michael Rodda went to Ukraine to change the way the recently independent country educates its deaf. Now, only three years later, Rodda, a U of A Education professor and director of the Western Canadian Centre of Studies in Deafness at the U of A, has been given one of Ukraine's highest academic honours for his work: in March, he was elected as a Foreign Member of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine in the Division of Psychology, Physiology, and Special Education.

URDC newsletter. (1999/2000, Fall/Winter). MacEwan Supports Enhancement of Deaf Education in Ukraine. Grant MacEwan College has joined forces with a Ukrainian teacher to create a project that aims to enhance education for the deaf in Ukraine. The aim of the project is threefold. Kobel first hopes to institute Western techniques and methodologies in Ukraine to facilitate the teaching of English to the deaf in that country. Next, he hopes to send his English-speaking graduates to North American institutions such as the University of Alberta and Gallaudet University in Washington, D.C. for post-secondary study. Finally, he hopes to see these students return to Ukraine to continue working to enhance life for the deaf community.

Deaf history and current events


Deaf oppression & liberation

Kyiv Weekly. (2005, November 9). Listening to the deaf.Ukrainian flag,British & American flagOn October 27, around thirty representatives of the Ukrainian Society of the Deaf picketed the National Television and Radio Broadcasting Council of Ukraine (NTRBC). Under the slogan ”Hear the deaf!” they demanded that their constitutional right to receive information not be limited.

Deaf performing arts

Музыкальный театр "Радуга чудес" Если Вы хотите видеть своего ребенка веселым, жизнерадостным, умеющим перевоплощаться в тот или иной образ, развить в нем музыкальность, творческие и вокальные способности, спешите в наше Театральное объединение. Занимаясь у нас, ребенок приобщится к удивительному миру театра, овладеет навыками общения и коллективного творчества.

Deaf sports & recreation

DIBF News. (June 2003). DIBF welcomes new additional member on Central Board. The Central Board of the DIBF wishes to welcome Iryna Chepchyna of Ukraine who takes the vacant seat on Central Board up to the next DIBF Congress planned 2007 in connection with World Championships, location not established yet. Iryna Chepchyna is an experienced Deaf basketball player and leader in Ukraine Deaf sports community. Ukrainian Deaf Sports Federation has officially supported her position and DIBF Central Board have come to the conclusion to offer her to take a seat.

КМФФСГ. Киiвська мIська федерацIя з фIзкультури I спорту глухих створена 20.10.1994 р. Установчою конференцIею нечуючих спортсменIв I фIзкультурникIв м. Киева, як добровIльна громадська органIзацIя осIб з вадами слуху. Свою роботу ФедерацIя здIйснюе через спортивнI та фIзкультурнI осередки нечуючих членIв ФедерацIi.

Ukrainian Deaf sports organization.national flag


Canada Ukraine Alliance for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Persons (CUADHHP) is a non-profit organization registered under the Societies Act of the Province of Alberta. Members of CUADHHP comprise individuals, organizations, academic institutions and corporations interested in working on issues of importance to deaf and hard of hearing people in Ukraine and Canada.


World Federation of the Deaf membership information: Ukraine Society of the Deaf (USD). Contact info only. Click on "T-Z" and scroll down to the country name. Украинском обществе глухи

Religion & Deafness

Bob and Judy VanSant - Missionaries to the Ukraine. In June 1994, the Lord called our family to work with the deaf people in Simferopol, Ukraine. Our deputation began in October of that year. Praise the Lord we finished deputation in 18 months and on May 6, 1996 we arrived in Simferopol, Ukraine. Upon our arrival, several deaf met us at the train station and asked when we would begin a church. I told them that we would have church in our home the following Sunday. Praise the Lord that twelve deaf people came to our home that next Sunday. The deaf people were so excited to have a church in which to learn about God and worship Him.

Payne, D. 2007 Ukraine Mission Trip. The Ukraine team had a great time with the good deaf in Ukraine. I was glad that John Holland has learned a lot about cults. We thank God so much for his protection of us in Ukraine, and with everything that happened during the trip. God blessed us with a very safe trip. We had a great time, always working hard to help the Ukraine people through teaching and drama. The Ukraine Deaf send a big "hello" to Woodhaven and you American Deaf. They are praying for our home church, Woodhaven, so I want to ask you to also pray for the deaf people in Ukraine. Thank you all for your prayers. God's blessings to all to you, my sisters and brothers in Christ.

Українська Жестовый Язык (Ukrainian Sign Language)

Ukrainian Sign Language: A language of Ukraine.

Ukrainian Sign Language Project.Ukrainian flagvideo camera: This links to a video,British & American flagSign Language iconThe goal of this research is to document and analyse the structure of Ukrainian Sign Language. The proposal submitted to the Canadian Ukraine Research (CURT) was a research initiative to support the recognition of the language used by the Deaf communities in Ukraine as the language of instruction in educational systems and the language used in the Deaf communities. The project will also include the writing of a curriculum used to teach USL to improve the education of deaf children and better prepare their educators.
