Indigenous signs for cities and provinces in China (中国)

Chinese flag David Bar-TzurChinese flag

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Explanation of glossing system used
(to understand how I describe the signs in this dictionary)

Beijing (北京)
(1) [H], PO > signer, draws a diagonal line across the chest from opposite shoulder to the waist. (< the sash worn by state officials at the beginning of the century soon after the fall of the Ching dynasty.)2 (2) [Bb], PO away, FO up, then [X], PO > NDS, FO up (< the abbreviation B-J in the Chinese manual alphabet).2

Gansu, province of (甘肃)
[1], PO > signer, FO > NDS, then [loose A, that is fingers are only loosely curled], PO away, FO up [< the abbreviation G-S in the Chinese manual alphabet].2

Guangdong, province of (广东)
[1], PO > signer, FO > NDS, then [S], PO > NDS, FO up (< the abbreviation G-D in the Chinese manual alphabet).2

Guangxi, province of (广西)
[1], PO > signer, FO > NDS, then [R], PO away, FO up (< the abbreviation G-X in the Chinese manual alphabet).2

Guizhou, province of (贵州)
[1], PO > signer, FO > NDS, then [horns with middle finger also extended], PO > singer, FO > NDS (< the abbreviation G-ZH in the Chinese manual alphabet).2

Heilongjiang, province of (黑龙江)
[U], PO away, FO up, then [X], PO > NDS, FO up (< the abbreviation H-J in the Chinese manual alphabet).2

Hong Kong (香港)
[E], PO > signer, FO up, is held below face and opens 2x to [5].2 (< the bright lights of the city.)

Hunan, province of (湖南)
[U], PO away, FO up, then [N], PO > NDS, FO up (< the abbreviation H-N in the Chinese manual alphabet).2

Inner Mongolia (内蒙古)
[N], PO > NDS, FO up, then [M], PO > NDS, FO up (< the abbreviation N-M in the Chinese manual alphabet).2

Jiangsu, province of (江苏)
[X], PO > NDS, FO up, then [loose A, that is fingers are only loosely curled], PO away, FO up (< the abbreviation J-S in the Chinese manual alphabet).2

Jiangxi, province of (江西)
[X], PO > NDS, FO up, then [R], PO away, FO up (< the abbreviation J-X in the Chinese manual alphabet).2

Jilin, province of (吉林)
[X], PO > NDS, FO up, then [L], PO away, FO up (< the abbreviation J-L in the Chinese manual alphabet).2

Liaoning, province of (辽宁)
[L], PO away, FO up, then [N], PO > NDS, FO up (< the abbreviation L-N in the Chinese manual alphabet).2

Ningxia, province of (宁夏)
[N], PO > NDS, FO up, then [R], PO away, FO up (< the abbreviation N-X in the Chinese manual alphabet).2

See "Beijing".

Shandong, province of (山东)
[like N, except thumb is extended], PO away, FO up, then [S], PO > NDS, FO up (< the abbreviation SH-D in the Chinese manual alphabet).2

Shanghai (上海)
(1) (2h)[I:] link pinkies with DH above NDH.2 (from the British manual letter for "S"?) (2) [like N, except thumb is extended], PO away, FO up, then [U], PO away, FO up (< the abbreviation SH-H in the Chinese manual alphabet).2

Shanxi (province of Shansi) [山西]
[like N, except thumb is extended], PO away, FO up, then [R], PO away, FO up (< the abbreviation SH-X in the Chinese manual alphabet).2

Shanxi (province of Shensi) [indigenous name for Shanxi in Shensi]
[like N, except thumb is extended], PO away, FO up, then [R], PO away, FO up [< the abbreviation SH-N in the Chinese manual alphabet (final instead of another initial X, so as to differentiate from the other province, see previous Shanxi)].2

Sichuan, province of (四川)
[loose A, that is fingers are only loosely curled], PO away, FO up, then [B^], PO down, FO away (< the abbreviation S-CH in the Chinese manual alphabet).2

Taiwan, province of (台湾)
[horns with fingers loose], PO away, FO up, then [W], PO away, FO up (< the abbreviation T-W in the Chinese manual alphabet).2

Tibet, province of (西藏)
[R], PO away, FO up, then [horns with fingers tight], PO > signer, FO > NDS (< the abbreviation X-Z in the Chinese manual alphabet).2

Yunnan, province of (云南)
[Y], PO away, FO up, then [N], PO > NDS, FO up (< the abbreviation Y-N in the Chinese manual alphabet).2

Zhejiang, province of (浙江)
[horns with middle finger also extended], PO > singer, FO > NDS, then [X], PO > NDS, FO > NDS (< the abbreviation ZH-J in the Chinese manual alphabet).2

List of sources cited

1. Signs around the world: Cities [Videotape]. Burtonsville, MD: Sign Media.
2. Yau, S. C. (1977). The Chinese signs: lexicon of the standard sign language for the deaf in China. Hongkong: Chiu Ming Publ Co.
