Deaf cultures and Sign Languages of the world: Mali (Mali)

Created 10 April 2000, links updated monthly with the help of LinkAlarm.

Mali flag David Bar-TzurMali flag

map of Mali

Flag: World flag database.
Map: Perry-CastaƱeda Library Map Collection.

For a quick, interesting resource for facts about this and other countries,
try Mystic Planet - The New Age directory of Planet Earth.

Note: Flag next to a link shows what language the website is in. This is sometimes obvious by what country the link is for or the fact that the title is in English. If I feel it may be ambiguous, I have tried to clarify by using a flag. This is done so that people can read sites in the language of their choice.

Bamako Sign Language: A language of Mali.

Miles, M.

Nyst, V., & Baker, A. (2003). The phonology of name signs: A comparison between the Sign Languages of Uganda, Mali, Adamorobe and the Netherlands (pp. 71-80). In A. Baker, Bogaerde, B. van den and O. Crasborn (Eds.), Cross-linguistic perspectives in sign language research. Selected papers from TISLR 2000. Hamburg: Signum.

Stubbs, S. (1997). Overcoming barriers to inclusion in Douentza, Mali. In January 1997 Save the Children Fund (SCF) UK set up a consultation process with government, donors, NGOs and village communities with the aim of making schooling more accessible to children. Access to schooling is part of a wider set of activities intended to strengthen the resilience of village children to the pressures of poverty. This article shows that inclusive education can be supported in one of the 'poorest' areas of the world and that huge environmental, climatic, economic and material challenges can be overcome.

World Federation of the Deaf membership information: Malaysian Federation of the Deaf (MFD). Contact info only. Click on "J-M" and scroll down to the country name.
