Indigenous signs for cities in Italy (Italia)

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map of Italy

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Explanation of glossing system used
(to understand how I describe the signs in this dictionary)

Albano Laziale (Albano Laziale)
[B], PO > NDS, taps on DS temple twice. For a movie of this sign, see Albano Laziale.

Ancona (Ancona)
[O^], touches elbow of NDH held somewhat limp. For a movie of this sign, see Ancona.

Anzio (Anzio)
[horns], PO away, FO up, hand moves from in front of nose > DS. For a movie of this sign, see Anzio.

Aprilia (Aprilia)
(2h)[3], POs ><, FOs away, hands alt. rise and fall, twisting at wrists. For a movie of this sign, see Aprilia.

Bari (Bari)
[B], PO > NDS, wiggles fingers twice so that the handshape becomes a [Y]. For a movie of this sign, see Bari.

Bologna (Bologna)
(2h)[B], POs ><, FTs tilt > NDS, then swivel at elbows and tilt > DS . For a movie of this sign, see Bologna.

Cagliari (Cagliari)
[S], PO away, is held at temple and twists at wrist. For a movie of this sign, see Cagliari.

Florence (Firenza)
(1) [O^], PO > signer, is held at chin, opens to [5^] and closes to [O^] while circling face CCW, until it returns to chin and opens again to [5^].1 (2) [S], PO > signer, flicks index and middle fingers off of thumb at nose. For a movie of this sign, see Firenza.

Frascati (Frascati)
Grasp nose with index finger and thumb from DS and pull away twice while closing to [bO]. For a movie of this sign, see Frascati.

L'aquila (L'aquila)
[X] is held at nose and nods twice. For a movie of this sign, see L'aquila.

Latina (Latina)
(2h)[B], POs down, FOs ><, hands brush against each other like the ASL sign BUILD. For a movie of this sign, see Latina.

Lecce (Lecce)
[L], PO away, moves > DS twice, each time closing to a [bC]. For a movie of this sign, see Lecce.

Marino (Marino)
[X], brushes FT down chest several times. For a movie of this sign, see Marino.

Milan (Milano)
(2h)[1], POs away from signer, FOs up, arc towards each other and then away while alt. ascending and descending. For a movie of this sign, see Milano.

Naples (Napoli)
[O^], PO down, twists FT in a horizontal circle. For a movie of this sign, see Napoli.

Padova (Padova)
(2h)[bX], move like hitting a drum but backwards over the shoulders. For a movie of this sign, see Padova.

Palermo (Palermo)
[3] holds wrist against hip and shakes. For a movie of this sign, see Palermo. (< its fame for cheese.)

Parma (Parma)
[A], PO down, rubs against dorsum (backhand) of [5], PO down, FO > DS, as if grating cheese. For a movie of this sign, see Parma. (< its fame for cheese.)

Pavona (Pavona)
[P], PO down, FO > NDS, is waves in front of mouth. For a movie of this sign, see Pavona.

Pescara (Pescara)
(2h)[bX] moves as if shaking a fishing rod twice. For a movie of this sign, see Pescara. (< "pescare" which means "to fish".)

Pomezia (Pomezia)
[O], PO down, FO away, rubs fingers so that it oscilates between [O] and [A]. For a movie of this sign, see Pomezia.

Potenza (Potenza)
[1] traces the outline of the biceps with the NDH making a fist. For a movie of this sign, see Potenza. (< the fact this word means "power".)

Reggio Calabria (Reggio Calabria)
[3], FO down, twists at wrist. For a movie of this sign, see Reggio Calabria.

Rome (Roma)
(2h)[H] cross FTs and DH taps on NDH from above like the ASL sign NAME. For a movie of this sign, see Roma.

Salerno (Salerno)
[F with index finger crossing thumb], PO > NDS, FO up, rubs index against thumb. For a movie of this sign, see Salerno.

Sicily (Sicilia)
(1) [G], PO away from signer, FO > DS, descends while weaving from side to side + [F], PO away from signer, FO up, is planted firmly at the bottom.1 (< island at the bottom of Italy.) (2) [3], PO down, twists 2x as if removing bottle cap from DS.1

Taranto (Taranto)
(2h)[H], POs down, FOs away, twist twice so that FOs are > signer. For movie of this sign, see Taranto.

Torino (Torino)
[Y], PO away, taps thumb against temple. For a movie of this sign, see Torino.

Trieste (Trieste)
(2h)[1], hands cross at wrists and index fingers are wiggled. For a movie of this sign, see Trieste.

Turin (Turin)
[Y] touches thumb to temple and hand twists back until PO > DS while remaining in contact. For a movie of this sign, see Sematos - LSE - Turin.

Velletri (Velletri)
DH [1] circles inside the thumb and index finger of [F], PO away, FO up. For a movie of this sign, see Velletri.

Venice (Venezia)
(2h)[Y], POs down, FOs away, move in a vertical circle together, normal (perpendicular) to the chest. (< gondola.) For movie of this sign, see Venezia.

Verona (Verona)
[V], PO > signer, middle finger touches temple and twists away twice. For a movie of this sign, see Verona.

List of sources cited

1. Signs around the world: Cities [Videotape]. Burtonsville, MD: Sign Media.
