Deaf cultures and Sign Languages of the world: Iraq (العراق)

Created 10 April 2000, links updated monthly with the help of LinkAlarm.

Iraqi flag David Bar-TzurIraqi flag

map of Iraq

Flag: World flag database.
Map: - "search" for country, then "Digital Map Graphics").

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try Mystic Planet - The New Age directory of Planet Earth.

Note: A flag next to a link shows what language the website is in. If it is followed by this icon: (video camera: This links to a video), it is a video in that spoken language. A flag followed by Sign Language iconmeans it is in the sign language of that country. globe (international icon)Sign Language iconmeans there is International Gesture.

Deaf culture Deaf education & youth Deaf history and current events Deaf oppression & liberation العراقى مترجمي لغة الاشارة (Iraqi Sign Language)
العراقى مترجمي لغة الاشارة (Iraqi Sign Language) dictionaries Religion & Deafness

Deaf culture

Deaf in Iraq.

Deaf education & youth

Stained glass bulletArmy & Air Force Hometown News Service. (28 April 2004). Civil affairs Soldier delivers gifts to Iraqi school for deaf children.Iraqi flag, Iraqi flagSign Language iconVideo news release on U.S. Army soldiers providing gifts to students at a school for the deaf in Baghdad, Iraq.

Tarabay, J. The resilient students at an Iraqi School for the Deaf. "All things considered", May 17, 2006. At Baghdad's school for deaf children, the challenges go far beyond the physical and mental obstacles common in schools around the world. Students are forced to deal with violence, power outages, and the fear that plagues much of the country.

Deaf history and current events

-->Sign, gesture, & deafness in South Asian & South-West Asian histories: A bibliography with annotation and excerpts from India; also from Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Burma / Myanmar, Iraq, Nepal, Pakistan, Persia / Iran, & Sri Lanka. -->

Deaf oppression & liberation

Deaf in Iraq. Ungdomstrinnet. I wanted to learn about the way Deaf people receive education in a country under economic sanctions for ten years. We found out that there are 22 institutes for the education of the Deaf. After the Gulf War and then ten years of sanctions, schools have suffered. Despite efforts, Iraq is not able to give the high standard of education it used to provide. Children with special needs, such as Deaf children, have suffered more than most.

العراقى مترجمي لغة الاشارة (Iraqi Sign Language)

Civil affairs Soldier delivers gifts to Iraqi school for deaf children.

العراقى مترجمي لغة الاشارة (Iraqi Sign Language) dictionaries

Bar-Tzur, D. Indigenous signs for cities: Iraq.

Religion & Deafness

New York Times video. (2008, April 22). Sign Language for Islamists.Iraqi flagSign Language icon,British & American flag,Closed captioning iconIn Sadr City, Hashem Hadi Obaid translates sermons by preachers loyal to Moktada al-Sadr, the anti-American cleric, into sign language.
