Indigenous signs for cities in France (France)

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Explanation of glossing system used
(to understand how I describe the signs in this dictionary)

(2h)[5], POs > signer, FOs up, interlace thumbs like a butterfly. From (SourdsNet - Cam Vidéo, which is no longer extant.

[B], PO > NDS, FO away, holds heel of hand against chest and FT rise and fall, pivoting on the chest. For a video of this sign see Web LSF Lexique - INJS METZ: Bordeaux.

Bretagne (region)
(2h)[V], POs ><, FOs up, hands move simtulatenously but alt. in a horiztonal semicircle with POs always ><. For a video of this sign, see Vidéo - LSF : "Dictionnaire et +: Bretagne.

[1^] is drawn across the lips once and then swing finger out so that PO is still down, but FO is away. From (SourdsNet - Cam Vidéo, which is no longer extant.

La Rouchelle
(2h)[bO], POs ><, FOs up, circle in a horizontal plane symmetrically, like the ASL sign CELEBRATE. For a video of this sign, see Interpreting Tidbits - Signs From France at time 3:38.

Le Havre
[G], PO > NDS, FO up, touches chin and then chest. For a video of this sign, see Interpreting Tidbits - Signs From France at time 3:19.

(1) [ILY], PO away, FO up, wave wiggle index finger to and fro. For a video of this sign, go to LSF : Dictionnaire et + - Dictionnaire and click on "Lille (1)". (2) Shake [ILY], PO away, FO up, from side to side. For a video of this sign, go to LSF : Dictionnaire et + - Dictionnaire and click on "Lille (2)".

[L], PO down, FO away, brushes thumb down DS of face once. For a video of this sign see Web LSF Lexique - INJS METZ: Lyon.

(2h)[B], NDH PO up, FO away, DH strokes FT against the palm of the NDH while the rest of the hand does not move. For a video of this sign see Web LSF Lexique - INJS METZ: Marseille.

DH [1], PO > NDS, FO up, taps on the palmar side of [V], PO > signer, FO > DS. For a video of this sign, see >> Blog Archive >> Metz

[Bb] is held limply while the elbow is raised to the side and the FT are swung in a horizontal plane. For a video of this sign, see >> Blog Archive >> Montpellier. For an explanation of the origin of the sign (in LSF), see >> Blog Archive >> Montpellier (Exp).

(2h)[H], POs down, FOs away, DHFT taps on NDHFT from above 3 x. From (SourdsNet - Cam Vidéo, which is no longer extant.

(1) [H dot], PO > NDS is held against DS of nose and closes fingers. For a video of this sign, see SourdsNet - Cam Vidéo - Nantes. (2) [H dot], PO > NDS is held under chin and closes fingers. For a video of this sign, see Interpreting Tidbits - Signs From France at time 4:47.

[N^], PO > NDS, FO up, presses palm of [B], PO > DS, FO up. To see a video of this sign, go to LSF : Dictionnaire et + - Dictionnaire and click on "Nice".

[1], PO > NDS, FO up, moves away from chin, twists and touches chest. To see a video of this sign, go to LSF : Dictionnaire et + - Dictionnaire and click on "Normandie".

[4], PO > NDS, FO up, taps at chin 3x. From (SourdsNet - Cam Vidéo, which is no longer extant.

(1) The middle finger of [P] taps on the upturned palm of [B]. For a video of this sign see Web LSF Lexique - INJS METZ: Paris. (2) [P] is held above head and nods. To see a video of this sign, go to LSF : Dictionnaire et + - Dictionnaire and click on "Paris (1)". (3) [5:] taps FT againts pate [top of head] like a crown. To see a video of this sign, go to LSF : Dictionnaire et + - Dictionnaire and click on "Paris (2)". (4) (2h)[V] move up and touch FTs like an outline of the Eiffel Tower. To see a video of this sign, go to LSF : Dictionnaire et + - Dictionnaire and click on "Paris (3)".

(2H)[P], POs down, tap against chest with DH higher than NDH.For a video of this sign see Web LSF Lexique - INJS METZ: Perpignan.

(2h)[B], POs down, FOs ><, DH moves > NDS, twists and closes to an [S], PO > signer as it brushes down the dorsal side of the NDH. From (SourdsNet - Cam Vidéo, which is no longer extant.

Saint Étienne
(2h)[Y], POs down, FOs >< circle down, away, up and towards several times. From (SourdsNet - Cam Vidéo, which is no longer extant.

Saint Nazaire
(2h)[H dot], POs down, FTs touch, and wg as they separate. From (SourdsNet - Cam Vidéo, which is no longer extant.

[O], PO > NDS, FO up, is held next to the DS cheek and opens twice to [5]. From (SourdsNet - Cam Vidéo, which is no longer extant.

(1) [4], PO down, FO away, has thumb held under fingers and touching backhand of [B], PO down, FO > DS, both hands move forward slightly twice. For a video of this sign, see Interpreting Tidbits - Signs From France at time 5:16. (2) [S], PO down, FO > NDS, moves forward slightly 2x. For a video of this sign, see Interpreting Tidbits - Signs From France at time 5:26.

[O^] runs FT 3x against palm of [B], PO > DS< FO away, and each time the DH moves down a little bit. To see a video of this sign, go to LSF : Dictionnaire et + - Dictionnaire and click on "Toulouse".

[B], PO away, FO up, moves backwards in a downward arc and closes to an [A]. For a video of this sign, see Monde des sourds - Dictionnaire en langue des signes française (LSF) - V and click on "Valais".

(2h)[V], POs ><, FOs up, hold FTs against one another, and DH moves away in a wavey pattern. For a video of this sign, see >> Blog Archive >> Vannes.

[Y], PO away, FO up, moves CCW. For a video of this sign, see Monde des sourds - Dictionnaire en langue des signes française (LSF) and click on "Vaud".

[V], touches palm of [5], PO > DS, FO up, and curls fingers repeatedly while scratching the palm. From ( >> Blog Archive >> Versailles), which is no longer extant.

[V], PO away, FO up, is shaken from side to side. For a video of this sign, see >> Blog Archive >> Villeurbanne.
