Indigenous signs for countries in the Arab World (الدول العربية)

national flagsnational flagsnational flagsDavid Bar-Tzurnational flagsnational flagsnational flags

map of the Middle East

Flags: World flag database.
Map: - "search" for country, then "Digital Map Graphics").

For a quick, interesting resource for facts about this and other countries,
try Mystic Planet - The New Age directory of Planet Earth.

Explanation of glossing system used
(to understand how I describe the signs in this dictionary)

Algeria (الجزائر)
(2h)[Y], POs > signer, FOs ><, hands twist slightly, like the ASL sign PLAY. For a video of this sign, go to

Bahrain (مملكة البحرين)
[As], taps ulnar [pinky] side of hand against the DS hip. For a film of this sign, click on

Cyprus (Κύπρος)
(2h)[L], POs away, FOs up, DH aligns thumb and index finger with bottom and top of NDH index finger. DH > DS while closing to [bO]. To see a video of this sign, go to EUD: Cyprus. Watch the upper right-hand corner video. After the President introduces himself in IG with English mouth movement, he uses this sign twice to talk about Cyprus.

Djibouti (جيبوتي)
[Y], PO > signer, FO > NDS, strokes up side of chest with pinky. From (Djibouti - جيبوتي), which is no longer extant.

Egypt (مصر)
(2h)[B] touch FT at an angle like the peak of a pyramid. For a video of this sign, click on

Iran (إيران)
[A dot] taps thumb 2x against palm of [B].1 (< indigenous sign for "gasoline.") For a QuickTime movie of this sign, see ASL browser - Iran.

Iraq (العراق)
[Bb] is held with thumbside against the forehead. From (Iraq - العراق), which is no longer extant.

Israel (ישראל)
(1) [H] touches chin, then moves down and arcs away until it is PO down and FO away from signer.1 (2) [5^] strokes chin just like ASL sign for "Jewish".2 (< from Jewish custom of not shaving the beard.)

Jordan (المملكة الأردنية الهاشمية)
[L], FO up, touches thumb to forehead. For a film of this sign, click on

Kuwait (الكويت)
(2h)[H], POs ><, FOs away, DH slices back across NDH FT. For a video of this sign, click on

Lebanon (لبنان)
(2h)[H dot], PO away, FO up, start high and next to one anothe, then repeatedly close FTs while descending and separating, looking like the ASL sign NO. For an illustration of this sign, go to (< outlining the cedar tree on flag.)

Libya (ليبيا)
Palmar side of [B] strokes cheek without bending. For a video of this sign, click on

Morocco (المغرب)
(2h)[B], POs > signer, FOs ><, hands are held with DH just above eyes and NDH just below. Hands make tiny symmetric circles in place For a video of this sign, click on

Oman (سلطنة عمان)
[5], PO > signer, FO > NDS, puts thumb under chin. For a video of this sign, click on

Palestine (فلسطين)
[5], PO > NDS, touches shoulder with thumb and closes to [O^] by resting each finger against the thumb, starting with the pinky. For a video of this sign, click on

Qatar (قطر)
[X], PO > NDS, FO up, is held at mouth and descends slightly while opening to a [1]. For a video of this sign, click on

Saudi Arabia (المملكة العربية السعودية)
[H], PO > signer, FO > NDS, touches DS of forehead. For a video of this sign, click on

Somalia (Somaliya)
[L] points thumb at chin and index at temple and moves away while closing to a [bO] twice. For a video of this sign, click on

Sudan (السودان)
[A dot], PO > signer, FO > NDS, strokes at the corner of the mouth. From (Sudan - السودان), which is no longer extant. There is a new web page from the same group at , but the image is missing.

Syria (سوريا)
[straight M], PO > signer, touches FTs to palm of [B], PO > DS, FO away from signer. For a video of this sign, click on (< "straight M" is actually the Arabic letter "sin", the first letter in "Syria".)

Tunisia (تونس)
Thumb of [bC], PO > NDS, FO away, touches forehead. For a video of this sign, click on

Turkey (Türkiye)
[bC], PO > NDS< FO up, touches forehead with index finger and then sweeps from NDS to DS. (< crescent moon on flag.) To see a video of this sign, go to Turkish Sign Language Word List: Turkey - Türkiye.

United Arab Emirates (دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة)
[bC] brushes FT against cheek from ear to chin and descends. For a video of this sign, click on

Yemen (اليمن)
[Y], FO > NDS, rubs palm against belly while moving up and down. For a video of this sign, click on

List of sources cited

1. Signs around the world: Countries [Videotape]. Burtonsville, MD: Sign Media.
2. Savir, C. (ed.) (1992). Gateway to Israeli Sign Language. Tel Aviv: The Association of the Deaf in Israel.
3. Martin Hiraga, CI/CT, personal communication to Bryan Rowe, reported February 25, 2002.
4. From a handout I was given that included indigenous signs I have seen in other reference works, so it seems properly researched.
