Deaf cultures and Sign Languages of the world: Europe

Created 10 April 2000, links updated monthly with the help of LinkAlarm.

Croatian flag Czech flag Bosnia-Herzegovinan flagDavid Bar-TzurRomanian flag Bulgarian flag Hungarian flag

map of Europe

Flags: World flag database.
Map: Virtual Tourist.

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Note: A flag next to a link shows what language the website is in. If it is followed by this icon: (video camera: This links to a video), it is a video in that spoken language. A flag followed by Sign Language iconmeans it is in the sign language of that country. globe (international icon)Sign Language iconmeans there is International Gesture.

Assistive living devices Cochlear implants Deafblind Deaf culture Deaf education & youth
Deaf film Deaf sports & recreation European Sign Languages European Sign Languages, dictionaries Interpreting agencies and organizations
Organizations Religion & Deafness Videophone and video interpreting

Assistive living devices

stained glass Kingdom flagGerman flagOn the way (worldwide): Now Deaf people can use emergency services (e.g. 112 or 911) like hearing people. Use your cell phone and deaf-sos unit to alert lifesavers directly from place of accident. Works fine with nearly every cell phone. Works fine in all countries with GSM coverage.

Cochlear implants

EURO-CIU.Spanish flagLa Asociación Europea de Usuarios de Implante Coclear, EURO-CIU, fue fundada en 1995 en Luxemburgo. Esta asociación representa a nivel europeo los intereses de las personas sordas que han recibido un Implante Coclear.UK flagThe European Association of Cochlear Implant Users (EURO-CIU) was founded 1995 in Luxembourg. The association represents on European level the interest of deaf or hearing impaired people, who have regained hearing perceptions through a Cochlear Implant (CI) device.German flagDie EURO-CIU vertritt auf europaïscher Ebene die Interessen von gehörlosen und ertaubten Menschen, die Dank einer implantierten Hörprothese, dem Cochlear Implant (CI), hören können. Die EURO-CIU spricht für alle Cochlear Implant Träger in Europa, insbesondere in der EU.French flagL'association EURO-CIU représente, au niveau européen, les intérêts des personnes sourdes ou devenues sourdes, qui grâce à l'implant cochléaire sont de nouveau à mêrme d'entendre.


Deaf culture

Eighinger, L. Be Thankful!!! A comparison of the plight of European and American Deaf people.

EuroDeaf. During the school year 2003-2004 deaf students from 5 COUNTRIES; Sweden, England, Czech Republic, Spain and Norway, work on the project "Deaf Europeans working for a Multiracial Society".

Preparing a European Deaf network for information and communication.

Deaf education & youth

DEAFVOC: Sign Languages and European written languages in virtual vocational education for the Deaf.UK flagDEAFVOC is a Leonardo da Vinci language competence project, funded through EU. The project started 1st of October 2003 and lasts for three years. The aim of the project is to develop language teaching in vocational education of the deaf by utilising information and communication technology and that way promote equal educational opportunities of the Deaf.Finnish flagDEAFVOC on Leonardo da Vinci -ohjelman kieliprojekti, jota EU rahoittaa. Projekti alkoi 1. lokakuuta 2003 ja kestää kolme vuotta. Projektin tavoitteena on kehittää kuurojen kieltenopetusta ammatillisessa koulutuksessa tieto- ja viestintäteknologiaa hyödyntäen ja tällä tavalla edistää kuurojen tasa-arvoisia koulutusmahdollisuuksia.Czech flagDEAFVOC je jazykovy' projekt fondu Leonardo da Vinci, financovany' prostrednictvím EU. Projekt byl zahájen 1. ríjna 2003 a potrvá 3 roky. Cílem projektu je rozvinout metody ucení jazyka v odborném vzdelávání neslysících s vyuzíváním informacních a komunikacních technologií a touto cestou podporovat rovnocenné vzdelávací prílezitosti pro neslysící.Austrian flagBei DEAFVOC handelt es sich um ein Leonardo da Vinci Projekt für Sprachkompetenz, das durch die EU finanziert wird. Projektstart war der 1. Oktober 2003, das Projekt dauert drei Jahre lang.Greek flag

European Deaf Christian Youth 2007.

The European Federation of Associations of Teachers of the Deaf (FEAPDA) is a group of Teachers of the Deaf from across Europe and includes the following countries - Luxembourg, Belgium, Holland, Denmark, Sweden, Switzerland, Germany, Italy and the UK . The association has been running for 34 years. The aim of the association is to look at issues concerning the education of deaf children and young people. A congress is held every two years in one of the member countries. The aim of these biennial congresses is to spread good practice, to hear about new developments in the field and to allow Teachers of the Deaf to meet each other to discuss their work with deaf children and young people

European Union Deaf Youth.globe: globe (international icon)Sign Language iconEUDY Aims: (1) Recognition of the right to use Sign Languages, (2) Empowerment through communication and information, (3) Equality in education, culture and employment. EUDY Vision: A society where sign language users/ Deaf youths have an equal status and are recognised as full citizens in their own right. Sign languages, Deaf cultures and the Deaf community should be fully accepted as being part of our rich European heritage.

Tegen, C. Technology helps educate the deaf.

VOGS Austrian flag- Vocational Guidance Standard Model for Deaf People ist ein Pilot Projekt das aus Mitteln des Leonardo da Vinci Programmes finanziert wird. Das Hauptziel dieses Projektes ist es, für eine gehörlose Zielgruppe adäquate: eignungsdiagnostische Verfahren wie ein Bildungs- und Berufsberatungsmodell zu entwicklen. United Kingdom flag- Vocational Guidance Standard Model for Deaf People is a Pilot-project funded by Leonardo da Vinci Programm with the main goal to develop aptitude test procedures and educational and vocational guidance model for a Deaf target group.Italian flagVOGS – Modelo de orientación profesional para las personas sordas, es un proyecto piloto financiado por el programa Leonardo da Vinci con el principal objetivo de desarrollar un modelo de orientación profesional para el colectivo de las personas sordas. Czech flag Vocational Guidance Standard Model for Deaf People (Model standardu profesního poradenství pro neslyšící), je pilotní projekt financovaný programem Leonardo da Vinci, jeho hlavním cílem je vyvinout psychologické testy zpusobilosti a poradenský model pro vzdelávání a volbu povolání zamerený na cílovou skupinu neslyšících.Finnish flagVOGS - Kuurojen ammatillisen ohjauksen malli. Leonardo da Vinci – ohjelman rahoittama pilootti-projekti, jonka päätavoitteena on kehittää kuuroille sopivat soveltuvuustestausmenetelmät sekä ohjauksen ja neuvonnan malli.

Deaf film

2007 Clin d'oeil Festival.national flag,national flag,national flag,Italian flag,Spanish flag,globe: globe (international icon)Sign Language iconFor the 3d time the pluridisciplinary meetings will welcome deaf artists from all over Europe to put on shows, artistic exhibitions, professional stands and screen films in and out of audiovisual competition.

DeafMedia srlItalian flag,national flag, fondata e costituita da Sordi, è una società che si pone all’avanguardia sia per il settore della comunicazione visiva, grazie all’uso delle inquadrature adatte sia ad utenti sordi che ad utenti udenti, sia nel settore della realizzazione di altri prodotti registrati con l’innovativa tecnologia DVD. / DeafMedia srl has been founded and made up by deaf people. DeafMedia is on the forefront both in the field of visual communication (thanks to the use of shots suitable for deaf and hearing users) and in the realisation of other visual products, through the innovative technology DVD.

Deaf sports & recreation

Deaf Volley Europe Championship 2007 on International Sign Language.globe: globe (international icon)Sign Language icon

Europe Deaf Sport Organisation.

European Sign Languages

(1998, March). Anerkennung der Gebärdensprache in Europa.

Bickford, J. A> (2005). The Signed Languages of Eastern Europe.

European Sign Languages, dictionaries

Bar-Tzur, D.

stained glass ballSigning books für Gehörlose.German flag,British flag,Spanish flag,French flag,Dutch flag

Interpreting agencies and organizations

Burch, D. D. (2003, January). European Forum for Sign Language interpreters meets in Oslo, Norway. Views, 20, 1. p. 9. Excerpt: "Each year the EFSLI Annual General Meeting (AGM) centers around a theme. This year's theme was "Performance Interpreting: A Piece of Art?"... Presentation topics ranged from the role of the interpreter, to interpreting poetry, to the concept of mediated performances, to demonstrations of personal and troupe performances."

European Forum of Sign Language Interpreters.UK flag,Italian flag,French flag,Spanish flag,Slovak flag,Bulgarian flag,Czech flagEFSLI is a membership led organisation of Sign Language Interpreters consisting of; national & regional associations, individual & associate members from within and out with the European Union.


stained glass bulletEUD 2003.Danish flag,German flag,Greek flag,Breitish/American flag,Spanish flag,French flag,Italian flag,Dutch flag,Portuguese flag,Finnish flag,Swedish flag,UK flagSign Language icon,Danish flagSign Language icon,German flagSign Language icon,Greek flagSign Language icon,Irish flagSign Language icon,French flagSign Language icon,French flagBelgian flagSign Language icon,Spanish flagSign Language icon,Italian flagSign Language icon,Portuguese flagSign Language icon,Finnish flagSign Language icon,Swedish flagSign Language icon,Dutch flagSign Language icon,Austrian flagSign Language iconWhy do we need a European Year of People with Disabilities 2003? There are 37 million people with disabilities in the European Union. That is one in ten of us or 10 % of the EU population. We believe that disabled people are people with equal rights. Disabled people are workers, consumers, tax payers, politicians, students, neighbours, family and friends. But disabled people are not treated that way.

EUD.globe: globe (international icon)Sign Language icon

Religion & Deafness

Associazione Eurosordi - Consiglio Direttivo.Italian flag

European Deaf Christian Alliance.

European Deaf Christian Youth 2007.

Videophone and video interpreting

stained glass bulletEuropean Relay ServiceUK flag,Irish flag,Spanish flag,French flag,Israeli flag,Italian flag,German flag,UK flagSign Language iconprovides technology for the Deaf, Hard of Hearing, deaf-blind, deafened and speech disabled people to make and receive phone calls easily at without a minicom or using any specialist software or hardware. You can either make or receive your phone calls via our text based ERS operators anywhere in the world via and mobile phones.
