Indigenous signs for places in Singapore (新加坡)

National flag David Bar-TzurNational flag

map of country

Flag: World flag database.
Map: - "search" for country, then "Digital Map Graphics".

For a quick, interesting resource for facts about this and other countries,
try Mystic Planet - The New Age directory of Planet Earth.

Explanation of glossing system used
(to understand how I describe the signs in this dictionary)

Changi Airport (樟宜机场)
NDH is [B] held diagonally upwards and the DH starts as a [C] held next to the hand (but beyond) and travles down to the elbow where it changes into a [Y] + [ILY] lands plane on [B], PO up.

Marina Bay (滨海湾)
NDH [B], PO down is held so that the space between the thumb and index finger will represent the bay, and the the DH [M] satrts at the FT of the index finger and rounds the "coast" of the bay while changing into a [B] by the time it arrives at the thumb tip.

Marina Square (滨海广场)
(2h)[M], POs down, FOs away, are held side by side and outline a square while changing into (2h)[S].

MRT (捷运, subway station)
POs ><, [M] passes under [B^].

Sentosa (圣淘沙, island south of Singapore)
FT of [I] touches [E], PO up, FO > DS.
