Indigenous signs for cities in Hungary (Magyaország)

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Explanation of glossing system used
(to understand how I describe the signs in this dictionary)

[A dot], PO > NDS, FO up, hand crosses from DS to NDS and back at throat level. To see a movie of this sign, go to Hallatlan - Földrajz: Balassagyarmat.

(1) [B^], touches DS of chin twice. To see a movie of this sign, go to Hallatlan - Földrajz: Balaton (A). (2) (2h)[B] point FTs over shoulders and wave twice. To see a movie of this sign, go to Hallatlan - Földrajz: Balaton (B). (< SUMMER, because it is a resort area) (3) (2h)[bC], POs away, FOs diagonally up > DS. FTs touch and separate with wg. To see a movie of this sign, go to Hallatlan - Földrajz: Balaton (C). (< the shape of the region)

Bohemia (Cseh)
[B], PO up, FO > NDS, circles vertically and brushes chin. To see a movie of this sign, go to Hallatlan - Földrajz: Cseh. (< love of soup)

Budai Vár (Castle in Budapest)
(2h)[1], DH PO > NDS, FO up, NDH PO down, FO > DS, DH swivels at elbow until the middle of the firearm strikes the NDH wrist + (2h)[5:], POs down, FOs away, ascend. To see a movie of this sign, go to Hallatlan - Földrajz: Budai Vár. (< BUDA [royal] and VÁR [castle])

[Y], PO away, FO up, hand moves from side to side. To see a movie of this sign, go to Hallatlan - Földrajz: Budapest.

Cseppkő (Area in Budapest)
[X], PO away, FO up, nods twice + (2h)[V:], NDH PO > DS, FO away, DH moves like a golf club and grazes the NDH. To see a movie of this sign, go to Hallatlan - Földrajz: Cseppkő. (< CSEPP [drop] and KŐ [stone])

Debrecen (Airport)
FT of [O] taps DS of chin. To see a movie of this sign, go to Hallatlan - Földrajz: Debrecen. (< SAVANYÚ [sour])

Danube (Duna)
[bC], PO away, descends in a wavey pattern. To see a movie of this sign, go to Hallatlan - Földrajz: Duna. (< shape of the river)

[bC], PO away, descends in a wavey pattern + [5], PO away, circles parallel to the chest. To see a movie of this sign, go to Hallatlan - Földrajz: Dunátúl. (< the region around the Danube)

Pinky of [5], PO > NDS, FO away, strikes upturned palm of NDH [5]. To see a movie of this sign, go to Hallatlan - Földrajz: Eger. (< EGÉR [mouse])

[B], Po > signer, FO up, brushes past chin as it moves from below and NDS to above and DS; it then closes to and [S] and descends. To see a movie of this sign, go to Hallatlan - Földrajz: Érd. (< A fonomimai fingerspelling of E-R-D)

[open 8], PO away, FO up, supinates [twists PO > signer]. To see a movie of this sign, go to Hallatlan - Földrajz: Győr. (< A középső ujj hajlított helyzetben van [?])

FT of [U] tap under adam's apple twice. To see a movie of this sign, go to Hallatlan - Földrajz: Gyula. (< A fonomimai fingerspelling of the dipthong GY)

[C] closes to an [S] at chin and pulls away. To see a movie of this sign, go to Hallatlan - Földrajz: Kecskemét. (< KECSK [goat])

Mátra (mountain range)
[A] pushes on DS cheek + (2h)[5], POs ><, FOs up, ascend like the sides of a mountain. To see a movie of this sign, go to Hallatlan - Földrajz: Mátra. (< The fonomimai letter M + HEGY [mountain])

[bO], PO > NDS, FO up, opens and closes twice by cheek. To see a movie of this sign, go to Hallatlan - Földrajz: Miscolc. (< CITROM [lemon])

[A] pushes on DS cheek + FT of [5] are fluttered at the DS of chin. To see a movie of this sign, go to Hallatlan - Földrajz: Monor. (< A fonomimai fingerspelling of M-R)

FT of [U] bursh at earlobe twice. To see a movie of this sign, go to Hallatlan - Földrajz: Nyíregyháza.

[H dot] touches the chin and the fingers curl. To see a movie of this sign, go to Hallatlan - Földrajz: Pécs. (< The fonomimai fingerspelling of P-CS, where the P has blended)

[open 8] circles orthogonal (perpendicular) to the chest and strikeschin twice). To see a movie of this sign, go to Hallatlan - Földrajz: Sopron. (< SVáJCI [Swiss])

Thumb of [A dot] strikes upturned palm of [B], then DH twists and strikes palm with radial (pinky) side of [A dot]. To see a movie of this sign, go to Hallatlan - Földrajz: Szeged. (< SZEGDILLA [seguidilla, Spanish dance])

(2h)[5], POs down, FOs away, descend + FT of [B^] brush down DS of chest. To see a movie of this sign, go to Hallatlan - Földrajz: Székesfehérvár. (< SZÉK [chair] + FEHÉR [white])

(2h)[O^], POs away, open and close fingers twice. To see a movie of this sign, go to Hallatlan - Földrajz: Szekszárd. (< SOK [many])

[B^], PO > NDS, holds ulnar (thumb) side against chin. To see a movie of this sign, go to Hallatlan - Földrajz: Szolnok. (< A fonomimai representation of the dipthong SZ)

[F], PO > signer, FO > NDS, moves in a vertical circle brushing the chin from beneath + [5:], PO down, FO away, descends slightly. To see a movie of this sign, go to Hallatlan - Földrajz: Szombathely. (< SZOMBAT [Sabbath] + HELY [place])

Index finger brushes down DS chin twice. To see a movie of this sign, go to Hallatlan - Földrajz: Tata. (< The fonomimai fingerspelling of T-T)

Index finger brushes down DS chin twice + (2h)[S] mime tapping at rock with a pick ax. To see a movie of this sign, go to Hallatlan - Földrajz: Tatabánya. (< The fonomimai fingerspelling of T-T + BÁNYA [mine])

Tisza (Lake)
[G], PO away, moves down in a wavey pattern. To see a movie of this sign, go to Hallatlan - Földrajz: Tisza. (< the shape of the Lake)

[G], PO away, moves down in a wavey pattern. + [5], PO down, FO away, moves in a horizontal circle. To see a movie of this sign, go to Hallatlan - Földrajz: Tiszántúl. (< the shape of Lake Tisza and the fact it is the area close by)

[Y] twists to make a "J". To see a movie of this sign, go to Hallatlan - Földrajz: Tokaj.

[V:], PO away, FO up, moves down in a wavey pattern. To see a movie of this sign, go to Hallatlan - Földrajz: Vác. (< being close to the Danube River?)

(2h)[S], POs down, FOs away, move side to side antisymmetrically. To see a movie of this sign, go to Hallatlan - Földrajz: Veszprém. (< KORMÁNY [steer])

[bC], PO away, moves from side to side + (2h)[S], POs down, FOs away, move side to side antisymmetrically. To see a movie of this sign, go to Hallatlan - Földrajz: Zalaegerszeg.
