Deaf cultures and Sign Languages of the world: Hong Kong (香港)

Created 10 April 2000, links updated monthly with the help of LinkAlarm.

Hong Kong flag David Bar-TzurHong Kong flag

map of Hong Kong

Flag: World flag database.
Map: - "search" for country, then "Digital Map Graphics").

For a quick, interesting resource for facts about this and other countries,
try Mystic Planet - The New Age directory of Planet Earth.

Note: A flag next to a link shows what language the website is in. If it is followed by this icon: (video camera: This links to a video), it is a video in that spoken language. If it is followed by this icon: Sign Language icon, it is in the sign language of that country. If a globe is followed by this hands icon, there is an animated text in International Gesture.

Artistic interpreting: Music, poetry, literature, and theater Blogs and vlogs Deafblind Deaf culture Deaf performing arts
香港手語 (Hong Kong Sign Language) 香港手語 (Hong Kong Sign Language) dictionaries Organizations Religion & Deafness

Artistic interpreting: Music, poetry, literature, and theater

Hui, S. Silence is Golden.Hong Kong flag Sign Language icon

Blogs and vlogs


Deaf culture

Hong Kong Deaf community.

World Around You. (January-February 1998). Coming home: The Return of the Prof.

World Deaf directory - Hong Kong.

公共電視-「聽聽看」港澳專題特別報導PROMO-2.Chinese flag,Chinese flagSign Language icon說到香港和澳門,雖然和我們同樣都是華人,但是其實這兩個地方所發展出來的聽障生活和 手語文化,和台灣還是不太一樣。究竟有什麼不同呢?別錯過「聽聽看」的港澳專題特別報 導.

Deaf performing arts

無標題文件. Videos: 決賽的精華片段及照片.Chinese flagSign Language icon

香港手語 (Hong Kong Sign Language)

Communicating in silence: A study of Sign Language varieties in Hong Kong.

-->International bibliography of sign language. --> Click on "H", then on "Hong Kong Sign Language".

手語四重奏 港澳聾人大不同 - PeoPo 公民新聞.

香港手語 (Hong Kong Sign Language) dictionaries

Bar-Tzur, D. Indigenous signs for cities: Hong Kong.

Fingeralphabet Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapur, Taiwan (Fingerspelling in Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapor, and Taiwan).Hong Kong flagSign Language icon

ichirokes. (2006, December 11). Hong Kong/Macau Sign Language.Macaon flagHong Kong flagSign Language icon

線上手語實際教學影片(粵語版).Hong Kong flagSign Language icon


Hong Kong Society for the Deaf 香港聾人福利促進會.national flagsnational flags

Hong Kong Association of the Deaf 香港聾人協進會.national flagsnational flags

Religion & Deafness

Lutheran School for the Deaf.Chinese flag

Weekly Chinese Bulletin. Hong Kong Catholic Deaf Community.Chinese flag
