David Bar-Tzur
Flag: World flag database.
Map: Somalilandgov: Somaliland Republic.
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try Mystic Planet - The New Age directory of Planet Earth.
Note: Flag next to a link shows what language the website is in. This is sometimes obvious by what country the link is for or the fact that the title is in English. If I feel it may be ambiguous, I have tried to clarify by using a flag. This is done so that people can read sites in the language of their choice.
(2001, September 12-13). An EENET meeting to discuss Deaf issues in the South. Scroll down to "Somaliland".
IPRT. Hargeisa School for the Deaf.
Shettle, A. (2004, Spring). Deaf Children with Additional Disabilities in Developing Countries, Somaliland.
Somaliland Times. (2006, June 1). Annalena Tonelli School Of The Deaf And The Blind Faces Bleak Future. The Annalena Tonelli School of the Deaf and the Blind faces uncertain future after an Italian organization decided to stop its financial support to the school. No explanation was given for Comitata's decision to suspend its assistance.