Deaf cultures and Sign Languages of the world: Tanzania (Tanzania)

Created 10 April 2000, links updated monthly with the help of LinkAlarm.

Tanzanian flag David Bar-TzurTanzanian flag

map of Tanzania

Flag: World flag database.
Map: Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection.

For a quick, interesting resource for facts about this and other countries,
try Mystic Planet - The New Age directory of Planet Earth.

Note: Flag next to a link shows what language the website is in. This is sometimes obvious by what country the link is for or the fact that the title is in English. If I feel it may be ambiguous, I have tried to clarify by using a flag. This is done so that people can read sites in the language of their choice.

CBM - Christoffel Blindenmission. Ushirikiano ist das Kishuaheli-Wort f�r Partnerschaft. Seit dem 8. November 2003 besteht eine Partnerschaft zwischen der Samuel-Heinicke-Realschule f�r Schwerh�rige in M�nchen und der von der Christoffel-Blindenmission (CBM) gef�rderten "School for the Deaf" in Iringa / Tansania.

EENET. (2006, July 13). Learning from Difference: An action research guide for capturing the experience of developing inclusive education.Saudi flag,US/UK flags,French flag,Spanish flag,Portuguese flagEENET has developed a set of guidelines to help promote action research in schools and communities. The guidelines were developed during our action research project in Zambia and Tanzania (see below for a list of project-related documents). The guidelines will help schools and communities to look at their experiences of inclusion/exclusion in education, think about and assess the problems and solutions, and take action to improve the situation.

Government action on disability policy: A global survey, Part II - Government replies as country profiles, Tanzania.

-->International bibliography of sign language. --> Click on "T", then on "Tanzanian Sign Language".

Diocese of Ruaha Iringa School for the Deaf. Iringa is a medium sized residential school for the deaf located in South-central Tanzania. The local government started the school and then handed it over to the church. It is a primary school and also offers pre-vocational, agriculture and animal husbandry. The school continues to develop and has added a deaf blind unit. The deaf blind unit now has 6 students.

Im Gespr�ch mit Janet Jones-Ullmann. Die M�nchener Sprachlehrerin Dr. Janet Jones-Ullmann stammt eigentlich aus S�dwales, eine der �rmsten Gegenden Gro�britanniens. Ihren Mann hat sie mit 17 w�hrend der Ferien in einer Jugendherberge in England kennen gelernt und ist ihm nach dem Schulabschluss nicht nur nach Hamburg sondern unter anderem nach Tansania gefolgt, wo er f�r zwei Jahre als Entwicklungshelfer arbeitete. In dieser Zeit unterrichtete sie Englisch, zum Beispiel auch in einer Schule f�r h�rgesch�digte M�dchen in Dar es Salaam.

Miles, M.

Samuel-Heinicke-Schule - Realschule M�nchen - Aktuelles. Die Bodenseel�ndertagung ist eine der renommiertesten Fachtagungen f�r H�rgesch�digtenp�dagogik im deutsch-sprachigen Raum. Sie bietet ein Forum f�r Themen aus dem Bereich der Bildung, F�rderung und Erziehung von jungen Menschen mit einer H�rbehinderung.

Stubbs, S. (1994, October). Early childhood education/care issues in relation to disability. Save the Children Fund (SCF) supports the Zanzibar Association of Deaf People (UWZ) to run a Community-Based Rehabilitation (CBR) Programme in South and West districts of Zanzibar. One of the joint coordinators, Hassan Khamis, also works part time on a Ministry of Health Physiotherapy Outreach Programme in North District. The programme has been moving towards a more community-based model.

Tanzania - Organizations. Scroll down to "Chavita - The Tanzanian Society of the Deaf."

Tanzania Sign Language: A language of Tanzania.

World Deaf directory - Tanzania.

World Federation of the Deaf membership information: Tanzania Association of the Deaf. Contact info only. Click on "T-Z" and scroll down to the country name.
