David Bar-Tzur
Flag: World flag database.
Map: Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection.
For a quick, interesting resource for facts about this and other countries,
try Mystic Planet - The New Age directory of Planet Earth.
Note: A flag next to a link shows what language the website is in. If it is followed by this icon: (), it is a video in that spoken language. If it is followed by this icon:
, it is in the sign language of that country. If a globe is followed by this hands icon, there is an animated text in International Gesture.
msralex. أول جريدة عربية للصم تعرض أغنية بلغة الإشارة deaf arab egypt.
أول جريدة عربية للصم تعرض أغنية بلغة الإشارة للصم بالاضافة إلى فقرات أخبارية مترجمة إلى لغة الإشارة
JehanneMc. (2008, January 19). Cairo Egypt Deaf KFC.
Beauty Egypt. Agencia de viajes/Travel Agency - Luxor, Egipto, oasis, Siwa, Fayoum, Baharia, Farafra, Dakhla, Kharga, El Cairo. Webmaster's comment: They contacted me and said that they had experience working with "deaf, dumb and blind travel". I hope to contact them some day when I visit Egypt to see if they can hook me up with some d/Deaf people.
Bendeck, G. (2205, November 21). GW Expat: The quietest KFC in Cairo. As we saddled up to the counter to place our heart attacks, the gentleman manning the cash register had me point at what I wanted, fanned his mouth asking if I wanted it hot or not and pointed at the receipt to show me how much I owed. I was a little surprised; most restaurant employees in Cairo speak English. It was only when he clapped loudly to get my attention that I realized I wasn't in any KFC. I was in the only deaf KFC in Cairo.
Corner, R. The dolphin boy.
Lababidi, L. & El-Arabi, N. (March 2003). AUC Press. ISBN-10: 9774246934 ISBN-13: 978-9774246937
Miles, M. Signs of Development in Deaf South & South-West Asia: histories, cultural identities, resistance to cultural imperialism. The revised article offers evidence and hypotheses for a short cultural history of deaf people, culture and sign language in South Asia and South West Asia, using documents from antiquity through 2005. A new appendix shows 110 items on deafness and sign language in the Arab countries of the Eastern Mediterranean and South West Asia.
The Fells.
(2002, June 6). Cairo update.
(2001, September 28). Cairo update.
محطات: الذكرى الـ 50 لتحرير الجزائر سامح نزيه العدوي (أصم أبكم) [يشير بيده وآخر ... رجل أصم أبكم: مشكلتي أنا شايف شباب كتير ...
Deaf school, Cairo. The Deaf Unit is part of the work of the Anglican Diocese of Egypt, which also oversees several other projects. There are three main areas of work at The Deaf Unit. The first is a school, the second is a vocational training centre and the third is a deaf club. Whilst everyone is encouraged to pay for the services offered by The Deaf Unit, no one in genuine need is turned away.
Mittler, P. International experience in including children with disabilities in ordinary schools. This paper was originally prepared for a meeting organised by UNICEF to stimulate discussion on the possibilities of inclusion in Tunisia. It was written in response to a request to provide examples of countries where inclusive policies were being implemented. Most of the examples refer to countries in the Middle East or North Africa or to other French or Arabic speaking countries.
Sadek, F. M. & Sadek, R.C. (2000). Attitudes towards inclusive education in Egypt & implications for teachers' preparation and training.
The Egypt Diocese Association (EDA). Social centres, Deaf school, Refugee care, Medical clinics, Hospital, schools in Egypt. The school for deaf children and deaf unit for young people in Old Cairo adjacent to the church Jesus Light of the World. 46 Amr Ben El Ass Street, The Episcopal Church, Old Cairo, PO Box 25, Elmalek El Saleh, Cairo. Tel 02 22 362 6022. Children are taken in and board in the school and young people are trained in skills including needlework, carpentry, metal work.
منتديات مملكة البحرين - درس لغة الصم والبكم لسهولة التعـامــل وبالصو. Scroll down to "أول محامية للصم والبكم في مصر". قررت أن تكون جسرا للتواصل بين عالم الصمت وعالم الضجيج، مهمتها الدفاع عن 3 ملايين ينتمون إلى عالم الصم والبكم، سخرت حياتها لخدمة قضاياهم حتى أصبح حل مشاكلهم هو أقصى أمانيها، واجهت العديد من العقبات لتحقيق هذا الحلم لكنها أصرت على استكمال مشوارها في دنيا الصم الذي تنتمي إليه أسرتها، والآن أصبحت أول محامية مصرية تتخصص في الدفاع عن قضايا الصم وصاحبة فكرة إنشاء مؤسسة "الصرخة" للدفاع عنهم.
Fingeralphabet Ägypten (Egyptian fingerspelling).
JehanneMc. (2008, January 19). Cairo Egypt Deaf KFC.
Some signs demonstrated at times 3:29 - 3:54 and 5:43 - 5:57.
Sign Writing in the Arabic nations. Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia & Syria.
Watershed, October 4th. If you scroll down you will come to a movie described as follows: "Egypt (Kathrin Resetarits 1996 Austria 10 mins) James Bond, a treasure hunt story, and Marilyn Monroe are enthusiastically expressed by Deaf children through Egyptian sign language (signed & non-subtitled)."
YouTube - ahmedabaybay's Videos.
YouTube - ummubasma's Videos.
SignPuddle. Dictionary Egypt.
Suwayd, A. (1992). Al-qamus al-ishari. Triploi, Libya: Dar Al-Madinah Al-Kadeemah Lil-kitab.
YouTube - ummubasma's Videos.
Webmaster: These are not dictionary entries as such, but because they are captioned phrase by phrase they will identify the meanings of specific signs.
World Wide Network on Disability and Human Rights. Scroll down to "Samy Gamil".
Abdel-Wahab, M. S., Syam, M., Aboul-Ela, M. and Samir, A. Arabic Sign Language Recognition Using Pulse-Coupled Neural Network and Discrete Fourier Transforms. Abstract: The work presented in this paper aims to developing a system for automatic translation of gestures of the manual alphabets in the Arabic sign language. The proposed system uses Discrete Fourier Transforms on the global pulse signal of a pulse-coupled neural network (PCNN). We describe the mathematical model of the (PCNN) and an original way of analyzing the pulse of the network in order to achieve scale and translation-independent recognition for isolated gestures.
Asdaa's Association for serving the Hearing Impaired.
Disability Organizations in Predominantly Muslim Countries - miusa.org. Scroll down to "Asdaa's Association for Serving the Hearing Impaired".
Sawiris Foundation Website. Scroll down to "Asdaa Association for Serving the Hearing Impaired".
World Deaf Directory - Deaf Organizations. Scroll down to "Asdaa' Association for Serving the Hearing Impaired".
DeafTODAY. (2005, January 2). Egyptian charity teaches Qur'an in Sign Language. An Egyptian charity has championed the initiative and started a sign-language program to teach the deaf-mutes the meanings of the Noble Qur'an. With the number of Egyptian deaf-mutes reportedly hitting six million, the Cairo-based Risala (Arabic for message) felt it incumbent upon itself to launch the one-of-a-kind program.
Good news: Friday sermons no longer obstacle for deaf.
Hiamato. (2007, November 20). Deaf Listening.
muslimvideo. (2007, Ocober 28).
ترجمة بلغة الإشارات لمعانى القرآن الكريم حتى يتمكن الإخوة الصم من فهم هذه المعانى بسهولة . ترجمة الأخ الفاضل محمد وفيق جزاه الله خير الجزاء من قناة الناس
Deaf is hearing Quran - الصم يسمعون - سورة البروج.
Deaf is hearing Quran - الصم يسمعون - سورة الانفطار.
Deaf is hearing Quran - الصم يسمعون-سورة المطففين.
Deaf is hearing Quran - الصم يسمعون-سور النصر والمسد والإخلاص.
The Egypt Diocese Association (EDA). Social centres, Deaf school, Refugee care, Medical clinics, Hospital, schools in Egypt. The school for deaf children and deaf unit for young people in Old Cairo adjacent to the church Jesus Light of the World. 46 Amr Ben El Ass Street, The Episcopal Church, Old Cairo, PO Box 25, Elmalek El Saleh, Cairo. Tel 02 22 362 6022. Children are taken in and board in the school and young people are trained in skills including needlework, carpentry, metal work.
The Fells - Cairo Update.
مشروت لترجمه معاني القران للغه الصم ... ... مسئوليتها نحوهم، كما أن لدينا مليوني أصم وأبكم إذا قدمنا لهم ترجمة معاني القرآن على ...