Deaf cultures and Sign Languages of the world: Slovenia (Slovenije)

Created 10 April 2000, links updated monthly with the help of LinkAlarm.

Slovenian flagDavid Bar-TzurSlovenian flag

map of Slovenia

Flag: World flag database.
Map: - "search" for country, then "Digital Map Graphics").

For a quick, interesting resource for facts about this and other countries,
try Mystic Planet - The New Age directory of Planet Earth.

Note: Flag next to a link shows what language the website is in. This is sometimes obvious by what country the link is for or the fact that the title is in English. If I feel it may be ambiguous, I have tried to clarify by using a flag. This is done so that people can read sites in the language of their choice. If a flag is followed by this icon: Sign Language icon, there is an animated text in that country's sign language or signs are illustrated.

Deaf culture Deaf education Deaf film Deaf performing arts Organizations
Slovene Sign Language Slovene Sign Language dictionaries

Deaf culture


World Deaf directory - Slovenia.

Deaf education

Herlec, T. (2000). Inclusion in Slovenia after the implementation of the new legislation. The author analyses the process of change towards more inclusive school cultures. It occurs on four levels: individual, organisational, sector and national. The implications for head teacher training and school-based whole staff seminars and workshops are discussed at these levels, and the role of the National Leadership School explained. The paper also deals with the question how the special educators could contribute to the development of effective inclusive education through the continuing professional development of teachers and heads.

Deaf film

Naši 3 kratki filmi, ki smo jih "ustvarili" tudi mi, bodo predstavljeni na mednarodnem novoletnem festivalu gluhih na Dunaju v Avstriji. Festival bo potekal od 29. do 31. decembra in bo izmed vseh filmov predstavil tudi naše naslednje filme: - "Divji zahod" (režija: Lada Lištvanova, igra tudi Damjan Šebjan, 7 minut) - "Novo živo bitje zna kretati" (ga ustvaril Damjan Slapnik z Robertom Lahom Veršičem, 5 minut) - "Visual Boom" (igra Damjan Šebjan pod režijo Roberta L.V., 4 minute)

Deaf performing arts

Ona-On.Slovenian flagnational flagDeaf theater.


Government implementation of the Standard Rules as seen by member organizations of Rehabilitation International - RI, Slovenia.

Zveza društev gluhih in naglušnih Slovenije.Slovenian flagSign Language icon je osrednja invalidska organizacija, katera vkljucuje 12 drustev gluhih in naglusnih v Sloveniji. Cilj zdruzevanja je ustvarjanje pogojev za enakopravno vkljucevanje gluhih in naglusnih v socialno okolje in zagotavljanje enakih moznosti sodelovanja v druzbi. Zveza drustev gluhih in naglusnih Slovenije za svoje clane (drustva) na drzavni ravni izvaja razlicne posebne socialne programe. Zveza drustev gluhih in naglusnih Slovenije je osrednja invalidska organizacija, katera vkljucuje 12 drustev gluhih in naglusnih v Sloveniji.

Mestno Drustvo Gluhih Ljubljana.

Slovene Sign Language

-->International bibliography of sign language. --> Click on "S", then on "Slovene Sign Language".

Yugoslavian Sign Language: A language of Yugoslavia. Scroll down to the section on Slovenia.

Slovene Sign Language dictionaries

Bar-Tzur, D. Indigenous signs for cities: Slovenia.
